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Sweet Sofie

Page 27

Not that she thought Eric took advantage of that. He never told her she couldn’t do things without him. When her parents had given her the gift of Cancun, he assumed she was going without {oinher she cohim.

Since Eric had been gone, she’d been doing things she hadn’t done in a while. She told herself it was just because she was trying to keep herself busy. She used to run every day for pleasure. Ever since she and Eric started sneaking off, she stopped. She only ran for the team, even back in high school. There was no way she was going to let anything, even her running, cut into her time with Eric. And she’d all but given up on any writing, for the sake of writing. The only writing she’d done was the mandatory stuff for school. Now that Eric wasn’t around, she spent hours every day doing both.

What bothered her most is how much she’d missed it. She forgot how much she enjoyed both. It made her wonder if Eric was discovering he liked time to himself, also. She worried that he’d begin to enjoy time away from her, maybe even with other people.

He’d mentioned Asia once more since the first time. Again, she kept what she felt to herself. She didn’t even make a smart remark like she had the first time. But she’d decided if he brought her up again, she would definitely say something.

Sofia brushed off Naomi’s comment and changed the subject. Even after they’d moved on, several topics later, she still couldn’t shake the unease.

The next morning, Sofia got ready for her daily run. She stretched out before starting on the grassy area to the side of the walkway behind her house. Someone was coming up the walkway with their dog. She focused on the puppy that mulishly refused to walk as the owner tugged on the leash. He was adorable, big and chocolate brown. “Is this his first walk?” She knelt down to pet the pup.

“Actually, it’s his third.”

Sofia looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. She hadn’t even realized it was Brandon Billings from up the street. The last time she’d seen him was just before he left for the Marines years ago. He looked different—more mature. He smiled at her. “Brandon?” She stood up. “When did you get back?”

She couldn’t get over how different he looked. He was in much better shape than when he’d left and he looked so put together. The despondency in his eyes was gone too.

He was taller and much more secure, more distinguished somehow. “Ah, so you noticed I was gone.” His playful smile revealed a perfect set of white teeth.

She remembered him hardly smiling in high school. He’d worn braces all four years.

“Of course I noticed,” she smiled. “You’ve been gone a while, haven’t you?”

“Obviously you didn’t notice the first time I was back in town, but since then I went back for another fourteen months.” He glanced down at the pup who was chewing on his pants. “Just got back last week.”

“And this is your puppy?” She said, bending back down. She smiled, touching his big paws and wrapped her hands around his ears and face.

“Yeah, this is Troop.”

“Hey, Troop,” she said, “you’re beautiful.”

“So are you,” Brandon said.

Sofia stopped petting Troop and looked up at Brandon. The compliment was so unlike him. It made her a {It igh little uncomfortable, but she was flattered anyway. “Thank you.”

“You look so different, Sof, so much older.” He looked her over. “What are you, eighteen now?”

Sofia smiled. “Just turned nineteen, actually.”

“Really? Wow.”

She picked up her leg, bringing her foot up to her behind, stretching it.

“I see you’re still running.”

Sofia was a little surprised he remembered. “Yeah, I’m on the team in college, but I kind of stopped running for fun for a while there, just started to again a few weeks ago.”

He eyed her as she stretched.

“Hey Sof, I’ll be in town for a few weeks, maybe we can get together and do something. You know, catch a movie or something.”

She felt a little bad, but there was no way she could take him up on the offer. “I would, Brandon, but I’m sure my boyfriend would object.”

“Ah,” he nodded. “Is the lucky guy anyone I know?”

“Yeah, you remember Eric, right?”

“No shit?” His blue eyes sparkled. “Well, I’ll be damned. Since when?”

She smiled, stretching her other leg. “Technically, since I was sixteen, but officially, since I was seventeen.”

Brandon’s eyes widened. She knew what he was thinking. “How the hell did he pull that one off? I remember your brothers were all over anyone that messed with you.” He laughed. “Hell, I got my ass kicked a few times.”

Sofia laughed, remembering how Eric almost got a beating from Alex. “It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure.”

“Well, that’s too bad. It would’ve been nice to catch up.” He tugged the dog’s leash to pull him away from Sofia’s shoe laces. “You run everyday?”

She nodded. “Yep, Monday through Friday.”

“Maybe I’ll take run with you one of these days.”

She thought about it for moment. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind the company. I’ll see you around, Brandon.” She started running toward the park.

Sofia decided she wouldn’t mention to anyone she’d run into Brandon. Even though things between her brothers and Brandon had actually become amicable just before he left, she had a feeling they still wouldn’t like the idea of her agreeing to go running with him. Eric probably wouldn’t be too crazy about the idea, either. She made it clear to Brandon that she was in a relationship, and she didn’t see the harm in running with him. It might not even happen. She’d keep the whole thing to herself.

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