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Sweet Sofie

Page 50

“I just didn’t see the point in arguing, Eric. What difference does it make if he thinks I believe him or not?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Sofia was quiet for a moment. She’d never tell Eric Brandon had given her the opportunity to tell him to stop, but she was so sick of being labeled naïve. What happened that day was not planned, and she knew it.

“You believe him. Just say it.”

“You weren’t there, Eric. Can you give me a little credit that I wouldn’t fall for some stupid plan?”

“Unfuckingbelievable.” Eric rarely cussed in her presence. “All right, he didn’t plan it. Anything else I need to know? Like why you kept this from me, again.”

Feeling a little irritated by his tone and unwillingness to give her any credit for having half a brain, her tone changed as well. “Because I called Sal right after and asked if I should tell Alex and Angel. I was afraid of what they’d do, and he said to wait. Told me to wait until after New Year’s Eve. I was going to tell you tomorrow. I didn’t wanna ruin your night. Okay?”

He was quiet for a moment then asked. “Is that it?”

She took a deep breath loud enough Eric heard it. Sounding even more agitated, Eric asked, “What, Sofia? Just tell me everything. My night’s already ruined, anyway.”

“He showed up at my house today drunk. I wasn’t there. I just found out about it right now. I worked all morning.”

She told him everything Sarah had told her. When she was done, his only response was, “And you still believe him?”

As if her day could get any worse, when she didn’t respond immediately, he hung up on her.


The celebration was just beginning to pick up momentum, and all Eric could think of was heading back to his dorm. He was in no mood to party. Aware that his dad was already annoyed that he’d taken off to make a phone call, Eric knew making an exit now wasn’t the best idea. His dad knew just who he was calling. Still, Eric was livid. There was no hiding the change in his mood when he walked back into the banquet room.

Jennifer’s expression when he sat back down was the opposite of his father’s glower. “You missed it.”

Eric lifted a brow, not really interested in what he’d missed, but still asked. “What?”

“The dancer.” She pointed at one of the many dancers in costume dancing around the room. “She came over and made your dad dance with her. It was hilarious.” She laughed, taking a sip of her fancy mixed drink.

Eric couldn’t even smile. “Yeah. I’ll bet. He can’t dance for shit.”

v height="0" width="48"> “Hey, I heard that.” His dad’s scowl was now a silly smile. “I think I did pretty well. Didn’t I?” He turned to Tina, who giggled, but agreed he had.

The music changed to something even more upbeat and both Tina and Jennifer danced in their seats. His dad stood up. “C’mon, lets go dance. You guys too.”

Eric was about to say no. He was in no mood for dancing, but Jennifer stood up eagerly. He grudgingly downed the drink he’d been babying for the past half hour. Jennifer slipped her hand in his, and they all walked onto the dance floor.

As much as he tried to snap out of the horrendous mood Sofia had put him in, no amount of dancing was doing it. He leaned into Jennifer’s ear, taking in the sweet smell of her hair. “I need another drink.”

She nodded her head. “Me too.”

Again, she slipped her hand in his. His dad lifted his hands in question when he saw them start to walk off the dance floor, but smiled and winked as his eyes caught Eric holding her hand. Eric almost rolled his eyes, but Jennifer was watching him.

Eric took a shot at the bar then they took their drinks and walked over to the one of the balconies that overlooked one of Madrid’s most famous plazas.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Jennifer gazed out into the mass of people out there dancing and celebrating. Seemed the entire city was out for the night.

Gently removing his hand out of Jennifer’s, Eric leaned over the balcony. “Yeah, it is.”

The fresh air helped him relax a little, but very little. He still couldn’t get over the fact that even after everything they’d gone through that summer, and the scene Brandon had caused tonight, Sofia was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It absolutely made him wonder what the hell else she was willing to do for the guy and why.

He downed his drink in record time and was ready for another. It had been almost a year since he’d had so much as a buzz. Now felt like as good a time as any to get hammered. “I’m ready for another.”

Jennifer’s eyes widened when she saw his empty glass. “Wow, that was fast.”

Eric shrugged. “What’s New Year’s Eve without a good buzz, right?”

Several shots and drinks later, Eric was in more of dancing mood than ever. By the time the countdown started, he and his dad were two of the loudest at the party. His dad had been buying round after round of shots. As they rung in the New Year in, everyone hugged and kissed. His dad hugged him hard. “I’m glad you’re having fun, son. You know I only want you to enjoy life, right? That’s all I want. ‘Cause I love you, no other reason.”

Before his dad got too mushy, Eric nodded and pulled away. “Yeah, I know dad. I love you, too.”

After their rather long embrace, Eric turned to Jennifer and gave her a fast hug. The smell of her hair lingered even after he pulled away. He quickly turned to Tina and hugged her, too. The band played a slow song and his dad and Tina took to the dance floor, holding each other closely.

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