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The Awakening and Selected Short Stories

Page 100

"No, no, I won't, Mrs. Pontellier. I didn't know you meant it," looking

up at her with caressing eyes. The touch of his lips was like a pleasing

sting to her hand. She lifted the garland of roses from his head and

flung it across the room.

"Come, Victor; you've posed long enough. Give Mrs. Highcamp her scarf."

Mrs. Highcamp undraped the scarf from about him with her own hands. Miss

Mayblunt and Mr. Gouvernail suddenly conceived the notion that it was

time to say good night. And Mr. and Mrs. Merriman wondered how it could

be so late.

Before parting from Victor, Mrs. Highcamp invited him to call upon her

daughter, who she knew would be charmed to meet him and talk French and

sing French songs with him. Victor expressed his desire and intention to

call upon Miss Highcamp at the first opportunity which presented itself.

He asked if Arobin were going his way. Arobin was not.

The mandolin players had long since stolen away. A profound stillness

had fallen upon the broad, beautiful street. The voices of Edna's

disbanding guests jarred like a discordant note upon the quiet harmony

of the night.

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