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Summer Nights

Page 26

Check-in took only a few minutes, then they were on their way upstairs in the elevator. Annabelle found herself fighting unexpected nerves as she followed the cart down the hall to a door at the end. Anticipation battled with the reality of going away with a man. She hadn’t done that since her marriage and look how that had turned out.

Still, this was Shane. He was always sweet to her and she should remember that. As to the fact that they would be sharing a bed, that was only good news.

The bellman pushed open the door and stepped back to allow them to enter. Shane rested his hand on the small of her back and guided her inside.

Her first impression was that there had to have been a mistake. This couldn’t be a hotel room.

They’d stepped into a living room larger than her entire house. There was a balcony with a view of the Pacific, two sofas, a couple of smaller chairs and a dining table over to the left. Fresh flowers spilled from half a dozen vases, lightly scenting the air.

“The bedroom is this way,” the bellman said, pointing to the right.

She went through the open double door to find an equally large bed in the center of a huge space. Another balcony offered an impressive view of the sparkling blue water. She wandered around the bed to the bathroom that was all done in marble, with double sinks, a walk-in shower and a tub for maybe six. While she recognized the name on the carefully packaged bath products, she’d only ever seen them in magazines.

She’d been expecting a basic kind of room, maybe with a little sofa by the window. Not the latest version of “Rich people in Del Mar.” She waited until the bellman had left before turning to Shane.

“It’s a little unexpected,” she told him.

He grinned. “I asked for a nice room with a view. They listened.”


“Intimidating?” he asked.

“A little.”

He moved toward her. “Remember, I’m the guy who takes care of horses and an elephant. But every once in a while, it’s good to mix things up.”

He was also a successful, wealthy businessman. Something easy to forget when he was surrounded by those horses and that elephant.

“You’re a little more complicated than you seem, Shane Stryker,” she murmured.

“In a good way?”

“The best way.”

He moved closer, or maybe she did. Suddenly the size of the room didn’t matter and the view was a whole lot less interesting than the man taking her in his arms. What appealed to her most was the feel of him, the strength and the heat. The way he held her and how he claimed her mouth in a kiss she never wanted to end.

She tilted her head and parted her lips, wanting him to deepen the kiss. He obliged with a sweep of his tongue. She sank into him, resting her fingertips on his shoulders, as much to be close to him as to stay standing.

His tongue brushed against hers. She circled, teasing him. The intimate kiss sent alerts to nerve endings throughout her body. Low in her belly, she felt heat and pressure. Need circulated everywhere. The room itself seemed to retreat until there was only this man and how he aroused her.

He moved his hands up and down her back. She’d worn a sundress and high-heeled sandals. When he moved against the zipper, her stomach clenched. But he didn’t lower it. Instead he rested his hands on her hips.

She found herself wanting to nudge him higher or lower. Either would work. Or kiss her more. Or take off his clothes. Anything.

She must have transmitted her eagerness because he pulled back slightly and chuckled.

“Impatient?” he asked before lightly kissing her jaw.

“A little.”

“I was trying to take it slow. You know, be the good guy.”

He kissed and nibbled his way down her neck. Everywhere he touched, she felt shivers and desire.

“Being good is highly overrated,” she whispered, arching her head back so he could do more.

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

For a second nothing happened. Then he put his hands on her shoulders and drew her close again. When he kissed her this time, there was no teasing, no gentle seduction. He plunged into her mouth with a force that left her breathless. His hands moved unerringly to her zipper and had it down in less than a second. With one quick tug, the dress fluttered to her feet. His fingers unfastened her bra just as quickly, then his hands were on her bare breasts.

She couldn’t seem to catch her breath, but that was okay. Given the choice between what he was doing to her and breathing, she didn’t have a tough decision to make.

As they kissed, she met him stroke for stroke, but concentrating was difficult. Especially with the way he touched her breasts. He explored every inch of her, then turned his attention to her tight nipples. He caressed them, rubbing, squeezing, teasing, until he’d created a direct line between them and the very center of her being.

She was already swollen. She could tell by the heavy, aching sensation that pulsed in time with her rapid heartbeat. Anticipation quickened her blood. She wanted more.

She drew back enough to nip his bottom lip. Shane responded with a quick laugh, then bent down and gathered her in his arms. The unexpected lack of contact with solid ground had her clutching at him. One sandal went flying and she managed to kick the other off before he deposited her in the center of the bed.

He knelt over her, tenderly brushing her hair from her face.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, before leaning down to take her left nipple in his mouth.

Her eyes sank closed as she got lost in the sensation of wet heat and swirling tongue. He licked and sucked, drawing her breast deeply into his mouth. She grabbed his shoulders, half rising into a sitting position. He switched to her other breast, repeating his tender ministrations before reaching for the tiny bikini panties she’d worn.

The scrap of silk and lace that had in fact cost more than her dress slipped down her legs. He tossed it away and shifted so he was kneeling between her legs. She parted her thighs more, watching him watch her.

“Take your time,” he whispered, then parted her swollen center with his fingers before bending down and kissing her intimately.

The first long, slow stroke of his tongue had her digging her heels into the bed. The second had her pushing her h*ps toward him, wanting—no, needing—so much more of this. Her breath caught as she got lost in what he was doing to her.

He moved purposefully, setting up a steady rhythm designed to make her lose control. He kissed her sensitive center, circling around and over, then did it again and again. Everything felt so perfect, she thought, aware of her body straining toward release even as she tried to hold back and make it last.

It had been like this before. Him taking control of her body, carrying her along until there was nothing for her to do but accept the ride. She was—

He moved his hand. Fingers pushed inside of her, then withdrew, mimicking the act of love. The added sensation made her groan. He repeated the action, this time curling his fingers slightly, finding that one spot deep inside of her. As if he were caressing her cl*tfrom both sides. She pushed toward him, needing all of what he offered.

Control was impossible. If he did that again, if he continued to touch her like that…

She came with a scream. Pleasure poured through her as she shuddered her release. He continued to touch her with his tongue, his fingers moving in and out. She convulsed around him, tightening and straining, every muscle contracting as her orgasm went on and on. When she was finally done, he settled next to her, his large hand splayed across her stomach.

She waited for her heart to return to something like normal, then turned her head and opened her eyes. Shane watched her, his dark gaze bright with passion and satisfaction.

“You’re good at that,” she whispered.

“You inspire me.”

She reached for him, but he caught her hands in his.

“Not so fast.”

She glanced down at the erection straining against his jeans, then back at his face.

He grinned. “I’m not saying I don’t want to, but I thought we could have champagne first.” He motioned to the bottle resting in a silver ice bucket. “If you wouldn’t mind bringing it, I’ll open it.”

There was something about the way he was looking at her. Something provocative. As if he had specific expectations about what was about to happen.

“I don’t understand.”

“I’d like you to get the champagne. Naked.”

She raised her eyebrows. “As the champagne isn’t wearing clothes, is this about me walking across the room without my clothes on?”

“Oh, yeah.”

She wanted to offer a disclaimer about her thighs and very possibly her butt, but this wasn’t the time. Besides, the man had already seen her na**d. If he didn’t like the view, he wouldn’t have asked for more of it.

She got out of bed and walked around to the other side. As she approached the ice bucket, she decided if this was what he wanted, she would give him the best she had. She moved behind the ice bucket and faced him.

“This champagne?” she asked, lightly touching the top of the bottle.

“That’s the one.”

“What about the ice?” She picked up a small square of ice and held it in her hand. “Want this?”

Interest sparked in his eyes. “What are you suggesting?”

She pressed the ice against her throat and slowly ran it down to her belly. The ice was freezing and immediately began to melt. Water dripped down between her breasts. Her already hard ni**les tightened even more.

Shane sat up and began to unfasten his shirt. He worked quickly, his gaze never leaving her.

“Anything else?” he asked, ripping off his shirt. He moved to the side of the bed and pulled off his boots and socks.

She wasn’t sure what to do next. Her lone experience with p**n had been a badly done movie she and her friends had watched in college and, honestly, she hadn’t seen the point. She knew men were visual, so maybe some kind of sexy dance. Only she wasn’t the sexy dance type. Maybe she could try the dance of the happy virgin or something.

Pathetic, she thought, getting desperate and cupping her breasts. She really needed to do some research on the subject. With Shane, it could be fun.

She’d barely raised her br**sts in her hands, when Shane was on his feet and his jeans and briefs were falling. He crossed the room in two long strides, and grabbed her wrists. He had her back on the bed before she could catch her breath. Then the condom was on and he was inside of her.

He pushed in deeply, groaning quietly, his entire body tense. All of ten seconds later, he was done. She blinked up at him.

“Really?” she asked before she could stop herself.


“No, it’s fine. I’m just surprised.”

He pulled out and rolled off her. She shifted toward him, supporting her head on her hand.


He grimaced. “I’m like a teenager. It’s what you were doing. I couldn’t help it.”

“Five seconds with ice and then cupping my breasts?”

He turned to face her. “You do it for me. What can I say?”

That maybe she didn’t need a sexy dance after all. “I like that I do it for you. You do it for me, too.”

He grinned. “Let’s have the champagne. Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll prove myself with you.”

“Deal,” she said, thinking there was nothing to prove.

* * *

LIKE MUCH OF SOUTHERN California, the Del Mar Racetrack had Spanish influences in the architecture. The grounds were well maintained and lush, the clubhouse impressive and owners and trainers had their own parking.

Annabelle stepped out of the car and smiled at Shane. He looked good. Better than good. A little tired, maybe, she thought with a smile. One of the advantages of being a woman, she thought as he took her hand. She could hide her dark circles with concealer.

“What are you smiling about?” he asked as they walked toward the entrance.

“Last night.”

“Which time?”

“All of them.”

As promised, he’d more than proven himself. They’d ordered dinner in and had spent a long, leisurely evening talking and making love. Later they’d settled into the huge bathtub and explored each other until the water had grown cold.

“Tell me about your horse,” she said. “It’s a he, right?”

“Deadline’s Dream. Yes, a boy.”

She grinned. “Is that a colt or a gelding?”

“Impressive. Using technical horse terms.”

“I’m learning.”

Not just about horses, she thought. But also about Shane. He was wary of her. Slow to trust. But she could live with the flaw. Because he was worth it. He was…

She glanced up at him and knew she was in danger. A man like him was difficult to resist. Difficult not to care about. Impossible not to love.

But until he fully believed in her, until he saw her as who she really was, she would have to be careful. Hearts were fragile at best and hers had already been broken once.


SHANE WOKE EARLY, JUST before dawn, judging by the faint light in the sky. They’d slept with the balcony doors partially open and a cold morning fog crept into the room.

He carefully climbed out of bed and closed the doors, then returned to the warmth of sheets, blankets and Annabelle.

She lay on her side, facing him, her eyes closed, her breathing steady. Dark red hair trailed across one bare shoulder and he could see part of a breast.

Wanting stirred. When she was around, it didn’t take much. Knowing she was in the room pretty much did it for him. Last night he’d taken her again and again, unable to get enough of her. They’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms. Now he watched her and wondered what he’d gotten himself into.

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