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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

Page 98

The cancer was still there, he could taste the slightest hint of it, but it was easily ignored as the most mouthwatering flavor that he'd ever experienced washed over his tongue. He leaned in to sample more of it only to pull back before he did something foolish. He couldn't take any blood from her. Not only would that weaken her and possibly allow the cancer to take over, but they weren't sure what her blood would do to him or anyone else for that matter. He wouldn't do anything that would weaken her or make it impossible for him to protect and care for her so for her he ignored the blood.

Within seconds the small cut he made was healing and taking temptation with it. He moved to climb off of her when his damn cock, which was always at least at half-mast around her, had to go and make contact with her ass and just like that he was hard and more than ready to see how loud he could make her scream, but she needed sleep, he reminded himself as he tried to pull back.

His c**k had other ideas. When he pulled back away from her the damn thing jerked and gave her ass a little slap that had him groaning and Danni moaning in her sleep. Well, that really was too intriguing to ignore.

He really should let her sleep, but he just couldn't help himself. With a slight flex of his h*ps he rubbed his c**k over her ass again and couldn't help but smile when she moaned again so of course he did it again and again until his c**k found its way against her cheeks and continued to rub while Danni moaned and licked her lips hungrily.

Curious, he pulled back to see what she would do and damn if her beautiful ass didn't lift and tried following after him. When he kept pulling back, she kept following, pouting and grumbling adorably as she struggled between waking up for sex and sleeping, greedy little thing, he thought with a chuckle.

When her ass was up in the air he decided to take a moment to simply enjoy the view. He reached down and gripped himself, slowly stroking as he looked her over and because he couldn't help himself he reached out and palmed one smooth, firm cheek and groaned. Her legs were pressed firmly together, but he could still see enough of her sex to know that she was swollen and wet. It didn't hurt that he could scent her arousal, but he liked a visual to go along with it.

While he continued to stroke himself he allowed his other hand to slowly glide down her ass and over her closed legs, which of course brought his hand in contact with her wet slit. He liked the way she moaned, but he liked the way she screamed better. He teased her slit with the tip of his finger for another minute before he replaced it with the head of his cock, making damn sure to make sure his piercing slid between her slit. She was so damn wet that his piercing had no trouble sliding through the tight space.

"Stop teasing me," Danni said, panting even as she moaned and wiggled her beautiful ass enticingly.

"How exactly am I teasing you?" he asked, chuckling as her ass wiggled again, demanding that he get on with it.

"Give me an orgasm, you jerk, or I'll kick your ass!" she snapped, wiggling her ass to add emphasis to her demands.

"Well, since you put it that way," he muttered with a putout sigh as released his c**k and gripped her h*ps to hold her still as he pushed inside of her. From this position it was actually a hell of a lot tighter and he was forced to use his weight to push in, but once he was in, all he could do was drop his head forward and groan long and loud as he experienced the tightest sheathe in his very long life.

It didn't help his concentration when Danni decided to have an orgasm then and there. Somehow he managed not to lose it as she squeezed him tightly and rewarded him by coating his c**k with her arousal. This woman was wonderful and he knew that it was only going to get better. He'd be shocked if she didn't still have the ability to leave him panting like a fool in a few centuries.

He licked his lips hungrily as he leaned back, uncaring that the top of his head was pressing tightly against the top of the tent, and palmed both cheeks before he parted them to the sides and gave himself one hell of a view. How he didn't lose it then and there he'd never know, but he sure as hell enjoyed the visual.

For several minutes he watched his wet c**k disappear inside her only to reappear seconds later, glistening and ready for more. He released her cheeks with one last squeeze and slid his hands down her back just enjoying the freedom to touch her.

She was his mate, his woman, his to protect, love and kill for and he would never forget that. It didn't matter to him any longer that he hadn't planned for things to end up like this. None of that bullshit mattered to him any longer. The only thing that mattered was keeping Danni safe and happy and judging by the way she was slamming back into him and moaning his name he'd say that he was doing a pretty good job so far, but just in case.......

He'd never done this with another woman, but he knew that she'd be able to handle it. He sped up his pace until his movements were a blur and pounded into her as he held her down where he needed her by the nape as his thumb caressed her neck.

"Say it, Danni," he demanded over her load moans.

"If you stop, Caine, I will-"

He choked out a half-laugh at that. "That's not what I wanted to hear," he said tightly, unable to help but smile at the Danni-like answer.

"Oh," she said around a low, needy moan. "Please don't stop?" she guessed, panting hard as she tried to push back against him, but he wasn't having that. He liked her right where she was. In the hot springs he let her take the lead, but right now he was controlling their pleasure and he wouldn't be denied the one thing that he knew would send him over the edge.

Who knew three simple words could turn him on so much?

"Tell me you love me, Danni," he said even though the woman really should be screaming it at the top of her lungs every chance she got.

"Will you f**k me harder if I do?" she asked after a slight pause.

"I'll stop f**king you if you don't!" he snapped back, lying his ass off.

"Fine," she said, sounding a bit put out even as she moaned. "I love you. Now can you get on with it?"

"You're going to drive me out of my mind, aren't you?" he growled out as he did just that and he prayed like hell that she never stopped teasing him and driving him nuts. He loved his mate and wouldn't have her any other way, except her screaming his name, but he got that a minute later.

Chapter 44

Boston Compound

"It's time," one of his guards said as the glass door slid open and several Sentinels holding crosses, holy water and stakes blocked the doorway.

With a sigh, Logan stood up. He wasn't exactly surprised that his execution had been ordered only days after he was found in a compromising situation with a Sentinel's sister, but he was hoping to speak with Izzy one last time. It looked like he was going to have to put that off for a little while.

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