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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

Page 12

She prepared herself for the end as she saw his finger slide closer to the red button and nearly sighed with disappointment as he moved his finger away and ground his jaw.

"Since you're awake I might as well clue you into the plan. I think it will make everything so much easier if you both know what's expected of you."

"Oh joy," Caine said flatly. "I can hardly wait."

Greg threw him a killing glare as he took a step in his direction only to suddenly pause and step back, probably realizing Caine would rip him apart even if it meant her death. For that it would be well worth it.

"This is how it's going to play out, so listen up," he said in the same tone of faux authority he tried using on the more gullible humans in their unit. "The two of you are stuck in this room until you give the Master what he wants."

"Oh? And what would your Master like?" Danni asked mockingly.

"Shut up, bitch, and I'll tell you," he said, throwing her another glare before focusing all his attention on Caine. "If you want to leave, you have a few choices here. You can either turn her into a Pyte or f**k her and get her pregnant so in nine months we can have our very own Pyte from scratch. Of course she'll never survive the delivery if you don't change her," he said with a shrug before continuing, "The choice that will work best in her favor of course is to change her and get her knocked up so we get two for one."

Caine chuckled without humor. "Never f**king happening so you might as well get on with your next plan."

"You mean kill her?" Greg asked.

Caine shrugged. "Whatever it is, get on with it. You're boring the shit out of me."

"Just so you know if she dies we'll just keep bringing in women until you either get bored and give us what we want or we find something that you like."

"Give it up. It's never going to happen. Better men then you have tried to get me to turn humans and they all failed. Just like you will," Caine said evenly.

Greg smiled, shaking his head ruefully. "That's because they all took the wrong approach. They either tortured you or starved you. We don't plan on doing either. Instead we're going to focus all of our attention on Danni here until you either f**k her or turn her. Again, we actually prefer that you do both."

"Not interested," Danni said, crossing her arms over her chest. There was no way she was going to be part of his plans, especially if they planned on trying to bring an innocent child into this.

"Once you change her or knock her up," Greg continued as if she hadn't spoken. "We'll release you."

"You're full of shit," Caine said and Danni had to agree. There was no way they were going to let him go after taking him captive and pissing him off.

"It's a chance you'll have to take," Greg said, shrugging as he turned his attention back to her. "Until he either f**ks you or changes you, you get to have the pleasure of starving, but don't worry you'll have plenty of water," he said, grinning as he gestured to the shower and toilet set up in the far corner.

That was fine with her. It would give her time to either figure out a way to escape, if that wasn't possible she'd find a way to take her own life and wreck their plans. It wasn't her first choice, but she'd do what she had to do in order to make sure they failed. Too many lives were at stake here. Her eyes darted to Caine, maybe she could ask him to-

"Oh, I wouldn't even think about asking Caine to end your suffering." When she glared at Greg he smiled smugly. "Something you should know," he said, shoving the small red cooler with his foot towards Caine. "We plan on keeping him well fed so he doesn't rip into you out of hunger, but if you should die then he'll remain in this room for a couple of years without a single drop of blood."

She didn't need to look at Caine to know that last bit of information had his attention. Going without blood for him was physically painful and would leave him in agony. Since she knew that he wouldn't willingly hurt himself for her, she also knew that her plans had just changed. Just because he came for her when Greg took her didn't mean that he would do anything for her. It surprised her that he did at least that much for her, but she wasn't going to be foolish enough to think that it was anything more than a mistake on his part. Now she would either have to find a way to escape or wait until she starved to death and hoped it would be quick.

"Do we understand the rules or do I need to go over them again?" Greg asked. When neither of them answered he sighed contentedly. "Then my work here is done for the moment." He turned to leave only to pause at the door, giving her a look she knew wouldn't bode well for her. "Ah, what the hell," he said, shrugging as he raised the remote and pressed the green button.

"You son of a-" her words choked off on a loud gasp as electricity shot through her leg, dropping her to the ground. She bit back a scream as she watched the smug bastard leave.

The door slammed shut behind him with an ominous bang. She continued to glare at the door as she waited for the last surge of electricity to leave her body, fighting back the urge to give into her shaky body's demands and close her eyes. Everything hurt so damn much, but she forced herself to ignore it. If they had any chance of escape they had to take it now before she was too weak to be of any use.

"I'm not going to f**k you, and I'm sure as hell not going to change you," Caine's cold voice suddenly announced.

"That's great. Thanks for taking the time to state the obvious," she said, not bothering to glance his way as she dragged herself up onto her trembling legs.

"Nothing is going to change my mind," he said firmly.

She rolled her eyes as she reached out to press her hand against the wall to steady herself. "Yeah, I get it. I won't be ha**ng s*x again before I die. Good to know," she said, walking slowly along the wall as she took in the barren room, trying to ignore the sounds of the thick wire attached to her as it slid over the floor. "Now, if you're done professing your undying love for me, do you think you can help me find a way out of here?"

Caine's long drawn out sigh irritated her already fraying nerves, but she kept her mouth shut. She had more important things to worry about at the moment than how pissed off she was that the man had allowed himself to get caught. Of all the stupid things to let hap-

"You really f**ked up tonight," Caine announced, sounding pissed off as well, which only pissed her off more.

She shot him a glare and wasn't at all surprised to find him sitting against the wall, looking bored. No doubt being captured was no big deal to him, at least not at the moment when it seemed all the attention would be given to her.

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