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The Accidental Assassin

Page 82

“I’m sure they’ll put in whatever you want.” She smiled up at the pilot and I had to busy myself with the contents of my bag to keep from decking him while he stared down her cleavage.

“I’ll have to give that some careful thought.”

“Which arrondissement is your flat in?” Mavis crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat.

“Oberkampf,” he said.

“Oh, that’s a great area.” Mavis smiled. “I keep a place in Avenue Montaigne.”

“Rubbing elbows with the stars, eh?” He looked from Mavis to Ava. “If you want to see the real Paris, I could show you two around. It would be my pleasure.”

“You could really show us around?” Ava sat forward, a slight blush to her cheeks. She was a horrible flirt, which made her even more adorable. Bloody hell. “I’m so excited. I’ve always wanted to travel and Paris is at the top of my list, but I don’t want the tourist version. I want the nitty-gritty version of Paris. The real Paris. Exciting and edgy. Not just museums or tombs, you know?”

“Is that why you decided to work with Miss Thomasino?” The prick sat down on the arm of her chair like they were long lost friends. “She offered to show you the world?”

“I basically dangled it in front of her like a carrot,” Mavis laughed. “I couldn’t let someone like Ava slip through my fingers. She’s so efficient. Isn’t she, dear?” She looked over at me with a gentle smile and I tried not to sigh.

Looked like I’d landed the role of arm candy for this trip.

“Mmhmm.” I leaned the chair back and closed my eyes. “She’s got an eye for numbers.”

“How did you two meet?” I heard him shift but I didn’t dare open my eyes. Pretending indifference was the best I could offer at this point. It was that or the blade strapped to my left leg.

“I’m friends with the owners of Heartland Entertainment. I went with Penelope to see her plane and Ava assisted us with a few things.” I could hear the smile in Mavis’s voice. “I snapped her up. You can only be as profitable as your employees are diligent.”

“Well I’d be happy to show you both and your friend around. Not sure the boy is old enough to go everywhere and get the full experience, though.”

“That’s fine. Kenneth is my newest investment. Brilliant with numbers, horrible with people. He’ll be much happier staying in.”

I assumed the pilot had turned to look at Kenny. I could hear the boy’s fingers dancing across the keys of one of his newest toys.

“Right then, it’s settled.”

“Thank you, Patrick. I’m so excited. I used to dream about visiting Paris. Even took French classes in high school.” The wistfulness in her voice made me grimace. I could just imagine her big eyes shimmering like something out of an anime film.

I needed a stiff drink.

“What drew you to Paris? Why not Italy or Greece?” Mavis asked.

I cracked open an eye and watched as Ava shook her head and sighed.

“It just seems so romantic. I watched Les Misérables and became obsessed.”

“Well, it’s my pleasure to show you around.” Captain Dick-Head stood up. “And if you need a refresher on your French, let me know.”

I snapped my eye shut and imagined strangling him. Slowly.

Was I being reasonable? Hell no.

“Would you care for anything to drink, sir?” The flight attendant leaned down to ask in a quiet voice.

“Scotch.” I opened my eyes. “Thank you.”

Silence rang through the cabin by the time the plane had leveled out. Ava had taken a book out of her bag and was thoroughly engrossed in the contents. I bit my cheek to keep from laughing at the kilt-wearing hero on the cover. As if she could sense my amusement she looked up at me and wiggled her eyebrows before diving back into the story.

I flipped through the New York Times, The Telegraph, and a few Parisian papers. Eventually I pulled out an old deck of cards to busy my hands.

I let my mind wander as I shuffled and flipped cards. While it was important to stay loose and roll with whatever happened, it never hurt to have back up plans and open options. I’d make contact with some of the people I could trust. And by trust, I meant ‘not need to kill on sight.’

The door to the cockpit opened and Captain Dick-Head strolled out. He stopped at the coffee pot and refilled his mug. Leaning against the bulkhead he took a sip from his cup and watched us with a smug smile.

Ava looked over her shoulder, her eyes going round. “Shouldn’t you be flying the plane?”

“Auto-pilot. I’m mainly here for take-offs, landings, and emergencies.” He lifted his mug in salute. “Need to be able to use the bathroom from time to time.”

“And refill your caffeine tank.” She smiled at his cup.

“Would you like some?” He pulled another cup from the cabinet.

“That would be great.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned forward.

“So, you’re a card man.” He looked at me over the rim of his cup.

“I’ve been known to play a hand or two.” I looked over at him and forced a smile. “You want like cards?”

“Indeed. It’s a hobby of mine.” He took another sip.

“Care to play?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t steal the poor pilot’s money.” Mavis looked over at me with a sly smile. “I’m sure you can find someone to challenge in Paris.”

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