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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

Page 55

Nothing was ever going to be the same after this.

Chapter 24

Danni wasn't sure how much time had passed before she felt Caine's body relax and he began snoring, but it hadn't been fast enough for her. As carefully as she could she pushed Caine's arm off of her from where it lay across her waist and slowly eased away from him.

The cold air immediately assaulted her and made her wish that she could stay in Caine's arms where she was warm and felt protected for the first time in a long time, but she couldn't. This had been a mistake, an earth shattering, mind blowing mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.

What the hell was wrong with her sleeping with a man who not only abandoned her when she needed him the most, but also rejected her two days ago? Was she really that desperate? Apparently so, because not too long ago she hadn't been able to get enough of him.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she remembered clawing at him, unable to get close enough to him. Well, at least his opinion of her couldn't get any lower, she thought dryly as she glanced over her shoulder into the still dark night. She needed to get out of here and put some distance between them before he woke up. Hopefully she'd be able to thumb a ride before he realized that she was gone.

She looked down at her torn, dirt streaked shirt and winced. Getting a ride might be a problem. She chanced one last look at the man who used to be her entire world before she turned around and walked away.


"Who told you that it was okay to leave your post?" Lucan demanded of the cowering vampire that Greg convinced to go enjoy himself eight or so hours ago.

The vampire threw him a nervous glance, but said nothing. Not that he had to point his finger at Greg. Lucan followed the man's gaze and narrowed his eyes on Greg. With a barely noticeable flick of his hand, Lucan sent the vampire flying across the room.

"Don't disobey me again," Lucan said calmly as he headed towards Greg with a look that promised all sorts of pain, but Greg wasn't afraid and for a very good reason.

The Master.

Greg wasn't surprised that the Master took an instant liking to him and allowed him to run things. The Master had a keen eye for talent and he knew that Greg would get the job done. Of course, he didn't know that Greg had f**ked up and he'd make damn sure that the Master never found out.

The plan had been simple, screw over the competition and clear the path so that when the time came for him, and it better be soon, he could take his place at the right hand of the Master. What he hadn't expected was for Caine and the bitch to make their escape. If he had known the bastard would be able to break loose, he never would have done this. He would have found a different way to screw over Lucan.

Now he had to figure out a way to get Caine back or his usefulness would come to an end and the Master would never change him. He was not about to let that happen. He'd worked too hard and for too long to let that happen and lost too much, he thought bitterly as he looked down at the bandaged stub where his arm should have been.

Caine and that little bitch would pay for that. He would make sure that Caine turned her so that he could torment the bitch forever. He already had a list of at least a hundred things that he planned on doing to her. By the time he found them that list would probably have a thousand fun little activities, but first he had to deal with the ass**le standing in his way.

"It's going to take a hell of a lot more to get my position than to set me up with bullshit like this," Lucan said, immediately getting to the point, which Greg appreciated.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Greg said, not even bothering to hide his smug smile as he spotted the Master walking towards them.

Right now he was gold and the Master wanted to keep him around and they both knew it. Lucan couldn't f**king touch him and as soon as he was turned he was going to take the prick out.

Lucan looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at before turning his attention back to him with an amused expression that Greg didn't quite understand. Maybe the guy was slow, Greg thought as the Master motioned for him to follow. Anyone with common sense could tell that he was the Master's go to guy. If this guy had any brains he'd be groveling to the Master, not trying to bite back a grin. Then again this just proved that Lucan wasn't the right man for the job, he thought as he sent Lucan a smug look and went to follow the Master.

"I've been told that it only hurts for the first minute or so," Lucan called after him, making several of the vampires and minions in the hallway chuckle softly.

Hurt? he frowned, thinking it over and after a minute he realized what they were talking about. The Master was going to change him. This was perfect, he thought as he followed the guy who looked like a typical college kid down a long winding hallway.

It was still hard to believe that this kid was almost a thousand year old vampire. Greg would have hated to have been stuck in a kid's body for eternity, but thankfully he didn't have to worry about that. He was thirty-two and in his prime, except for his arm everything about him was perfect. He'd made damn sure of it. For the last year he watched what he ate, exercised more and started hitting the tanning salons so that he could spend eternity with the perfect tan and now he was mere minutes from his goal.

Who knows, maybe by this time tomorrow he'd be the Master's right hand man and Lucan would be a pile of dust.

"Take your clothes off," the Master said as they stepped into an opulent suite that looked nothing like his room. Where his room was drab and had only the basics this room was large with a four poster bed, black silk sheets, a Jacuzzi and every amenity Greg was going to make damn sure that he had and soon.

He opened his mouth to ask why, but then remembered something his father had told him years ago about some vampires' weird habits when they changed a human. A lot of them were very particular about how they changed someone. He remembered his father talking about one vampire who made the men and women he changed take a two hour long shower as a symbolic gesture of washing away their old life.

To be honest, it didn't matter what the Master wanted, Greg would do anything for immortality and if it required him to get na**d then so be it. As he pulled his clothes off he saw the Master disappear through a door. He hoped his transformation was fast. Most vampire transformations took a day or two, but if he was given a continuous supply of blood, his transformation would be faster.

The faster he was changed, the faster he could get his hands on Caine and that bitch. He'd drag her back here by her hair and by the time he was done punishing her for leaving and jeopardizing his future she'd be only too happy to f**k every vampire he shoved at her. She would give them an endless supply of Pytes, Pytes he planned to control. The Master might think that he was going to have an army of Pyte created vampires one day, but that would never happen. They would be his and he would use them to make all his dreams come true and destroy everyone that got in his way.

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