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Sweet Talk

Page 17

“You sound upset,” Wyatt told her. “Is his wife going to get in the way of your plans?”

“Don’t be mean,” she said, suddenly feeling defeated. “I’m not interested in Spike, which you probably could have guessed. I don’t care that he’s married, it’s just…”

This was so her life, she thought sadly. Where had she gone wrong? How was she going to make things different?

“It’s just what?” he asked.

She shrugged. “He was interested. Maybe. That was nice.”

“You enjoy ex-convicts coming on to you?”

“Of course not. It’s just no one ever asks me out. Even for a drink. I managed to go through life with men looking the other way.”

She braced herself for his scorn, or maybe an explanation of what was wrong with her.

Instead he folded his arms over his chest. “Yeah, right.”

“It’s true. I don’t date. Ever. I’m rarely home. I don’t travel with an orchestra so I don’t meet a lot of guys there. Besides, most of them are total players or gay. The good ones are already married. Anyway, when I’m on the road, I’m going from event to event. I don’t have time to meet anyone let alone form a relationship. The person I see the most is Lisa, my manager, and believe me, she’s not my type.”

He stared at her, not speaking. She sighed.

“I’m not making this up,” she said. “If I do manage to meet someone seminice or normal, he’s usually completely intimidated by me. It’s the fame or the money or whatever, I’m not sure. But it’s terrible. It’s not like I’m not trying, you know. I want to meet a great guy. I want to be involved.” She glanced toward the door. “Maybe not with Spike.”

“You think?”

She glared at him. “You’re not taking me seriously, are you?”

“Not really.”

“That is just so typical. You criticize me all you want, but do you try to see my side of things? Do you care about—”

She was still talking when Wyatt moved in, put both hands on her face, leaned down and kissed her.

The feel of his lips on hers was so startling that she said, “What are you—”

“Be quiet.”

It seemed like really good advice.

His mouth was firm, yet amazingly gentle. Warm, too, she thought as her eyes fluttered closed. He kept the kiss light, but not soft. As if he was giving her all the time she needed to get used to what he was doing.

He tilted his head, bringing more of his lips in contact with hers. He brushed back and forth, exploring, teasing. His kiss seemed to steal her breath and make her brain fuzzy.

Heat blossomed between them. Heat and need and a strong desire to be as close to him as possible.

She raised her hands, not exactly sure what to do with them, then rested her fingertips on his shoulders. He dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her against him until they were touching everywhere.

It was better than she could have imagined. He was strong and hard and totally male. He smelled good, too. Clean and masculine with a hint of something outdoorsy.

He touched the tip of his tongue to her bottom lip. Even she was able to recognize the request for what it was and parted for him. He eased into her mouth, exploring as he went. Everywhere he touched, she felt tingles.

His tongue brushed against hers, which made her whole body clench. She met him stroke for stroke, melting on the inside, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep from sinking to the floor.

He held her against him. Her br**sts flattened against his chest. When he moved his hands up and down her back, she wished she could feel his touch on her bare skin.

They kissed again and again. Individual cells deep inside of her began to whimper. When he broke the kiss, she nearly cried out in protest.

Fortunately, he wasn’t done with her. He pressed his mouth to her jawline, then down her neck. He moved to her ear, where he sucked on her lobe before licking the sensitive skin just beneath. She shivered and her br**sts swelled, as did that place between her legs. She wanted and needed and was prepared to beg.

Finally Wyatt straightened and looked at her. She saw fire in his eyes. Thank God she wasn’t the only one affected.

She wanted him to kiss her again. She wanted whatever he was offering.

“We should go out,” he said.

“On a d-date?” she stammered.

He nodded.

A real date? The two of them? Her insides quivered at the thought.

“That would be great,” she said, hoping she wasn’t as flushed as she felt. “You’re not seeing anyone, are you?”

“I wouldn’t have asked you out if I was. Or kissed you. Just for the record, Nicole and I have never gone out.”

She hadn’t asked but it was good to know. “I’d like to go out with you,” she said. More than like. Especially if there was going to be more kissing.

“Friday? Amy’s spending the night with a friend.”

“Sounds great.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“I’ll be ready.”

Wow. So that’s what it was like to be asked out. She should do this more often.

She started to leave, then remembered the permission slip and pulled it out of her pocket. He signed it and she left. Technically, she walked to her car, but it felt a whole lot more like floating.

She was going on a date! With Wyatt. Now all she had to do was figure out how to tell Nicole.

“THESE ARE AMAZING,” Claire said as she grabbed another onion ring. “I’ve never tasted anything this good. Ever.”

Jesse picked up her burger. “See. Not everything good happens in New York.”“I never thought it did,” Claire said as she looked around at the colorful interior of Kidd Valley, the burger place where Jesse had suggested they meet. “I may have to have these flown in for my next concert.” She took another bite of the onion ring, chewed and swallowed. “I’ve never made any crazy food demands. I could start with these.”

“They won’t travel well.”

“You’re right. Which is seriously disappointing.” Claire licked her fingers. “So what’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Jesse didn’t look at her. “I just wanted to say hi.”

Claire thought there might be another reason for Jesse’s call suggesting they get together. “Are you doing all right?”

“I guess. I’m keeping busy and, ah, stuff. Nicole’s still mad, huh?”

“I’m the wrong person to ask. We’re not exactly sharing bondy moments.”

From Claire’s perspective, they’d been avoiding each other since the fight about Wyatt. Which was going to create a really big problem. She had found someone she wanted to go out with. He wasn’t married, involved with anyone else, or a convicted felon. So Nicole was going to have to get over her hissy fit and accept the relationship, such as it was. At least that was the plan.

“But she’s okay,” Jesse said. “She’s getting better, right?”

“She’s moving around better. I think she’s going back to the bakery next week.”

“But she’s still mad at me?”

Jesse looked miserable. Claire wished she had better news to tell her.

“You slept with her husband. That’s going to take some time for her to get over.” Worse, Nicole had walked in on them. She had a clear visual of the betrayal. That couldn’t be easy.

“I didn’t sleep with him,” Jesse said as she slumped in her seat. “It’s not what she thinks.” She held up her hand. “Don’t say it. My shirt was off, so I must have been ha**g s*x with him. I’m bad, he’s bad.” Jesse shook her head.

Claire fought frustration. Why couldn’t Jesse understand that the fact that Nicole had interrupted and kept things from going all the way didn’t make the situation right? The intent was there. The semi-nakedness was there.

“I have a boyfriend,” Jesse said. “Matt. I love him. I would never hurt him. But then I found a ring. An engagement ring. Matt wants to marry me.”

What? A boyfriend? And she’d screwed around with Nicole’s husband? “That’s great, but if you love Matt what were you doing with Drew?”

“I can’t explain it. We always talked. Drew listened when Nicole wouldn’t. I was freaked about the ring because I never thought anyone would love me like that. I didn’t know what to do. Drew was there and then he was touching me. I don’t know. Maybe I deserved it.”

Now Claire was confused. “Deserved what?”

“Drew. Maybe I deserved what happened.”

“Sex with your sister’s husband as punishment?” Nicole was right, Claire thought, getting annoyed. Jesse didn’t take responsibility for anything.

Nicole had every right to feel hurt. She’d raised Jesse, been there for her, had loved her and cared for her. In return, her sister had violated her trust in her own home.

“I want to take it back,” Jesse admitted. “Seriously, if I could go back to that night, I’d walk away. I never wanted to hurt Nicole or anyone else.”

Jesse looked painfully young as she spoke. And wounded. Claire was unimpressed.

“Where are you staying?” she asked, deciding to change the subject rather than fight.

“I was with a friend. Now I have a place in the University district. You can get rent really cheap in the summer, when most of the students are leaving.”

“Are you working?”

Jesse shifted in her seat. “Um, I’m doing some Internet stuff. Nothing big. I have to earn a living, right? I’m allowed to do that.”

“No one’s saying you don’t,” Claire said, not clear on what Jesse’s temper was about. “What were you doing before this all happened?”

“Taking business classes at a community college. Working in the bakery. It’s half mine. Did she tell you that? My half is in a trust fund until I’m twenty-five. I want her to buy me out but she won’t. Why do what I want? She’s such a bitch.”

“Maybe if you hadn’t been with Drew, she would be more willing to listen.”

“Oh, sure. Take her side.”

Claire stared at her. “Do you understand that you did something incredibly wrong? How much you hurt Nicole?”

“What about how she hurt me?” Jesse pushed away her lunch. “You don’t care, either. I’m not all to blame here. It’s like the bakery. Nicole is the only one who gets to be right. Only she gets to be in charge. I had some ideas for these brownies based on the chocolate cake recipe. I’d been playing with different ingredients. Nicole wasn’t all that interested, but I knew if I found the right way to make them, she would be blown away. I wanted to make something of my own. Something special.”

“You could still be working on that.”

Jesse shook her head. “It takes money to buy ingredients.”

“Do you need money? Are you broke?”

“I’m okay.”

Claire reached for her handbag. “I don’t have a checkbook. I pay for everything with my credit cards, but I have some cash. Do you want it? I can get more if you need it.”

Jesse stared at her for a long time. “Why would you give me money?”

“Because you need it.” Because Jesse was her sister and despite everything, Claire wanted her to be okay.

“There’s something wrong with you.”

Claire had known that for a while. She’d just hoped it wasn’t visible to everyone else. “Not the point. Yes or no on the cash.”

“No for now. I may have to change my mind.”

“Just let me know.”

“I will.” They seemed to have reached a temporary truce. Jesse picked up her burger again. “Are you getting along any better with Nicole?”

“I was until I asked about dating Wyatt.”

Jesse nearly choked. “How did that go?”

“Not well. But it doesn’t matter. I’m going to stand up to her and date who I want to date.”

Jesse looked surprised. “Good luck with that.”

“It’s not as if they’re dating.”


“She doesn’t want him, but she doesn’t want anyone else to have him. That’s not fair.”

“I agree.”

“So it’s not really a problem.”

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Jesse asked, reaching for her burger again.

“Both. How am I doing?”

“I’m totally with you. Sorry I’m going to miss the show.”

Claire had a feeling she wasn’t talking about the date, but instead her telling Nicole about the date.

“I don’t know what to wear,” she said. “Out with Wyatt. I don’t, um, really date a lot.”

“Where are you guys going? Did he say?”

Claire shook her head. “I have no idea.”

“Probably dinner out. Maybe a movie. Wear something nice but not too dressy. Seattle isn’t New York. Maybe some really nice jeans with a silk blouse and a blazer. You want to look hot but not slutty. Interested without being desperate.”

“How are dressy jeans different from regular jeans?”

Jesse sighed. “You’re hopeless.”

“I know.”

AFTER CLAIRE DROVE back to the house, she sat in the car giving herself a pep talk.

“I am strong,” she told her reflection in the rearview mirror. “I am empowered. I am an adult. I am a good person. I appreciate myself. I’m going to go in there and tell Nicole what’s going on. I am strong and brave and I will not be intimidated by anyone. Especially her.”She sucked in a breath, then marched into the house. She found Nicole standing in the kitchen.

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