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Sweet Sofie

Page 40

Tears rolled down her cheeks. “He just wanted to show me a gun his dad got for—”

“What did you do, Sofia?” He wasn’t sure if anyone was homanyto e and he didn’t care. He raised his voice, feeling on the verge of losing it. “What the f**k did you do in his bedroom that has you crying?”

She stood up. “Not that!”

“Then what?” Visions of her and Brandon assaulted him. He felt sick to his stomach.

“He kissed me,” she whispered, staring at her hands, “and I let him.”

Eric stared at her for a moment, unable to breathe. He gulped hard, unbelievably feeling his own tears coming. “Was that the day you called me and said you missed me?”

She glanced up at him, her expression torn. Another tear made its way down her face, and she nodded. He’d known something was wrong even then, but he never would’ve imagined this. She took a step forward. “I’m sorry… it was a huge mistake.”

He stepped back, afraid of what he might do if she touched him. There was no way he could be in the same room with her right now. The hurt he felt was so intense, the blood pounding through his body was deafening. She willingly went into Brandon’s bedroom and let him kiss her. What else had they done?

Eric spun around before his tears could betray him.

“Eric, I love you!” she cried.

He waved his hand back at her and rushed to the door. Never in his life had he felt what he was feeling at that moment. He hadn’t cried openly since he was a child and he’d forgotten how hard it was to hold it in.

Remembering how he and his friends had referred to guys on television as pussies for crying over girls, he held it in, but only until he was in his car. The pain of Sofia’s betrayal nearly suffocated him as he drove home. He’d never look at his beautiful Sofia the same way again.



After sobbing uncontrollably for hours, and trying unsuccessfully to get a hold of Eric, Sofia knocked out on the sofa. She woke when she heard the front door close.

To her surprise, Sal stood at the door with a regretful expression on his face. “Sorry, Sof. I was trying to be quiet.”

She sat up, a bit dazed. “What time is it?”

“Almost noon.” He dropped his gym bag on the floor. “What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?”

She shook her head, feeling the air constrict in her lungs the moment the memory of that morning came back to her. In an instant, she felt like falling apart again, and she buried her face in her hands.

“Hey.” Sal was by her side immediately. “What’s going on?” He looked around anxiously. “Where’s everyone? Did something happen?”

“No.” She sniffed. “Everyone is okay. Mom and Dad are shopping in T.J. Alex and Angel are at the restaurant.”

He put his hand on her knee. “So what’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“I think me and Eric broke up.” Saying it out loud made it feel real. Something she didn’t want to accept earlier. She leaned against Sal and cried. “And it’s all my fault.”

Sal rubbed her back. Of all her brothers, Sal was the only one to whom she would even consider telling the truth. Though he’d always been just as protective, he’d also been the level-headed one. Often having to jump in to calm Alex down, like the time Alex caught her and Eric kissing that horrible New Year’s Eve.

Sal hadn’t been home from school in weeks, so he didn’t even know Brandon had been back. She told him about Brandon being back in town then she said the dreadful words once again. “He kissed me, Sal, and I let him.”

Sal’s expression had gone stern the moment she mentioned Brandon asking her to come over to his house. “And Eric found out?”

“I told him. I couldn’t stand it anymore. The guilt was eating me alive.” She grabbed the box of tissues she’d almost gone through that morning, dabbing her eyes as she continued. “He’s always been so honest with me about everything. It just didn’t feel right to keep something like that from him.” She took a deep breath, holding back another wave of sobs. “He was so upsem, herthit. I don’t know what’s gonna happen.”

Unable to hold it together anymore, she collapsed against Sal’s chest, sobbing. Sal ran his hands up and down her back. “Sofie, if it was just a kiss, he’ll get over it. I’m sure he’s mad as hell now, but trust me, I don’t think Eric can walk away from you just like that.”

Sofia pulled away and looked up at her brother. “You didn’t hear him, Sal.”

Sal’s brows furrowed. “What did he say?”

“He was just so angry—so hurt.”

“Well, that’s to be expected, Sof. You dropped a major bomb on him. Not only did you kiss someone else, but Brandon, of all people.” He shook his head. “Is that ass**le still in town?”

Sofia shook her head quickly. She knew better than to tell Eric while Brandon was still there, or even Sal, for that matter. “He left this morning.”

“He’s lucky.” Sal frowned. “Listen, you’ll no doubt be hearing this from Eric, but I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t give a shit how much Brandon’s changed on the outside, obviously he hasn’t on the inside. Taking you back to his house alone, and kissing you, knowing you were with Eric, says it all. The guy can’t be trusted and he’ll be back again eventually. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

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