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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 22

"Are you quite done yet?" he demanded when he turned around, unfortunately before she could look away from his ass so she ended up getting a view she never expected.

She swallowed hard as her eyes landed on the hint of silver poking from behind the tip of his uncircumcised penis. Caine pierced his penis? That was something she'd never expected, she mused. Her focus moved up to the very large, thick soft shaft and she felt a moment of sympathy for any woman that had been split in two by the damn thing while moving her focus up to the root of his sex surrounded by dark hair.

Well, that answered that about where the tattoo ended, she supposed as she looked up and met his glare. "Nice tattoo," she said, unable to bite back her smile when a muscle in his jaw began to throb and his eyes shifted red.

Chapter 11

As he rounded the corner and spotted all the men that belonged in the security room standing outside in the hallway he couldn't help but wonder how much more bullshit he was expected to handle.

Playing babysitter to a minion he fully planned on killing wasn't exactly his idea of an appropriate task for a man of his skills, but the Master needed him here, so here he stayed. The only thing he didn't understand or appreciate for that matter, was allowing the minion to live now that his usefulness had come to an end. It was more than obvious that the man would only hinder their progress from this point on.

One good thing that had come of the man's barbaric tactics was proof that the girl meant something to the Pyte. When the Master first brought the human into their fold, he hadn't trusted him and had actually considered snapping his neck several times during their short meeting so he wouldn't be forced to listen to the man's incessant whining.

He was willing to admit that the man had chosen well. The Pyte obviously cared about the young woman. That much was clear by the way the Pyte guarded her. Lucan had understood the unspoken threat quite well. If he had moved so much as an inch towards the girl, his heart would have been ripped from his chest. The threat both amused and intrigued him.

What was so special about the woman that he was willing to risk his blood supply? He knew all too well what it felt like to go through bloodlust and from what he heard it was much worse for Pytes. He couldn't imagine voluntarily suffering any type of discomfort over a woman, but this man, this Pyte had been willing to kill him and the annoying minion even though he knew he would be dooming himself to a lonely existence filled with an unquenchable thirst.

The minion told the Pyte if he tried anything that they'd kill the girl and leave him to rot for years, but the truth was, it made the girl more valuable in his eyes. As long as the Pyte continued to show preference for the girl he would keep her alive.

"The Master demanded privacy to speak with Gregory," a vampire explained before he could ask why the vampire had abandoned his post in the security room.

He arched a brow at that, but said nothing as he opened the door to the security room and stepped inside. He ignored the glare Gregory sent his way and stepped in front of the large flat screen monitor bolted to the wall which he'd set up to handle the video conference calls. His Master watched his approach through the cameras aimed on him.

"Master," he said, inclining his head in respect as he looked up and met the eyes of the man who had changed his life forever.

"Gregory has been sharing some rather disturbing news with me," the Master began. His pale baby blue eyes shifted to Greg, who was no doubt gloating behind him before landing back on him. "He's claiming that you are interfering with my plans."

"How so?" he asked, knowing the key to dealing with his Master was to remain in control of his emotions and showing absolutely no fear. Like most Masters, his did not tolerate weakness or stupidity, but unlike the rest, his Master was led by his emotions. It was a dangerous way to rule and one that could have cost him his life hundreds of times over the centuries, if Lucan hadn't stepped in each time.

Sadly though, none of that mattered to his Master. The very second he became an obstacle or let him down in any way his Master would go for his throat. Centuries ago, the thought might have scared him, but he'd since come into his own, and his Master would find that out the hard way if he ever crossed the line.

For now he was content to do his Master's bidding as long as it pleased him. The moment this arrangement was over he would leave and he'd kill anyone who got in his way including the man who gave him life when he had none.

"My plan was working. He defended her and if I had been allowed to keep the pressure up he would have given into my demands to save her," Greg bit out angrily.

The Master's eyes flashed silver before landing back on him. The minion might think that he won, but all he'd done is aggravate their Master and that was not something they needed right now. He already knew by the expression on his Master's face that he was no longer content with watching over this project from afar.

Lucan would have to find a way to convince the Master to stay away and leave it in his hands, but he knew by the look the Master was sending the human that Caine would be wasting his breath. If the damn minion had kept his mouth shut, Lucan could have kept the Master informed and disinterested, but now they had no such hope left.

He shot a look at the smug bastard. The second he could convince the Master that the man had outlived his usefulness, he was going to allow his men to tear him apart. He'd do it himself, but the thought of touching the man actually turned his stomach.

"Although Gregory's plan did produce results," he said, watching his wording since he knew the Master often took credit for the work of those below him and could become insulted very easily, "the plan needs to change if there is any hope that he will provide us with a Pyte."

"My plan was working. You gave her food so now I'll have to start all over again until he has no choice but to f**k her," Gregory argued.

Lucan simply shook his head. "It proved that she means something to him, but he would not have touched her. The man obviously cares for her and would see touching her in her weakened state as vulgar and I don't believe he would take the chance of hurting her."

"Bullshit!" Gregory snapped, no longer happy standing in the shadows. He stepped up beside Lucan and pointedly held up his deformed arm. "He tore my arm off for her. He'll do anything for her."

"If you keep her weak and injured he's not going to be attracted to her. He'll pity her, nothing more. We know that he cares for her now. We can use that against him, but without hurting her. Every time we hurt her he'll be reminded that they're prisoners and they'll refuse to meet our goals."

"What do you suggest?" the Master asked him and just like that, he knew he had the Master's ear once again. It probably wouldn't be enough to convince the Master to stay away, but it would be enough to keep him from interfering.

For now at least.

"First we need to make her healthy again."

Gregory snorted at the suggestion. "He doesn't care if she's healthy.

"Oh, no?" he asked, cocking a brow as he leaned forward and typed a command onto a keyboard. Seconds later the second largest monitor was filled with the image of their cell. He knew the same image now filled half the Master's monitor. He gestured lazily to the activity on the screen.

"If he doesn't care then why is he fretting over her?" he asked as they all watched the Pyte carefully wrap the fresh blanket he'd left an hour ago around the woman and urge her to sit on the edge of the mattress. "He wants her well and we'd be wise to fulfill that need."

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