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Sweet Sofie

Page 46

“Slow down.” Sal took a step in front of him. “I’ll take care of this.”

“What are you gonna do?” Sofia asked.

Sarah walked out of the kitchen holding two bottled waters and Alex’s wallet. She handed a bottle to Angel and tossed Alex his wallet. All eyes were on Sal. Sarah didn’t say a word, but it was obvious the mood in the room had changed significantly since she walked out.

“I’m gonna pay him a little visit.” Sal turned to Alexturhad ch. “By myself, and he won’t be showing his face around here anymore.” He glanced at Sofia. “Does Eric know he’s back in town?”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t even know until I got home.”

“Don’t tell him.”


“Trust me, Sofie. Unless you want his ass arrested, don’t tell him. He’s leaving soon anyway, right?”

Sofia hated keeping anything from Eric. She’d promised him she wouldn’t ever again, especially about Brandon. But Sal was right. If he found out Brandon was back, no telling what he might do.

“Yeah, day after Christmas.”

“Then don’t tell him until he’s gone.”

After some arguing from both Alex and Angel, who wanted to go with Sal, he finally convinced them he’d handle it on his own. Luckily, Alex was in a hurry. He was already late to pick up Valerie, and Sarah’s presence alone was enough to pacify Angel.

Sofia never really asked Sal what exactly he told Brandon that night, but whatever it was, she hadn’t seen him at all since then. It was such an uncomfortable subject she preferred not to know. She wouldn’t ask and bring it up again. But she was relieved she wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him at the New Year’s party.


No second chances

Christmas morning, Eric got dressed early. He and his dad had exchanged gifts the night before. Earlier that week his dad gave him one of hiturhad"0">

His dad was spending the day with Tina and her family, the woman he started seeing over the summer. Eric was fine with that since he wanted to spend his last day here with Sofia.

Just as he was getting ready to walk out his dad stopped him. “Eric, before you go, I wanted to talk to you. Since Sofia will be with us tomorrow when I take you to the airport, this will probably be my last chance to talk before you go.”

Eric stared at him curiously. They’d already gone over everything he needed to know about the trip and his internship.

“I know we’ve talked about this before. You really believe that your relationship with Sofia is forever.” His dad shrugged. “Who knows, maybe it is. But I want you to promise me that you’re going to make the most of this trip to Spain. Don’t sit in your dorm room, texting Sofia the whole time.”

Eric nodded. His dad had always worried that he wasn’t living life like a young bachelor should be. But that wasn’t the life he wanted. He’d known Sofia was the one since they were kids. He had no interest in going out and partying it up, like his dad hoped he would.

“You never know what’s gonna happen in the future, son. I just don’t want you looking back at this when you’re older and regretting that what could’ve been one of the most exciting experiences of your life you spent sitting around thinking of a girl back home.”

“I know, Dad. I won’t.”

His dad frowned, obviously not buying into Eric’s feeble attempt to convince him. “I hadn’t told you because I wasn’t sure I could get the time off until just the other day, but I’m turning my trip to Madrid for New Year’s Eve into a mini vacation. Tina’s coming with me. We’ll be there for a week, so plan on doing some touring with us. I also got us all tickets to one of the biggest New Year’s parties out there. You’re gonna enjoy this trip whether you want to or not.”

After his conversation with his dad, Eric walked to Sofia’s house. He knew her house would be full of relatives, and the cul-de-sac she lived in would be packed with cars. He thought about what his dad said on his way over there. This definitely hadn’t been the first time his dad had suggested in not so many words that Eric might want to sow his wild oats a little before settling on just one girl. If Sofia knew, she’d be more than furious—she’d be hurt. But she had nothing to worry about. Eric was sure of one thing. The one thing he’d been sure of since he was a kid. For him, no one but Sofie would ever do.


Christmas was bittersweet. Eric kept reminding himself and Sofia that this wouldn’t be the end of the world. It was only going to be four weeks. She tried putting up a brave front, but the tears had come at the airport.

His dad gave them a moment alone, saying goodbye to Eric and telling Sofia he’d wait for her in the car.

Eric held Sofia close, holding back his own tears. He had no idea this would be so hard. He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’ll start texting you as soon as I take my seat taldiin the plane.”

Sofia strained to smile. “I miss you already.”

“You’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna be fine. No matter how far apart we are, Sofie, we’ll always have each other right here.” He pointed at her heart then at his own. “Four weeks is nothing. I’ll be back in no time.” He lifted her chin when she dropped her face a little. “We’ll figure out our schedules, and book the cruise as soon as I get back. My dad said the winter rates will be real cheap he can probably get us a good deal through one of his friends.”

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