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Sweet Talk

Page 35

“This is who you are,” he said. “I knew in my head that you were some famous pianist, but I didn’t know what that meant.”

She wanted to collapse on the floor. Whatever Wyatt had been going to say, he’d changed his mind. Something about the night had scared him away.

She wanted to scream out her protest. They could still make it work. Only that wasn’t her decision alone. It had to be his, too, and if he couldn’t handle who and what she was, better to know now.

Which was a great intellectual argument, but it made her heart scream in protest.

“I was going to ask you to come back to Seattle,” he said, finally looking at her. “To relocate there. I was going to try to convince you that you belonged there. With your sisters and with me and Amy.”

Was? Was? And now what?

“I was going to tell you that I’ve been a total ass about the baby, about us. My only excuse is that you scare the hell out of me, Claire. You make me feel things. I can’t play by my rules when it comes to you because I can’t not care. You’re exactly who I’ve been waiting for all my life.”

He pulled his hands out of his pockets and moved toward her. “I was going to tell you that I love you. I’ve never said that before, not romantically. I didn’t love Shanna. Maybe that’s really why she left. I figured I’d never fall in love. Then you showed up. You were so beautiful, but you were also so giving. You’re smart and funny and you love my daughter. You said you even love me.”

She felt tears burning in her eyes. It was everything she wanted to hear and she knew it still wasn’t going to be okay.

“I can’t ask you to give this up,” he continued. “That’s what I didn’t get before. I can’t ask you to move your life to Seattle.”

She wanted to tell him that of course she could. There were flights to New York all the time. She could live anywhere. But maybe he was looking for an excuse. As much as it hurt, she had to let him back out if that’s what he’d decided.

“You’re having a baby,” he said. “We’re having a baby. I’m not walking away from our child, or from you. So we’ll figure it out. I can’t leave my business right now, but I’ll finish up the projects I have and Amy and I will join you here. I can get a job, or start a new company. Or open a branch office. Whatever. My point is, Claire, I’m not going to ask you to give up anything for me. I love you. I want to be with you. I want you to be happy, and if you need to be in New York, then Amy and I will move.”

He paused, and took another step closer. “If you still want us. Me, I mean. I know you love her.”

Tears spilled from her eyes. She was too happy to speak or breathe or do anything but stare at him.

He shrugged. “I know what you’re thinking. I should have to work harder to prove myself. I will. I’m sorry about what I said about the baby. I know you weren’t trying to trap me. I didn’t expect to fall for you and when I did, I…” He looked away, then back at her. “I got scared, okay. I’ll admit it. I’d never let anyone else matter as much as you did. I was looking for reasons to push you away. I want our baby. I want you. I want us to be a family. I love you, Claire. If you can forgive me for what I put you through, I’m hoping you’ll marry me. If you want to get married. If you don’t, we can just live together. Whatever you want.”

She brushed away her tears, then surprised them both by starting to laugh. She rushed toward him.

Wyatt held open his arms and she flung herself into them. They held on to each other.

He was strong and warm and oh, so familiar. Everything about this felt right.

She raised her head and smiled at him. “I love you.”

“I love you more.”

She laughed again. “Let’s argue about that forever, but first, I don’t want to live in New York. Wyatt, I can work just as well in Seattle. I want to move back. I want to be near Nicole and Jesse and the bakery and your family. Even Drew, who I’m not sure I like right now. I really appreciate the offer, but I love Seattle.”

“Are you sure?”

“As sure as I am about loving you.”

He touched her face, then kissed her. “I was a total jerk.”

“I forgive you.”

“You don’t have to. You can make me squirm for a while. I deserve that.”

“Do you love me?” she asked.

“More than anything. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you.”

“Good answer,” she whispered. “Consider your squirming days at an end.”

“Does this mean you’ll marry me?”

She nodded.

“Do you believe me when I tell you I’m happy about the baby?”

He sounded so worried and anxious. She could see the concern is his eyes. Concern and love and hope.

“Yes,” she told him.

“I’m kind of hoping for a boy,” he admitted.

“Of course you are.”

She smiled and he pulled her close.

“I love you,” he said. “Let’s go find Amy and tell her the happy news. She’s always wanted a stepmother and a brother or sister. You’re going to score big points with her.”

“I’m glad. Then we’ll book a flight back to Seattle,” Claire said as they walked out of her dressing room. “I’m ready to go home.”

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