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The Accidental Assassin

Page 65

Owen sat down in the chair next to the couch and propped his elbows on his knees. “Okay. Van Horne is our gatekeeper. What else do we know about him?”

His voice was calm, even, and completely fake. I cringed. This wasn’t exactly how I thought this kind of thing would go.

“He dates a lot of models,” Kenny offered. He turned his laptop around to show a picture of Patrick standing in front of the Victoria’s Secret Plane, his arms around several of their popular models. “Maybe I should rethink the computers thing and become a pilot.”

“Not happening.” Mavis responded.

“Any idea where he’s based?”

“Edinburgh.” Kenny and I answered at the same time.

Owen’s eyes locked on mine for a moment before looking over at Kenny. “Can you get us more information?”

“That’s what I do.” Kenny’s fingers danced across the keyboard.

“I have a place in Edinburgh. Will that work for you?” Mavis looked over at Owen.

I zoned out as they discussed locations and logistics. I had no idea where the streets were or the buildings they were discussing.

“Yo, incoming.” Kenny sat up a little straighter as he looked at his computer.

“What’s wrong?” My muscles tensed and I looked over my shoulder thinking someone was about to burst through the back door.

“Three of the planes have chartered trips to Paris three days from now.” Kenny licked his lips and leaned forward.

“Captain Horny?” Mavis looked around her computer.

“Not yet.” Kenny looked over at his aunt.

“Get me the number. Now.”

Kenny called out the number and I watched as Mavis deftly dialed and waited for someone to answer.

I would have sounded like I had a stutter or would have accidently pressed a button while trying to answer a simple question. Mavis did none of those things. As soon as someone picked up, her mouth curled into a small, calm smile.

She booked a trip for her imaginary boss and assistant to Paris. When offered flights she asked the right questions to narrow down the possibility that we would get a pilot other than Patrick. By the time she hung up, I was in awe.

“And that is how a professional does it.” She tossed Owen the phone and wiggled her hips.

“Pack up.” Owen stood up and looked around the room. “We need to go.”

I looked around the little old living room and felt a bit of sadness. I’d started to feel comfortable in the place.

Okay, maybe not exactly comfortable. I wasn’t wearing any panties and jeans without panties wasn’t exactly as sexy as it sounded. Denim just wasn’t meant to rub against certain points on the body for prolonged periods of time.

And it smelled of mothballs.

But so far, no one had shot at me here. Which was a definite improvement compared to some of the last places I had been staying.

“You and Kenny go together. I’ll take Ava on a separate train with me,” Mavis announced.

“Ava stays with me.” Owen crossed his arms, his chin tilting upward as if preparing for a fight.

“Hello. I’m right here.” I waved my hands in the air.

“People are looking for you to be traveling with an American woman. It makes more sense for her to go with me.” Mavis stood very still, obviously aware that she was walking a tight rope. “Besides, I need to get some things together, and Ava needs to go shopping.”

“It’s like I’m invisible.” I looked over at Kenny who just shrugged.

“You get used to it,” he said.

“I don’t think I will.” I frowned at Owen.

“I’m trusting you with my family, Owen.” Mavis let her hands hang by her sides. “He’s all I’ve got left and I wouldn’t let him out of my sight if I thought there was a better way to do this.”

Owen was quiet, his jaw tight as he looked from me to Kenny to Mavis. Even without Mavis explaining it, I understood that she was offering Owen her trust, which wasn’t something to be taken lightly.

“I won’t let anything happen to her.” Mavis voice was so quiet I barely heard it.

“I’m not a child, guys.” Slapping my hands on the chair arms I stood up. “I’m going with Mavis. It makes the most sense. Your brother is probably still looking for us and it will be easier for Mavis and I to arrive in Scotland together in case anyone from the charter service is watching for her. It’ll look like we work together. I’ll be her assistant and carry her bags so her gun hands are free.”

Owen looked at me, his calm expression in place. I waited for him to ask me if I was sure, to ask me if I really trusted Mavis, but he didn’t. Instead he nodded his head.

I sighed in relief. He trusted my judgment and that meant more to me than a suitcase full of money. This was important. All of our lives were at stake. Including Kenny, Mavis, her friend, and Tessa.

“Have you heard from my friend?” I knew he would have told me had he heard from her, but I still needed to ask.

“No.” He watched me carefully.

“Do you think they have her?” I took a breath and held it.

“I don’t know. She hasn’t responded which could mean she hasn’t checked her obscure email, or she knew better than to respond. It’s impossible to say at this point.”

“What’s her name?” Kenny asked from where he was bundling up computer pieces to put in a box.

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