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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 67

"Hold the elevator!" he heard one of his favorite women yell.

With a chuckle, he reached out and stopped the elevator door from shutting. He watched his daughter-in-law half jog/half waddle towards the elevator. She laid one hand on her large stomach and balanced a large white frosted cake on an oversized tan plate on the other.

"Thanks, Daddy," she said with a sweet smile as she hurried past him so that she could lean her back against the elevator wall and catch her breath.

"You're welcome, Izzy," he said with real warmth.

He'd known her for less than a year, but she was definitely one of his little girls. Having her in his life helped make up for the loss he experienced years ago when they lost their little girl, but that wasn't the only reason he loved her. It was hard not to love Izzy. She was sweet, funny and very kind, something that would normally be a problem for a Sentinel and if she patrolled every night with her mate he'd be genuinely concerned for her, but thankfully she liked it in the tech room so he didn't have to worry.


Her friendship with the Alpha and the vampire that he was probably going to have to kill was a different story altogether. He knew that she hadn't been raised in this world so he couldn't get pissed off at her for befriending what should be enemies for this family. Well, he could get pissed at her. In the beginning he wanted to kill the vampire and the shifter with his bare hands, but the damn woman and that trembling lip of hers did him in. She was a manipulative little thing, he thought with a smile as he watched her pull out two forks and hand one over to Marc.

Without a word, the two began to dig into the cake as he expanded his hearing and focused on his unborn grandson she was carrying and couldn't help but laugh. Seems his grandson was going to have a bit of a sweet tooth if the excited moves were any indication.

"It's not funny," Izzy muttered, practically pouting as she handed the cake over to Marc. He was only too happy to help her out so that she could place a hand on her stomach.

"Of course not," he murmured, biting back a smile as he reached over and laid his hand on her stomach and gently rubbed.

He didn't have to be able to hear to know the baby calmed down. Izzy's sigh of relief as she snatched back the cake was more than telling. Marc simply followed the cake's departure with his fork and continued, probably more than used to dealing with the erratic behavior of pregnant women by this point.

When he went to move his hand away she of course pouted adorably so with a resigned sigh he leaned back and continued to rub her stomach, careful of the cake plate, so that his grandson would stay calm and allow his mother to eat. The poor thing seemed to be hungry all the time now, which wasn't exactly shocking since she was a Sentinel and their pregnancies only lasted for four and half months. It didn't matter if they were carrying a human child or a Sentinel child. The mother's chemistry sped up the process, which was probably meant to get the mothers back in fighting form sooner. The pregnancies put a lot of demands on Sentinel females, but this one seemed to be putting his mother through hell more than the last one had.

He didn't need an ultrasound to know that this baby was going to be big. He could tell by the changes in sound and scent that the baby was going to be a big boy. Izzy was going to have a hell of a time bringing this child into the world and unfortunately for her, the Sentinels had yet to find an effective pain killer for childbirth. They could give her morphine, but they'd have to triple the dose in order to slightly numb the pain and her baby, a human, wouldn't survive it.

"Why are we stopping on the first sublevel?" Marc asked, shooting a nervous look towards the elevator doors as he moved in front of Izzy, putting himself between the woman he considered his big sister and whatever person was able to override the security elevator. Considering what happened a few months ago he couldn't blame the boy. Pride filled Ephraim, his boy was already turning into a good man, one of the very few good things to come out of this situation. He moved in front of his children as he allowed his teeth to shift down and prepared himself for the worst.

"It's probably just Kale," Izzy said around what sounded like a huge bite of cake. He caught the shifter's scent and a split second later he caught the scent of his son's fear. Ephraim considered ripping the bastard apart for the hell he put his son through, but he owed the man so until he f**ked up and made a move against his family the shifter could live.

"How do you know it's him?" Marc asked, trying to sound brave, but Ephraim caught the slight tremor in his voice and considered beating the shit out of the shifter anyway.

"Because she stole my damn cake!" the shifter snapped as the door opened and he walked into the elevator, meeting Ephraim's eyes and holding his glare.

"I don't see your name on it," Izzy pointed out as she continued to eat the cake, seemingly oblivious to the tension that now filled the small space as the elevator doors slid closed.

Ephraim considered asking the shifter how he got the code to stop the secure elevator, but that would have been a pretty stupid question since he had a pretty good idea who hooked him up with that knowledge. He threw a glare over his shoulder at his daughter-in law-only to find her shooting a glare that promised all sorts of pain his way, or rather to the shifter in warning. She'd probably tear the bastard apart if he tried to take the cake, he thought as he shrugged and moved aside, but not before he grabbed his son by the arm and yanked him back, leaving the pregnant Sentinel and deadly Alpha assassin to battle it out.

As much as he wanted to hate the Alpha, and he did, he couldn't overlook the fact that the shifter would never harm so much as a hair on Izzy's head and that he genuinely loved her children. The man would do anything for her and for that he respected the bastard, but that didn't mean that he was going to protect the dumb bastard if he was stupid enough to come between Izzy and something sweet.

"You know it's mine, woman. You were there when I ordered it," he bit out as he took a threatening step towards Izzy and the cake.

"Dad, do something," Marc whispered, shifting nervously by his side.

"You obviously didn't want it if you were willing to turn your back on it," Izzy pointed out as she took another big bite of the cake and made a show of savoring it.

"You play with fire, woman!" the shifter snapped as he reached over and swiped the fork out of Marc's hand. He stole a huge forkful of cake and shoved it in his mouth, all while glaring at Izzy.

Ephraim barely paid attention to the little showdown, one of hundreds when the shifter was in residence, as he focused on something else that demanded his attention.

"Son of a bitch!" he snapped, barely aware that the shifter cursed right along with him as he shoved another bite of cake into his mouth and moved to stand by his side as they waited impatiently for the elevator doors to open.


"Stay in the elevator, boy," the shifter said, his voice laced with a growl.

"Go back up to your mother and make sure she's okay," Ephraim said softly to his son as he inwardly cursed the elevator to move its ass.

"What's going on?" Izzy asked, moving closer to the doors and giving them no choice but to make room for the woman.

"Nothing that's going to keep you from marching your ass back upstairs and getting me another cake," the shifter said, further confirming his suspicions that the Alpha cared about her.

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