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Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel 3)

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He considered going back up there and getting her, but really, how would she learn anything if he did? When they left the comfort of their tent an hour ago they worked on controlling her fangs and eyes, but when it became obvious that she wanted to see if she could kick his ass he decided that they should move onto other things.

If all she wanted to do was spar he would probably be alright with time, but no, not Danni. She wanted to go full-contact and see if she could hold her own against him, or judging by that devious little smile she sported just before he floated her ass up to that tree limb, she wanted to see if she could kick his ass now that she'd been turned. She wouldn't be able to of course. Well, not now anyway, since she didn't have full control of her abilities yet and they would never find out one way or the other, because he would never be able to raise his fist against her. He loved her too much to do anything that would hurt her.

"This is kind of cruel," Jax said, making no moves to get the woman down, Caine noted. Then again the man knew him well enough to know that he'd simply grab her and put her sexy little ass right back up there. Actually, he'd probably put her a good ten feet higher to teach her a lesson about letting other men touch her. The other reason the Alpha wasn't moving his ass to save her might have something to do with the little betting pool they had going. Not him, the pack. Jax bet that when she fell she'd break both legs, half her ribs and her arm.

That was pretty stupid, because he'd catch her before she hit the ground. He of course mentioned that when the stubborn pack decided that he couldn't partake of the bet. Cheap bastards. For clarity sake he of course pointed out that if he didn't catch her, which he was ninety percent sure that he could, that she would probably break all her limbs, a few ribs, her hip and her neck on the way down on the long thick branches that would slow her fall, but they wouldn't listen to him.

"Don't you have a better way of showing her how to float?" he asked, gesturing to the woman hugging the tree branch while muttering, "Don't look down," every other second.

Where the hell was the trust? He told her he loved her, so why the hell was she worried about getting hurt? To prove her love and devotion to him she should let go and get her hot little ass down here and finish tonight's lesson so that he could get her beneath him again.

Jax pursed up his lips in thought as he studied Danni. After a long minute he exhaled long and loud while shaking his head. "I really don't."

"I do!" Danni yelled, letting him know that her Pyte hearing was working just fine. Until they figured out how to kill this damn mutated cancer in her body he was going to have to keep an eye on her abilities to make sure that everything was functioning correctly. If they started acting up again he'd have to feed her immediately.

"We've already been over this, Danni."

"Let's go over it again!" she snapped, still squeezing her eyes shut. He really could not believe the lack of trust. She was really going to have to work her ass off later in bed to make this up to him.

"Just get your cute ass down here, Danni, so that we can move onto the next lesson," he said, wondering just how long she was planning on drawing this out. He didn't have all night. He still needed to feed, make her scream his name a few times, feed her, feed again and get some sleep before they had to move out in the morning. If she didn't move her ass he'd have to give up all hopes of getting a nap and so he could let her make this up to him.

"You said you loved me!" she snapped, letting out a little yelp as a gentle breeze caused the small branches surrounding her to brush up against her.

"I do," he said firmly before adding, "so let go!"


"Don't make me come up there, Danni!" he warned. If he went up there he was moving her fifteen feet higher and then he was shoving her off that damn branch. It's how birds did it, wasn't it? Not that he really cared because his plan was sound. She'd fall or jump, at this point it really didn't matter, and then her natural instincts would kick in and save her or he'd catch her. No matter what happened she wouldn't be landing face first in pine needles and she really should know that by now.

"Come on up, Caine," she said, risking a peek down only to squeeze her eyes shut a second later. "I'd love to have a word with you about this."

Typical Danni, he thought as he shook his head in disgust, he was trying to teach her something and all she could focus on was kicking his ass.

"Just get down here, Danni, so that we can move this along," he said with a bored sigh.

"Fine!" she snapped as she started to blindly, yet carefully, slide backwards towards the tree trunk. "I'll climb down!"

"Do that and I'll just put you right back up there," he promised.

She let out a frustrated scream as she stopped. "I hate you!"

"Uh huh," he said, absently scratching his bare chest as he considered grabbing a bag of blood or two since this promised to be a long night.

"She's going to kill you when she gets down here," one of the females that had begged him earlier to f**k her said as she threw him a glare.

"That's the beauty of being me," he said with a snort. "She can try all she wants, but it's never going to happen."

The woman rolled her eyes as she focused her attention back on Danni. After a little while a few of the shifters got bored and went to fire up their laptops and check the score of the game, but most of them upped the bets.

"Okay," Danni said with a shaky voice and he nearly sighed with relief, that is until she added, "I promise a night of hot, mind blowing sex to whoever gets me down from here and keeps the deranged Pyte from doing this again," Danni said, taking everyone by surprise.

Not even ten seconds later, Jax was shoving about a dozen males out of his way as he rushed towards the tree. A few seconds later when his mate's betrayal registered in his mind he was throwing the betraying bastard out of his way and making his way towards her. He had her in his arms and safely on the ground in seconds and not too long after that he was dropping her on her ass in their tent while he raced to free his erection before it burst through his pants so that they could get started with the mind blowing sex.

"Jerk!" she snapped as she dropped the rest of the way onto the sleeping bag and curled up into the fetal position.

For a moment he kneeled there awkwardly with his erection straining towards her. "What about the sex?"

Her answer was a glare as she flipped him off.

"Is that a no?" he asked, unsure if she was just taking a few minutes to rest before she followed through with her promise or if she was reneging on her promise.

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