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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 63

She yanked the full bag off her teeth to answer him. "I don't care," she said, but he noted her hand tightening around the bag, squeezing out some of the blood and knew that she was probably having a few murderous thoughts of her own about any woman that touched him. Good, they were making progress.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his lips twitching with amusement as he watched her trying to control her rage.

"Yes," she practically hissed.

He shrugged like it was no big deal as he took the bag of blood away from her and carefully tossed it into the trash, making sure that blood didn't splatter everywhere. "Then I guess we should get on with the lesson."

"Let's," she bit out tightly.

"Retract your fangs," he said as he reached for his zipper and slowly pulled it down, loving the way she struggled not to watch.

When he had it down she admitted, "I can't."

"Then I'm going to have to show you, but first you're going to have to clean up." At her questioning look he explained, "You still have traces of blood on you," he looked pointedly at the blood drying on her hands and arms. "You need to be able to focus and if you can scent blood it's going to make it more difficult."

She looked down at her hands with a sigh. "Fine," she said, marching past him and stepping into the shower stall. He wasn't too surprised when she adjusted the temperature and made it hotter. She did seem to enjoy hot water.

Maybe when everything was settled he'd take her to his villa in Italy. He hadn't been there in decades, but it used to be one of his favorite places. It was large, beautiful and boasted several hot springs. He could just imagine Danni lounging in the one overlooking the ocean. She-

Would never go there, he reminded himself as he made quick work of stripping out of his clothes. Once he showed her how to control her teeth and eyes, which he planned on accomplishing tonight, he was going to take her to her new home. He'd called in about a dozen favors from Jax and now had the perfect hideaway for Danni.

It was an old home the pack hadn't used in nearly a century and it was absolutely perfect for her. The house was deep in the woods and the nearest neighbor was a hundred miles away. The property spanned several hundred acres of woods and it was completely inaccessible except by foot. The property was also surrounded by government protected property so he didn't have to worry about anyone finding her.

He'd have blood dropped by helicopter twice a week and whatever supplies she might need, but other than that she'd be on her own for a while. He had a few things to take care of and once he was done he'd check up on her. He'd do his best to stay with her for a week or two, but he knew even that might be a bit much. He wasn't at the point in his life where he needed a solitary life yet and it wouldn't be fair to her to make her think that she could get him to stay. He also wasn't ready to settle down with a mate. Danni would hate being alone, but that didn't matter.

With a resigned sigh, he joined her in the shower. He ignored her pointed look to leave and quickly washed up, admittedly enjoying the show as she washed herself. They'd hit the airport tomorrow, fly to Washington and make the hike to her new home. Once she was settled he'd leave. Getting her up there and settled would probably take a week and he damn well planned on enjoying his mate while he did it, starting with tonight's lesson.


"I'm ready," she said, tightening the large fluffy white towel around herself before she gestured for him to get on with it.

"What's the rush?" he asked with a chuckle as he tossed his towel aside and walked towards her with a predatory gait.

"No rush," she lied as she forced herself not to stumble back into the bed or the very least lick her lips as she ran her eyes over his body. The man really was a work of art. Her tongue couldn't decide which playground to visit first. There were the tan sculpted muscles, that delicious tattoo dying to be traced or should she start with the piercing held up proudly by his jutting erection? This was about getting control, she reminded herself.

She needed to learn how to control herself at least well enough to get to Pennsylvania without being noticed and if she had to have sex with this man to do it then that was just the sacrifice that she was going to have make, she thought holding back a smile as he stepped past her and slowly walked around her. His gaze felt like a caress that sent shivers throughout her body and damn if her fangs didn't slide down again.

"You're letting your emotions control you," he said in a chiding tone. He stepped in front of her and met her eyes dead on. While she was turned on and unable to hide it, he didn't have that problem. He was obviously aroused. The thick c**k pointing at her clued her into that, but his eyes were still a beautiful gray and there were no points in his mouth peeking out. "No matter what's going on with your body you need to be able to control your eyes and fangs," he said, moving to walk around her again, this time pulling her towel away.

"And you think sex is the key to learning how to do that?" she asked in a disbelieving tone even as she felt her body ready itself for him.

His chuckle was deep, sexy and irritating. "I know it is, baby," he said softly as brushed his fingers across her bottom as he walked past her.

"How?" she asked, hating how her voice suddenly sounded breathless.

He shrugged as he made another pass to walk around her and somehow she managed to force herself to keep her eyes forward even as something else brushed her bottom, this time earning a startled gasp from her.

"Sexual arousal is one of the body's strongest reactions. It's also one of the most difficult to ignore and when the body is desperate for release in the way I'm going to make you in a few minutes," he explained softly, making her ni**les ache in response, "it's harder to control how our body reacts and even more difficult to focus on anything else. After I'm done with you, you're going to be able to control your other side even when you're angry, hungry," he said slowly as he walked past her once again, "or need to be f**ked," he whispered in her ear as he traced between her cheeks with the piercing.

She had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning. How did he do that? How did he turn her on more than any other man and bring her close to begging for it? Maybe that was a good thing, she decided when he placed his hands on her h*ps and held her as he continued to tease her bottom with his erection. If she could learn to control her reaction to Caine then she had a fighting chance of keeping control around humans.

"How do I push my fangs back?" she asked, surprised that her voice sounded so normal when she had a gorgeous man teasing her like this.

"Run your tongue over your teeth," he whispered in her ear, his warm breath teasing her skin as he continued his sensual assault.

"That's all?" she asked, swallowing nervously.

"That's all," he promised as he pressed a kiss against her nape.

Not really expecting much, she did it and was surprised when they slid back up. "I did it!" she said excitedly.

"Now the eyes," he said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

She frowned at that. "How do I do that?"

"Control what you're feeling, Danni."


"Ignore your body, Danni. Ignore what you're feeling, what you want and most importantly ignore what I'm doing to you," he said as if it were really that easy. "Take control, Danni."

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