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Sweet Sofie

Page 52

Their talk was brief and Tina hurried back to the restroom. His dad turned to him not looking pleased. When he reached the table, he didn’t sit down. “You couldn’t have hung out with her for just one evening without bringing up Sofia?”

Nothing annoyed Eric more than when his dad played his relationship with Sofia down as if it wasn’t as serious as he knew it was. “Dad, she didn’t want to just hang out. And for the record, I hadn’t mentioned Sofia until she started coming on to me.”

“Would it have killed you to just go along for the evening? Damn it, Eric, you humiliated her.”

As bad as Eric felt about humiliating Jennifer, nothing topped the disgust he felt for his dad at that moment. Go along for the evening? He stood up. “I’m sorry about that. I’ll apologize, but I can’t just go along with another girl for the evening, Dade eng . Sofia and I are in a committed relationship.”

His dad didn’t even try to mask his irritation. He downed what was left of his drink and put the glass down on the table. “Yeah, well maybe someone should’ve reminded her of that this past summer.”

Eric felt the air sucked out of him. The blow couldn’t have been any lower. His dad must’ve seen it in his face because immediately he started back-peddling. He tried putting his hand on Eric’s shoulder, but Eric backed away.

“Son, I’m just saying—”

“I think you should stop talking. You’re drunk and you’re already pissing me off.” He started to walk away.

“Eric, you’re devotion for her through all these years has been unwavering, and she cheated on you. You don’t think that pisses me off?”

Eric turned to look at him, ready to go off on him.

“Son, I’m sorry, but anyone that hurts you, hurts me and as far as I’m concerned she doesn’t deserve you.”

Before he said anything he’d regret, but more frantically, before his dad said anything else to remind him of how Sofia had once ripped his heart out, he walked away. His dad called out for him, but he didn’t stop. If his dad said even one more thing to put down Sofia, he’d snap for sure.


The Test

Somehow, Sofia thought she’d be more tired the morning after the party. Instead, she was the first one up. When she got home the day before, everyone wanted to know why Brandon was so adamant about talking to her. Thankfully, Sal had been there to settle everyone down. Everyone that is, but Alex. He was still on fire when she arrived, making her even more relieved she hadn’t been there when it all went down. Between Sal and her parents, they managed to get Alex to let it go—for now.

She stood lost in thought in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to finish brewing when Angel’s voice startled her. “Why you up so early, Sof? You gonna go running?”

The suspicion in his voice hurt. “No.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

Angel stopped at the center island of the kitchen and seemed to consider his next words before saying them. “Sofie, are you sure nothing else happened between you and Brandon?”

She turned to him, her insides falling apart all over again. “It was just a kiss, Angel. A mistake I’ll regret forever.” She hated being so melodramatic about it, but she was beginning to think that damn kiss would never stop haunting her.

He stared at her for a moment and her emotions took over. Eric hadn’t answered any of her calls the entire night and her whole family had been under such stress all because of her yesterday. She tried so hard but her emotions did her in.

“C’mere.” Angel walked around the island and held out his arms. She walked over to him and he hugged her. “Don’t cry, Sofie. It only makes me wanna go find that ass**le and kick his ass.”

“It wasn’t all him, Angel.” She finally let it out. “I kissed him willingly.”

Angel pulled away from her to look at her face. “Why? Are you and Eric having problems?”

“No!” She shook her head. “The only person who’s ever kissed me before Brandon was Eric. I think the only reason I gave in to him was because I was curious. But it was so not worth it. I hurt Eric, and caused all this aggravation with my family.”

“You didn’t.” Angel’s forehead pinched. “His stupid ass did.”

“But it wasn’t all him. If I’d have just said no, none of this would be happening.”

“That’s what he wants you to think, Sof. He would’ve kept pushing, especially if he sensed even an ounce of… curiosity on your part. He should’ve never had you in his room in the first place.”

Sofia wiped the tears away and looked up at Angel unconvinced.

“Think about it. Why didn’t he ask any of us to come over and look at his shit? Why was he only interested in having you alone in his house?” Angel’s jaw worked as Sofia was so accustomed to seeing her brothers do when they were mad.

They talked for a little longer, with Angel warning her once again to keep her distance from Brandon. He also made her promise if she so much as got the inkling that he was following her again, to call one of them ASAP.

Back up in her room with her much needed cup of coffee, Sofia tried calling Eric again. To her surprise, he answered. She was so sure he wouldn’t answer she hadn’t even prepared what she would say. But she’d thought about it enough last night, so she took a deep breath, willing her voice not to break. “Hey.”

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