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The Aftermath

Page 53

“I don’t like the look of this,” Liam said, looking up at the sky. He pulled into a space in the long-term parking lot and switched off the engine. When Liam had a bad feeling about something, he was usually right.

As soon as he said it, I felt it too. We waited for six hours in the airport for conditions to improve before finally finding out that our flight had been canceled. Weather permitting, the airline had rescheduled us on another flight tomorrow. Even with all that sorted, and the joy of knowing I’d have one more night with Em, something was still wrong. It was like the weather was a bad omen, and I could see by the look on everyone’s faces that they felt it too.

We drove slowly down the motorway on the way back into city. Cars backed up as the snow worsened, and the weight on my chest grew heavier and heavier. We were fifteen minutes from Nikki’s flat when something just felt wrong.

“Kier, can you call Nikki? Make sure Em’s okay?” I asked him.

“You don’t want to wait and surprise her?” he asked me.

“No. I just want to know she’s okay,” I told him. Nodding, Kieran dialed the number, and it rang and rang.

“Don’t worry. They’ll be expecting us to be on a plane right now so they’ve probably gone for food or something,” he reassured me. It didn’t work. Despite what he said, I knew something was wrong. Liam drove faster as soon as the traffic started thinning out. We skidded to a stop outside Nikki’s place, and I jumped out, slammed the door, and raced upstairs. I can’t describe how I felt seeing the flat door slightly ajar. Fuck! I was a fucking idiot to think Em would be safe as long as she wasn’t alone. Looking at Nikki’s prostrate form lying on the carpet unconscious, I knew Frank had Em. If he’d hurt her again after I had the opportunity to kill him and I let him go, I was gonna drive a motherfucking knife straight through his heart.

Tommy and Liam were hot on my heels. Kier checked on Nikki while Tom and I searched the flat unsuccessfully. Em wasn’t there.

“I’ve called the police and an ambulance. I think she’ll be fine but he must have given her a fair smack to the head,” Kier said.

“Shit, Kier. I’m too late again” I said, pacing as I ran my hands through my hair.

“Hey, ain’t that them down there?” Tommy said, looking out of the window into the flat’s parking lot at the back of the building. Sure enough, Frank had an arm around Em’s neck, a knife in his hand, and he was dragging her toward the cars. My girl wasn’t going down without a fight though. She was biting, kicking, scratching, anything she could do to get away. If I wasn’t careful, he’d knife her before I got there out of sheer desperation.

Kieran stayed with Nikki while Tommy and I raced down to the parking lot. By the time we burst through the door, the sound of sirens was wailing in the distance. As soon as Frank caught sight of us, the knife went up under Em’s chin, and she froze. We all did.

“The police are nearly here, Frank. Run while you still have the chance,” I said. I didn’t give a shit about him. I just wanted my wife back alive. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life. She looked like an angel, with the snow settling on her beautiful blond hair, but one quick jerk of the knife and she’d be gone forever. If anything happened to her, he might as well stick a knife in my motherfucking black heart. I was done.

“Fuck you, O’Connell,” Frank spat at me. “You’re supposed to be on a plane right now. Everything is fucked! But I’m not going without Emily. I’ve had enough of waiting. This ends tonight.”

This wasn’t the calm, slick arsehole we’d seen in court. It was like he was losing his grip. Something had pushed him over edge, maybe even me.

“You can’t take her,” I told him calmly. “It’s too late now, the police are nearly here. Let her go before it’s too late.”

“Why couldn’t you just let her go? Why the fuck did you have to come back?” he screamed.

“Because she’s mine. She’s always been mine, and I will love her till the day I die. There is no one else for me, and there never will be.” I wasn’t telling that to Frank; I was telling it to Em. I was so proud of my girl. She was absolutely petrified, anyone could see that, but the fear was secondary to her hatred for the animal at her throat. I didn’t want to anger Frank any more, but there was no way I was letting him leave with Em.

“She was never fucking yours!” he screamed. “We were meant to be together, and if it wasn’t for the rest of you, she’d have been with me this whole time.”

I heard a slight shuffling noise and the obvious click of a loaded gun. Looking around, I could see the police surround us, even looking down from the window I’d been standing in a few minutes ago.

“Armed police!” They called out. “Stay where you are and slowly raise your hands.” This was not fucking good. Finally there were police witnesses to Frank’s psycho behavior but, by the way his eyes panned across the parking lot, I could practically see his mind working. He wasn’t getting away with it this time. When it was just me, I might have let him go to keep Em alive, but he knew the police wouldn’t do that. They wouldn’t shoot Frank unless he went through with it and killed Em. But there was no way they’d let him walk away either.

“If I’m going down, she’s coming with me. None of you will ever know how much I love her. She doesn’t even know because you all keep getting in the way. You won’t let me show her—”

He never got to finish his sentence before he screamed out and his face contorted with pain. He let go of the knife, and Em dropped to her knees coughing. She scrambled through the shallow snow to get as far away from him as possible, and I raced toward her the minute she hit the ground. Lifting her up as soon as I reached her, I carried her to safety. There was a very thin red line around her neck where Frank had nicked her slightly, but other than that, she was safe in my arms.

“What the fuck did you do?” Frank screamed out. I turned to see him with his hands raised. Em’s mum stood behind with a bloody knife in her hand.

“It was all lies, wasn’t it? You told me you loved me. Time and time again you said it was all for me. For us,” Sylvia said, in a tone that was eerily calm.

“What are you talking about, you stupid delusional bitch?” Frank said. He held his hands in the air, as Em’s mum walked around to stand in front of him.

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