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The Accidental Assassin

Page 45

“How many people did you have me kill for a slave trader?” Something hard glinted under Owen’s tone.

“See, there it is. Your annoying conscience. Do you know how much money we’ve lost over the years because you would only take certain cases?” Marcus set the knife down. “The bad guys pay much better, Owen.” He shook his head and took a step toward me. “And she’s not a slave trader. She has more than enough women working for her willingly. It’s much easier to control someone when they want to make money and you’re the one that signs their check.”

“Why me?” I said the words quietly. We were here for information and I needed it. I needed to understand why people were after me.

“Why would I care?” Marcus twirled a lock of hair from my pony tail around his finger.

“Maria…this Maria you were talking about. Does she normally tell you to get specific women?” Every muscle in my body tensed. I felt like I was being sniffed by a rabid dog and at any minute he might bite.

“Usually I clean up her messes.” He leaned close to my ear. “Though I have helped her fill a few specific orders for clients.”

“How long?” Owen’s voice cut through the room. “How many did you lie about?”

“I didn’t.” Marcus looked away from me. “I kept you as far away from my profitable business as I could. In fact, I didn’t want you to have the Song case, but Maria insisted.” He sighed. “But I knew this would happen. You’d stick your nose into something that wasn’t your business and ruin what we had going.”

“I made you rich, Marcus. How much money do you need?” Owen’s lip twitched in disgust.

“We started out with so little, but there is much, much more out there for the taking.” Marcus shrugged. “You know I never was one to settle.”

“You knew I would come to you.” Owen narrowed his eyes.

“Of course.” Marcus turned away from him and looked back at me. “I knew those men wouldn’t be enough to take you out, but I knew it would make you bring me the girl.” His eyes watched my face carefully. “I had my doubts of course. She’s rather pretty. Then again, here you are.”

“Are we even, then?” Owen asked. “You call off the hunt for me. I walk away now. End of story.”

I knew Owen was bluffing, but his cold words still stung.

“We’re even.” Marcus touched my cheek and I twitched away from him. His words were for Owen, but his eyes were trained on me. “I called it off when I was certain you were heading to London.”

“And the girl?” Owen turned around and started picking up his weapons.

“She is Maria’s problem.” Marcus turned away from me. “Apparently this one’s husband has something that belongs to the woman.” He looked back at me. “Though I’m not sure she’ll be worth trading if her husband finds out she’s been fucking you.”

My insides froze and I fought to breathe. They were looking for Tess, not me. I tried to regain my composure, lest I give away the fact that I wasn’t who they really wanted. If they found out, they would start looking for my friend and she had no heads up, no one to protect her. No Owen.

“Who is Maria?” Owen tucked his gun into his pants while watching Marcus. From the angle I was standing at, I caught the glint of a knife as Owen palmed the blade.

“Not anyone that concerns you.” Marcus wrapped his fingers around my arm and I tried to jerk away. “I’m assuming that this is the end of our work arrangement?”

“I can’t trust you.” Owen shrugged. “I can’t work with you.”

“Mum always said to trust no one.”

“I don’t think she was talking about each other, Marcus.” Owen shook his head.

“We’ll never know.” Marcus pulled me closer to him. “I was certain you’d try to kill me. It’s much easier this way.”

“Just stay out of my way.” Owen turned toward the door, stooping down to grab his bag of weapons.

My heart dropped as I watched him walk away without looking back. He was leaving me; leaving me with the man that wanted to give me to some woman that sounded like the villain in a comic book. I had trusted him, but my faith was starting to waver. What did I really know about him?

“The least I can do.” Marcus used his free hand to reach in his jacket. The glint of metal caught my eye and I panicked.

“Owen!” I balled up my free hand and swung it down and backward into his crotch as hard as I could. He crumpled behind me.

“Bitch!” Marcus shoved me to the ground and my head slammed into the table as I fell. Pain exploded behind my eyes, but I scrambled to get upright. I couldn’t afford to be on the floor right now. Unfortunately, my legs weren’t working quite right.

I could hear people running through the house, shouting from upstairs, and Owen said something, but I couldn’t make out the words. I push to get off of the floor, adrenaline pumping through my veins, but my feet still wouldn’t support me. I caught a glimpse of Marcus pulling a knife out of his shoulder, blood dripping down his linen jacket.

Owen grabbed my hand and pulled me up, pushing his bag into my arms and me toward the front door. Just as I reached for the handle it turned and the door swung open. Owen moved like quicksilver, and his fists flew, rendering the new man impotent. Spinning around he pulled his gun and shot the first guard that came down the stairs.

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