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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

Page 47

His thrusts were slow and careful as he reached down and grabbed the hem of her Indian Jones vintage tee shirt and pulled it up. They broke the kiss long enough for her to help him pull it up and off her, leaving her in only the lacy pale lavender bra that she knew he liked.

Chris wrapped his arms around her waist as he carefully leaned her back. He held her tightly as he ran his mouth down her neck, kissing and suckling her skin as he went. When he reached the tops of her large br**sts she wrapped her arms around his head, gently running her fingers through his short silky dark, almost black hair and closed her eyes, savoring his touch.

When he licked his way down to her lace covered nipple and began licking that sensitive area she held his head tightly to her breast as she licked her lips and did her best to move against him, letting him know that she needed more. With a growl of approval he tightened his hold around her, never releasing his hold on her nipple as he picked her up and walked over to the large leather couch.

In seconds, he was sitting in the middle of the couch, her bra was ripped off and he was licking, sucking and worshiping her br**sts with barely controlled passion. She cried out when he tugged her nipple into his mouth and suckled, sending a shot of pleasure from her nipple straight to her clit.

The man was a god in bed, she thought just before he released her nipple with a loud pop and somehow rearranged her so that she was on her hands and knees on the couch with her forehead pressed against the soft armrest as he pounded into her from behind.

When he released a loud groan she knew what was coming, but once again she was unprepared for the orgasm that ripped through her body. She gripped the leather armrest tightly as his name was ripped from her throat. As much as she would have loved to have been able to hold it back, especially with about twenty computer techs working right next door, she couldn't, never could and if she tried, Chris would work that much harder to make her lose it. The man loved to make her scream.

A shiver tore through her body when Chris leaned forward and pressed a kiss against the middle of her back and damn if her body didn't throb in anticipation. His soft chuckle let her know that he felt it.

"I'm game if you are, Munchkin," he said even as she registered his c**k hardening impossibly further inside of her. She opened her mouth to tell him that she'd kill him if he didn't take her again when her office door flew open and slammed into the wall, startling her enough to instinctively grab the throw blanket that she kept on the back of the couch and haphazardly throw it over her back.

"I've been waiting for thirty minutes for you damn people to finish," Kale said in way of greeting as he stormed into the room, uncaring that he caught them na**d and in a rather embarrassing position, again.

Chris sighed heavily as he helped adjust the blanket over her. "I know you like him, Munchkin, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to kill him."

Kale simply snorted at that little announcement as he swiped Isabella's shirt and pants off the floor and tossed them to her before he sat down on her desk chair. She made sure to throw him a murderous glare as she got dressed beneath the blanket, but of course the damn shifter simply winked at her, unconcerned that she was considering letting Chris kick his ass. Not that it would be easy, there was a reason why Kale was considered the best mercenary in their world after all.

"You know that you scared off half your staff with that first scream, right?" Kale asked conversationally as he picked through her bowl of mini chocolates and helped himself to what appeared to be her last peanut butter cup.

With her eyes narrowed, she got up to tear him apart when Chris grabbed her by her arms, sighed and settled her on his lap. "I'll get you another bag."

"But it's the last one!" she pointed out before adding, "by default that makes it the tastiest one of them all!"

"Mmmm, it really is tasty," Kale said simply to piss her off and it worked.

With a sigh, Chris pulled her back down onto his lap. "Is there a reason why you're here, other than to get tips that is?" Chris asked innocently, earning a scowl from Kale.

Kale snorted with amusement. "I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you, Pup, she only screamed your name three times."

She felt Chris shrug behind her. "I'm having an off day."

"It sounded like she was faking it," Kale pointed out with a twinkle in his eyes as he continued to snack on her chocolate.

"Really? You think so?" Chris mused, "Because it kind of sounded like she was holding back to me. Maybe you should leave for a half hour so that we can find out."

"Kale, is there something you needed?" she asked when he opened his mouth to bait Chris into an argument, something he seemed to enjoy.

He nodded absently as he searched through the now half empty bowl of chocolates. She threw a glare over her shoulder, telling Chris with one look that he better have that bowl refilled within the hour.

"Why the hell are you giving me that look? I'm not the one coming between you and chocolate. Make him fill it up."

She rolled her eyes at that little idea. "Because he'll eat it all before he gets back to the compound," she said in a duh tone.

"So true," Kale admitted with a drawn out sigh. "Plus, I don't have time at the moment, which is why I'm here."

She turned her attention to Kale as he set the now mostly empty bowl down. "I have a job and I need your help, Izzy."

"What's the job?" she asked, getting to her feet and walked over to Kale. She gestured for him to get out of her seat, but he simply ignored her. Too tired to get into a shouting and pushing match with him, she settled for sitting on his lap.

When he threw Chris a triumphant grin she of course elbowed him in the chest. Other than let out a grunt of pain he didn't react as he wrapped an arm around her.

"She already has too much on her plate. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere," Chris said, getting to his feet and no doubt coming to pull her off Kale's lap when Kale's next words stopped him.

"It's about your missing Pyte, or rather......Pytes."

Chapter 21

"You lost my property!" the Master roared as he shoved a trembling vampire against the tiled wall of the room that once held the Pyte and the woman.

The vampire whimpered as he shook his head. "It wasn't me, Master! I swear!"

With a feral growl the Master crushed the young vampire's neck before he dropped him and whirled around, leaving the vampire to suffer, but not die. The Master was being generous today, Lucan mused as his eyes shot over to the reason. Greg stood in front of the other minions as he shot Lucan a smug grin.

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