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The Awakening and Selected Short Stories

Page 130

When she had made her way through the brush and scrub cottonwood-trees

that lined the opposite bank, she found herself upon the border of a

field where the white, bursting cotton, with the dew upon it, gleamed

for acres and acres like frosted silver in the early dawn.

La Folle drew a long, deep breath as she gazed across the country. She

walked slowly and uncertainly, like one who hardly knows how, looking

about her as she went.

The cabins, that yesterday had sent a clamor of voices to pursue her,

were quiet now. No one was yet astir at Bellissime. Only the birds that

darted here and there from hedges were awake, and singing their matins.

When La Folle came to the broad stretch of velvety lawn that surrounded

the house, she moved slowly and with delight over the springy turf, that

was delicious beneath her tread.

She stopped to find whence came those perfumes that were assailing her

senses with memories from a time far gone.

There they were, stealing up to her from the thousand blue violets that

peeped out from green, luxuriant beds. There they were, showering down

from the big waxen bells of the magnolias far above her head, and from

the jessamine clumps around her.

There were roses, too, without number. To right and left palms spread

in broad and graceful curves. It all looked like enchantment beneath the

sparkling sheen of dew.

When La Folle had slowly and cautiously mounted the many steps that led

up to the veranda, she turned to look back at the perilous ascent she

had made. Then she caught sight of the river, bending like a silver bow

at the foot of Bellissime. Exultation possessed her soul.

La Folle rapped softly upon a door near at hand. Cheri's mother

soon cautiously opened it. Quickly and cleverly she dissembled the

astonishment she felt at seeing La Folle.

"Ah, La Folle! Is it you, so early?"

"Oui, madame. I come ax how my po' li'le Cheri do, 's mo'nin'."

"He is feeling easier, thank you, La Folle. Dr. Bonfils says it will be

nothing serious. He's sleeping now. Will you come back when he awakes?"

"Non, madame. I'm goin' wait yair tell Cheri wake up." La Folle seated

herself upon the topmost step of the veranda.

A look of wonder and deep content crept into her face as she watched for

the first time the sun rise upon the new, the beautiful world beyond the


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