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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

Page 104

"I see he needs to feed," the large man squeezing Greg's hand said with a slight nod in acknowledgement as he gave Greg's hand one more squeeze before ripping the gun away from him and tossing it over his shoulder.

The gun skidded to a stop at the feet of two men standing behind Greg. Both men were incredibly handsome, one with almost jet black hair and the unmistakable aura of authority, reminding her of a cop. The other man had dark blonde hair, a shifter, had killer green eyes and a bored expression as he watched the third man crush Greg's hand and bring Greg to his knees. The third man made her nervous enough to reach back and take Caine's cool hand into hers as she looked the man in front of her over.

He had dark brown hair, beautiful emerald eyes a touch lighter than the shifter's, a handsome face with that bad boy look that must drive his mate crazy, a nasty pink scar on his neck and the look of a man that loved to use his fists. Unfortunately for her, the man was a Sentinel. The too sweet smell of his blood was slowly overpowering the rest of the house's foul odor told her that much. It also told her that she was in deep trouble.

"Let me go!" Greg snapped, trying to pull his hand away, but the large Sentinel wasn't having that.

"Gregory Mitchell, I presume," the Sentinel said quietly. Greg stilled at the man's feet, his pain momentarily forgotten as he sent her a menacing glare before he turned his attention back to the Sentinel, who shot her a questioning look before returning his attention to Greg.

Realization dawned in Greg's eyes seconds before he started to struggle to get away, but the man simply squeezed his hand and kept him where he was. "Danni?" the man said without giving the man howling at his feet a second thought.

"Yes," she said firmly, knowing there was no point in lying. She wasn't a coward and she wouldn't start acting like one now. They were outnumbered, but that didn't mean that she was going to let them hurt Caine.

"Let me go!" Greg cried out and the Sentinel surprised her by doing just that.

Greg didn't make it far before the man who reminded her of a cop smoothly pulled out a pair of handcuffs and took Greg down to the ground, cuffing Greg's injured hand to the back of his pants and shoving him down.

"Don't even f**king think of it," the man said in warning before he looked back to her and Caine.

It wasn't too difficult to figure out why a Sentinel was here. The Council found out what Caine did and were here to punish him. That wasn't happening. They weren't taking him away from her.

"How did you find us?" she asked as she sized up each man, looking for weaknesses. With one look she knew that all three men were dangerous and she was going to have a hell of a fight on her hands.

"Sorry, but the Q&A portion of this little arrest is going to have to wait until later, Danni," the man in front of her said as he pulled a pair of shiny handcuffs, making her stomach turn when she realized which handcuffs they were. They were made of titanium, one of the few metals that she wouldn't be able to break through.

"We're not going with you," she said, slowly standing up, keeping her body relaxed and never taking her eyes off the man in front of her.

"Do you need help, Chris?" the man with the cop aura asked.

The Sentinel named Chris cocked his head to the side and studied her for a moment before he slowly shook his head. "I have this, Dad, but if you could be so kind as to get the douche bag over there out of my space I would truly appreciate it."

"I'll be right back," the man said before he leaned down, grabbed a whimpering Greg and disappeared in a flash as dread soared through Danni. That's why his scent was so familiar, she realized, the man was a Pyte and had obviously mastered his abilities while she still struggled with hers. If she was going to get Caine out of here it had to be now before the man came back.

"Move aside," Chris said, gesturing with the cuffs for her to leave Caine's side.

"Sorry, not going to happen," she said, keeping her focus on the man in front of her, but she made damn sure that she knew the shifter's every move.

"There's no escaping this, Danni. He broke the rules. He has to come in," Chris said as the shifter started forward.

"Take another step, mutt," she snapped, purposely using the slanderous name for packless shifters, trying to piss the man off and unsettle him, "and I'll tear your boyfriend's throat out."

The shifter stilled as both men shot her horrified looks.

"Boyfriend?" Chris bit out in obvious disgust. "Puhlease, like he could land someone like me."

"Like I'd be that f**king hard up," the shifter snapped back and she kind of hoped that it would be that easy to distract them so that she could get Caine and run away, but of course nothing in life was ever that easy.

"Don't beg, Kale. Just accept the fact that you could never have me and move on" Chris said, never taking his eyes away from her as she subtly backed up until her foot brushed up against Caine's legs when Chris' words registered. Her eyes shot to the shifter who was now glaring at Chris.

"Kale Quinn?" she asked, hoping like hell that there were two shifters with that name, because if there weren't then that meant-

"The one and only, sweetheart, so be a good little girl and move aside so that we can help your mate," Kale said, moving to take a step in her direction, but she wasn't having that.

She was definitely in over her head here. She had a Pyte, a large Sentinel and Kale Quinn, a well-known mercenary in their world, trying to take Caine away from her. She really wished Caine could help her, but he couldn't so that meant that she had to suck it up and distract them long enough so that she could figure out a way to get them out of here. She had a feeling that they weren't about to simply let her walk out of here with Caine.

"You're not taking him," she said, allowing her fangs to slide down and her eyes to burn as she prepared herself for the fight of her life.

"I don't want to have to hurt you, Danni," Chris said calmly. "Move aside and let me do my job."

"No," she said firmly.

Chris slowly nodded before he said, "Grab him," and just like that the fight was on.

He was quick, really quick, but then again so was she. She'd trained all her life with Sentinels and knew how to fight, but with the added Pyte strength and speed she could more than hold her own against them. That gave her an edge, but this man fought harder and faster than any Sentinel that she'd ever seen. He was quick, blocking all of her shots and when she blocked his he recovered quickly and took a different approach. He reminded her of the way Caine fought, which was probably the only reason why she was able to hold her own against this Sentinel. Caine trained her to fight and he made damn sure the lessons stuck.

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