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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 87

She nibbled her bottom lip for a moment before asking, "Will this kill the cancer?"

"I don't know, baby," he said softly. He prayed like hell that it did, but if it was changed along with the rest of her body then he really didn't know what the cancer would do.

"So, I could spend eternity dying of cancer?" she asked, her voice cracking at the end and making him wish like hell that she hadn't suffered, knowing that she was dying of cancer all alone. He should have been there for her.

"I don't know, baby, but we're pretty sure that you'll be fine as long as you keep to a strict immortal diet for a while. You can drink human blood, too, but it really doesn't do that much," he explained, leaning forward to press a kiss against the tip of her nose. "Now, quit stalling and drink. I went through a lot of trouble to make this meal for you," he said teasingly, hoping it was enough to get a smile, even a small one, from her.

She rolled her eyes even as she blessed him with a sweet smile. "Yeah, fighting off a horny shifter is really a lot of work," she said, laughing as she leaned in and pressed a kiss against his neck.

"It was dangerous work, Danni," he said solemnly, earning another soft laugh from Danni.

"Do you need help getting your fangs down?" he asked as she continued to press little sexy kisses against his skin.

"I think I can manage," she murmured against his skin before she ran her tongue over his pulse and just like that he was hard.

She chuckled against his neck as she moved her leg and repositioned herself until she was only straddling his right leg and when she sat down he couldn't help but groan in appreciation.

"Do you really love me, Caine?" she asked between kisses. Her hand slid down his chest, teasingly caressing each muscle as she started to drive him out of his f**king mind.

"Yes," he hissed out when her hand bypassed his straining erection and softly skimmed over his balls, causing them to pull up tight.

"So, you'd miss me if I was gone?" she asked in a casual tone as she skimmed his balls again, but there was no mistaking the uncertainty in her voice.

"I'd die without you, Danni," he admitted to her seconds before she released an erotic little moan and sank her teeth into him.

He had to grit his teeth and squeeze his eyes shut as he fought against coming then and there as she reached between his legs and cupped his balls. Her touch felt so damn good, he thought as he dropped his head back, careful not to interrupt Danni while she fed.

"Take as much as you want, baby," he said, sliding one of his hands from her hip to her ass as the other made a little trip of its own to cup one of her large br**sts. He'd made damn sure to overfeed and was still uncomfortably full from the last shifter so he knew that she could take as much as she wanted and he wouldn't have to worry about weakening or being sent into bloodlust.

She moaned against his neck as she fed and he wasn't sure if it was his blood or his touch that was giving her so much pleasure. He decided that as long as she was enjoying herself that it didn't matter. He pinched her pebbled nipple between his fingers and gently tugged on it. When she let out a hot little moan against his neck he did it again as the fingers from his other hand gently skimmed between her cheeks, wishing like hell that she'd sit up a little so that he could play with her slit.

Danni didn't sit up, but she did move. Her hand slid up to his c**k as she slowly rotated her hips, grinding herself on his leg. She pulled a loud growl from his lips as his fangs slid down and his vision burned. Even through the water he could smell how wet she was, could feel it. That knowledge had his c**k swelling in her hand as she slowly stroked him, matching the erotic movements of her hips. As good as it felt on his leg, and goddamn did that feel good, he wanted her riding his c**k just like that.

He licked his lips as he released her breast and grabbed her leg, carefully pulling it over his leg so that she was once again straddling his lap, her knees on the rock on either side of his legs.

Danni slid her fangs from his neck, lapping up the blood before she pulled back, but he didn't let her go far before his mouth was on hers. His tongue found hers and tangled as she continued to stroke him.

When she gave his piercing a little tug that had his c**k jumping in approval he decided that two could play this game. She had him close to begging, but in a minute he'd have her screaming for him to f**k her.

Chapter 43

She nearly swallowed his tongue when she felt his hands slide over her thighs. Who would have thought that such a harmless little touch would cause her heart to speed up and her breath to quicken?

When his hands closed in on the place that ached for him she thought she'd die from pleasure. She whimpered into his mouth and her hand stilled on his erection he glided his thumbs over her slit and when he parted her folds she may have cried out into his mouth.

He rewarded her by deepening the kiss as the pad of one thumb found her entrance and the other found her clit. His movements were slow and steady as she struggled against the urge to shift her h*ps and take his thumb inside her. He felt so good, she thought as she ran her tongue over his before she wrapped her lips around it and gently suckled, earning a sexy growl from him.

"Mmmm, I think it's time for you to sit up, Danni," Caine said in an erotic whisper against her lips that had her throbbing for him and more than ready to end this torture. She couldn't wait to feel him slide between her legs and could almost feel his piercing sliding inside her as she rode him.

So when he pulled his hands away from her completely she was left a little confused. Seconds later his mouth followed, leaving her panting, confused and shaking with need.

"What's wrong?" she asked, proud that her voice worked when all she wanted to do was scream at him to get back to business.

"Nothing's wrong, baby," he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer so that he could take one of her ni**les into his mouth. The move forced her to relinquish her hold on his erection. That was fine because she really should be holding onto his shoulders so that she didn't fall back.

"W-what are you doing?" she asked, licking her lips as his hold on her tightened and she discovered that she couldn't move, which of course meant that she couldn't lower herself onto that erection that was teasing her. It was so close, but not close enough.

"Worshipping my mate," he said around her nipple as one of his hands flattened against her back and slid down and over her bottom. When he managed to slide one long thick finger inside of her from behind she couldn't help but sigh and sag against him as she wrapped her arms around his head and hugged him to her breast.

As she tilted her h*ps back to take more of him she couldn't help but wonder if this was real. It was too good to be true, too perfect. She was in love with Caine and by some miracle he loved her as well. She didn't know what the future held or how this cancer that didn't seem to want to go away would affect her, but for right now everything in her world was absolutely perfect.

It got even better a moment later when Caine removed his finger and pulled her down onto something much larger. When she felt his piercing slide against her walls she hissed in a breath and tilted her h*ps to take more of him. Caine was forced to release her breast so that she could move lower, but he seemed pleased once she was comfortably seated on his lap with his erection snuggly held inside her.

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