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The Accidental Assassin

Page 88

Disgust twisted my face and Mavis frowned at me. I tried to school my features into something happier, but it was like trying to rearrange a mountain. Some of the people were friendly, witty even. I would have enjoyed talking to a few if I had been anywhere else. Instead, I just felt nauseous.

“Well, how do I cash in?” Owen rubbed his hands together, spinning in a small circle.

“Let me introduce you to a friend first.” Patrick smiled and wrapped his hand around my upper arm to guide me in a different direction.

“You’re holding me a little too tight, Patrick.” I pulled at my arm, but he didn’t let me go.

“I’d hate to lose you, dear.” When he leaned closer to me his hand dipped down to my ass. “I’d hoped to get between your legs before we came here tonight, but you ignored all of my attempts to get you away from your bodyguards. If you get out of this alive I’m going to take what you’ve been teasing me with.”

“What?” My eyes widened and I pulled a little harder on my arm.

“Don’t make a scene. You won’t get away from this alive if you don’t do what I say.” Yanking at my side he pressed me to him and looked over my head. “Don’t do it, asshole. They’re all watching you.”

From the corner of my eye I saw Owen’s blank face. His eyes darted from side to side and I realized that the guards around the room were all turned in our direction.

“Hello, Ava.” A cultured voice caught my attention.

I spun around to see that I was face to face with a tall brunette woman. I knew immediately that this was Maria. Not her assistant, but the woman herself, and she was just as cool as she had seemed on the videos. There was another woman standing behind her, but she didn’t have quite the same frosty veneer.

“Maria.” I swallowed, trying to wet my throat. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“Manners. I’m surprised.” She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you might curse at me.”

“I don’t think that would get us anywhere.” I relaxed and stood up straight.

Maria held her wine glass out and her assistant stepped forward to take it from her. “What do you think of the casino?”

“Honestly? I’m not much of a gambler.” I looked around, not wanting to look scared. “I guess it’s nice if you’re into illegal gambling. I expected something danker.”

“Danker?” She laughed, drawing the attention of a few people nearby. “No, I cater to a different clientele.”

“The kind you can blackmail.” I narrowed my eyes.

“Yes. I’m a firm believer of being prepared.” She looked at Owen and Mavis. “I’ve found that if you can control people without violence, it makes life much easier.”

“Or you could try not bullying people and being honest.” If we weren’t standing in the middle of an underground casino with millionaires floating about and armed guards staring us down, you’d think we were having a discussion in an office break room.

“I’m always honest, Ava. That’s how I got to where I am.” She lifted her chin a little. “The truth is the sharpest weapon.”

“Then why are you trying to kill me?” I yanked hard on my arm and Patrick let go.

“I wasn’t trying to kill you.” Her calm voice was starting to grate on my nerves.

“Let me rephrase this. Why did you send people after me? Why did those people shoot at me?” I leaned forward, the words falling out of my mouth in a rush. “What brilliant reason do you have for that?”

“That was simply a mistake.” She turned and started walking through the room. “It had nothing to do with you.”

I looked at Mavis and Owen, but they were both wearing the same expression, which was more like no expression.

A guard fell in behind us and Patrick and I had no option but to follow the two tall women in front of me.

“Is that an apology?” I ignored Patrick as he stepped closer to me.

“I don’t apologize. It’s not my fault that you were targeted. It was an unfortunate twist of events.” She patted one of the gamblers on the shoulder as she walked by, leaning down to whisper in something in the old man’s ear that made him chuckle.

“If you weren’t trying to hurt me, what’s going on? And why all the guards?”

“You came to my casino with two heavily armed assassins. Of course I’m going to have guards.” She turned and smiled at me. “As for what’s going on, I believe I owe you a check.”

“Check what?” I stopped walking and Patrick bumped into my back. He slid his hands around my waist. I shoved him with all my strength. “Get off me, jackass.”

“Watch it.” He grabbed my arm and squeezed.

“Patrick, let our guest go. We don’t want a show.” Maria kept walking.

Captain Horny pushed my shoulder to get me moving again. If I could have hurt him I would have done it. My disgust for him had reached new levels and had quickly turned into loathing.

“Keep your hands to yourself.” Owen’s voice was a deep guttural growl that made Patrick stand up a little straighter.

As if nothing had happened, Maria continued walking and I had to speed up to hear her.

“You completed an assignment for me. Granted, it wasn’t accomplished in a manner quite as extraordinary as I had hoped, but the end result was the same and I always pay for services rendered.” She glanced back at me. “Though if you prefer, I have cash.”

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