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Teasing Trent

Page 56

“The boys didn’t seem to like her so much. I guess she was a little strict.”

“Well, it’s not a problem anymore because she quit. I am officially desperate.”

Ridley didn’t look surprised. “Yeah, I figured that was coming when Jase brought her a spider. She was so afraid she ran out of the house into the back yard shaking like she was having a seizure.”

“Not again. I thought we’d broken him of that. He knows he’s not supposed to bring insects in the house.”

“I think it was already in the house. He just wanted to, um, share his discovery with her. Then, after she finally calmed down, Chris pretended to see the spider on her shoulder and that set her off again. I felt so guilty laughing but I couldn’t help it. Anyway, I explained to Jase that most people are scared of bugs but I’m not sure how much help that will be in the future. But, I did meet someone today who may be able to help you with your childcare problem if you’re willing to be a little open-minded.”

“I’m willing to be very open-minded at this point.” He offered her his arm. “Come on, I was going to take the boys out for pizza anyway. You can tell me the whole story while we’re surrounded by screaming kids.”

Ridley dropped her cleaning rag on top of the desk and slid her arm through his.

“How could a girl resist an invitation like that?”

*   *   *   *   *

“SO, DID YOU get to meet your video director?”

Jackson had taken them to the boys’ favorite pizza arcade, Bingos. Although they were eating greasy pizza in hard plastic booths and were surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of screaming children, she and Jackson were in a world all their own.

She hadn’t been sure what to make of things after that morning. He’d been friendly but he hadn’t mentioned wanting to do it again. She’d honestly thought that one night together would assuage the fascination she’d felt for him since they met but images of their night together had been tormenting her all day.

Jackson, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine. Perhaps one night had been enough for him.

“I did but I’m not sure if we’re going to hire him. We’re trying to do something different with this group. I really want to get it right.”

“I’m sure you will.”

He looked out the plate glass window next to them at the parking lot. A harried-looking mother was trying to pull a screaming toddler over to a minivan.

“I don’t know. I’ve been distracted lately. I actually forgot about a label party that I’m supposed to attend Thursday night. I told everyone I’d be there a few weeks ago and then promptly forgot all about it.” He glanced at her suddenly, a gleam in his eye. “Hey, do you want to go to an insanely boring, industry launch party with me?”

Is he asking me out?

“I’d love to. It’ll give me an excuse to go shopping.”

She prodded the pizza on her plate, trying not to let her excitement slip into her voice. Maybe this was his way of getting closer to her? A thrill went through her at the idea of an evening out with him.

“Good. Although I have to warn you, they’re probably not what you’re expecting. It’s a lot of self-important people trying to impress each other and a lot of old guys showing off their trophy wives. But hopefully the music will be worth it.”

“It’ll just be nice to get out of the house. I’m starting to get a little bit of cabin fever. Oh, speaking of getting out of the house, I met one of your neighbors today. Katie Mason. Married to a guy named Donald?”

Jackson’s brow crinkled. “Yeah, the Masons. Chris plays with their son, Matthew sometimes. They kind of keep to themselves. I think he’s some kind of surgeon.”

“Well, Katie was outside when Miss Bessie came running out of the house. We spent some time talking and she said something that made me think about your situation.”

“My situation?” he repeated.

“Looking for a nanny. From what you’ve told me, it sounds like what you want is so simple, but yet you haven’t been able to find anyone.”

“I’ve found people. Just not the right ones.” He shook his head ruefully.

“Exactly. Well, Katie has been looking for a job and hasn’t been able to find one because, according to her, she’s only qualified to be a wife and mother and there isn’t much demand for that these days. Well, that made me think of you. That’s basically what you need. You can just hire a wife and mom.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”

“Jackson!” She swatted his arm. “You know what I mean. Katie has two boys of her own so she clearly has experience with children and the boys are already friendly with her kids. She wants to do a summer camp for them.”


“Yeah. She was great with the kids today and I had a great time, too. Jase was beside himself when we dug up spots for the flowers I want to plant.”

Jackson glanced behind them where Chris was playing Skee-Ball and Jase was jumping into a vat of colorful balls.

“So, what do you think?”

“I think it’s a great idea. I’ve known the Masons for a while, practically since I moved in. They were one of the few that actually came over to welcome me to the neighborhood. She baked this apple turnover thing that was amazing. I had no idea she would be interested in watching other children. Why don’t you invite her over tomorrow?”

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