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Summer Nights

Page 16

The hot, wet kiss left her breathless. She gasped as he sucked in her sensitive flesh and caressed her with his tongue. She ran her hands up and down his back, then tugged on his T-shirt so she could feel skin rather than fabric.

He straightened enough to pull off the T-shirt, then kicked off his boots and pulled off socks. Her shorts and bikini panties followed in one quick tug, leaving her bare. Before she could blink, he was on his knees, his hands parting her thighs and his mouth against her in an unexpected but intimate kiss.

She gasped as he found her swollen center on the first try and flicked it with his tongue. She went from hungry to desperate in the space of a second and was ready to beg for more. He circled her, then brushed her with his tongue again, causing her to pull her legs back and open, resting her heels on the edge of the bed.

He settled into a rhythmic cadence, circling, brushing, licking, each movement arousing her more than the one before. He stretched up his long arms and settled his hands on her breasts. She lay there, open, vulnerable, caught in his sexual web and happy to stay forever.

His mouth continued to move against her and she pulsed her h*ps slightly, urging him on, feeling herself surging toward her release. Heat filled her. Every inch of her skin was sensitive, nerves crying out for his touch. And then there was his tongue. Back and forth, pushing her higher, taking her beyond control until she had no choice but to give in.

She felt the tension building and sucked in air. Release hovered for a second before racing through her. Her muscles contracted over and over, spasming as she groaned softly, losing herself in the pleasure.

He continued to touch her, carrying her through her orgasm. When she was finally done, he stood, pulled a couple of condoms out of his pocket and shoved his jeans and briefs to the floor.

His erection was as large as the rest of him. She stared at him, imagined him inside of her and knew she was in for the ride of her life. Then she shifted back on the bed, so he could slide in next to her.

He joined her and drew her close. She pushed him onto his back and grinned. “I’ve got this one.”

One eyebrow raised. “You sure?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve been taking lessons.”

The second eyebrow joined the first.

She smiled. “First you prepare your mount.”

“Annabelle,” he began, but she ignored him.

She shifted to her knees, then bent down to press her mouth to the middle of his chest. His skin was hot and smooth, every muscle defined. She traced a line to his right nipple, then his left. After licking both, she moved down his chest, toward his belly. Her long hair tickled his body as she moved. He grabbed her wrist before she could reach the promised land.

“You don’t want to do that,” he said, his voice low and thick with tension.

She raised her head. “Why not?”

“Let’s just say my control is a little more shaky tonight than usual. I can’t promise I’ll last through to the main event.”

She eyed his arousal then sighed. “All right. But next time I’ll be in charge.”

“Whatever you say.”

She tilted her head, still watching his face. “Let’s see. What happens next? Oh, right. Equipment.” She leaned over him to grab one of the condoms.

As she did, he reached up and briefly cupped her breasts. “Did I mention the beautiful part?”

“Yes, but that’s the sex talking.”

“No, it’s not.”

She ripped open the condom wrapper, then shifted back so she could slip it on him. The thin layer had to stretch a bit to fit him and she was careful to roll it down to the base of his penis.

“I need to make sure there aren’t any creases or loose straps,” she said, running her hand up and down the length of him.

He closed his eyes and groaned. “Of course you do.”

“Then I climb on from the left.”

She lifted one leg across so she could straddle him, then reached between them to guide him inside.

“Then I settle into a comfortable position.”

His eyes opened as she eased down, taking him into her.

He was bigger than she’d imagined, filling her, stretching her. She consciously relaxed as her body surrounded him. When he was all the way in, she leaned forward and braced herself on the bed.

Her hair tumbled around her face and brushed against his chest. Shane reached for her h*ps and shifted her slightly. Instantly she felt an answering quiver deep inside as he rubbed some aroused part of her.

“Like that?” he asked, surging up a little more.

She gasped. “Exactly like that.”

The slow, sexy smile returned. “Good to know.”

She began to move, up and down, his hands guiding her. She had planned this part of the evening to be about him, but found herself caught up in what she was feeling. Every stroke pushed against erotic nerves and left her breathless. He went deeper and she found herself moving faster. In a matter of seconds, she was unable to think about anything but the tension building inside of her, of the need and the release that would sweep through her.

More, she thought, moving up and down, her eyes sinking closed. There had to be more. His steady hands helped her find the best pace, to reach for that one spot, to ride him until she was closer and closer and…

Her orgasm exploded deep inside, making her cry out. She couldn’t stop, couldn’t breathe, could only feel the exquisite thunder that vibrated through her. She was vaguely aware of him pulsing within her, of his moan and his hands holding on tighter. They strained toward each other. On and on until there was nothing left, until she was boneless and weak and shattered by what her body had done.

She collapsed on him. He caught her gently and guided her until she was on her side, facing him. He got up and disappeared into her bathroom, then returned, got back in bed and pulled her close.

Sanity returned and with it a sense of “Oh, crap, what did I just do?” She’d suspected sex with Shane would be good, but she hadn’t thought it would take her to a new section of the universe. What exactly was she supposed to say now?

He kissed the top of her head. “You’re a surprise.”

“Mmm” was the only response she could think of. At the same time, she was hoping he couldn’t feel her blushing.

“I’m trying to think of the right word,” he told her. “Amazing doesn’t cut it. Spectacular. I think that works.”

She risked glancing up at him and saw the contented expression of a very satisfied man.

“Don’t get a big head about this,” she told him.

He winked. “It wasn’t my head you liked.”

She groaned. “If I had the strength, I would so punch you.”

“I’d let you and even pretend it hurt.”

“Quite the gentleman.”

He smiled at her then and she felt everything shift back to where it was supposed to be. This was Shane, she reminded herself. One of the good guys. He wasn’t Lewis. He wasn’t interested in making her feel small or broken. He didn’t use sex as an emotional tool to hurt. He didn’t play games. He mostly said what he was thinking.

“Spectacular, huh?” she asked.

“More than. I’ll come up with a better word.”

Happiness bubbled inside of her. She got out of bed and dashed to her closet to pull on her robe. There was wine in the refrigerator and she could dig up a few snacks. They would get their strength back and then try it all again. And to think she’d planned an evening of catching up on her favorite cooking show. Those who could did, those who couldn’t watched it on TV.

“Be right back,” she said and headed for the kitchen.

She got the white wine out of the refrigerator and found some cookies that only needed to bake for twelve minutes. After turning on the oven, she got out cheese and crackers, and debated slicing up a peach. She’d just finished washing the fruit when Shane came out of the bedroom.


“You’re leaving?” she asked, standing there holding a dripping peach.

“I’m going to let you get on with your evening.” He leaned in and kissed her.

“I don’t understand.”

He drew his eyebrows together as he glanced at the food she’d put on the counter. “Were you thinking I would stay?”

She dropped the peach into the sink and wiped her hands on her robe. “No. Of course not.”

Wariness invaded his expression. “Annabelle, this was just sex, right? Getting it out of our system?”

She supposed the mature response was either to agree or calmly point out that no, she hadn’t realized she was a booty call. What she said instead was, “Oh, really? So now that you’ve had me, you’re free to get on with your life?”

He took a step back. “I wouldn’t put it like that,” he said cautiously.

“Sure you would.” She grabbed the peach and flung it at him.

He stepped to the side and it went flying past him to land with a thunk on the carpet in the living room. She reached for the plastic-wrapped cheese.

“You had an itch,” she said, her voice rising, “so you came here to get it scratched.”

“It wasn’t like that.”

She threw the cheese as hard as she could and then followed with a box of crackers. He ducked both.

“You’re upset.”

“Me? Why would you think that? You show up, have sex with me, then run as fast as you can. Because hey, it’s out of your system now, right? What’s not to like? Make sure the door doesn’t hit you in the ass on your way out.”

She glanced around for something else to throw and saw a heavy frying pan on her stove.

“Annabelle, don’t,” he began.

She reached for the pan. “If I were you, I’d be running right about now.”

“We can talk about this. Be rational.”

She had to use both hands to lift the pan. “Do I look rational to you?”

“Annabelle,” he said, backing up as he spoke.

“Get out, Shane,” she yelled. “Get out now.”

He turned and left.

She waited until he was gone to drop the pan back on the stove, then sucked in a breath and told herself she wouldn’t cry. No matter what, he wasn’t worth it. No guy was. Not ever.


SHANE WOKE UP EARLY. Not much of a stretch, considering he hadn’t slept well the night before. He’d kept thinking about his evening with Annabelle, trying to figure out where it had all gone wrong.

Going over there was a start, he thought as he dressed and headed down to the kitchen. She was a temptation and he’d given in. That didn’t come without a price. And maybe he should have explained things more thoroughly before they got started.

He reached the kitchen. Heidi was already up. She milked her goats early and was usually the first one to make coffee.

“Morning,” he said as he walked into the room and headed for the pot.

She regarded him steadily.

He reached for the handle, but she stepped in front of him.

“I don’t think so.”

He stared at her. “Excuse me?”

“I don’t think so,” she repeated. “If you want coffee, or anything to eat, you’ll have to go to town.”


“Because you’re a jerk and I don’t make coffee for jerks.”

His sleep-deprived brain slowly clicked into place. Right. Heidi and Annabelle were friends. Annabelle had been upset. She’d probably called her friend to talk, because that’s what women did.

He took in Heidi’s angry glare, the determination in her stance and nodded. “I’ll go into town.”

“You do that.”

Thirty minutes later, he felt as if he’d slipped into an alternative universe. He’d managed to get coffee at the Starbucks, but when he’d gone by the feed store to place an order, the manager had told him he would have to go elsewhere.

“My wife knows Annabelle,” the man had told him. “Darlene volunteers at the library. She said you weren’t welcome here anymore.”

Shane gaped at him. “This is your business, isn’t it?”

The man gave him a pitying look. “Dude, have you ever been married?”


“Then you should know better.”

Shane wasn’t sure if he meant for asking the question or messing with Annabelle in the first place.

“It wasn’t what they’re saying,” Shane protested.

“You didn’t tell her you’d slept with her to get her out of your system?”

Shane swallowed. “I might have said something like that, but…”

The other man waited.

Shane drew in a breath. “Right. I’ll leave.”

“You’re going to have trouble all over town,” the man called after him. “This is Fool’s Gold. You can’t mess with one of the women and then act as if it didn’t happen.”

“I’m starting to see that.”

Shane stepped out into the still cool morning and looked around. There weren’t a lot of people on the street but those who were fell into two camps. The men ignored him and the women gave him the evil eye.

Still holding on to his coffee, grateful the Starbucks was part of a national chain and not a local place or he wouldn’t have been served coffee at all, he walked toward his truck.

He wanted to stop and tell everyone he wasn’t the bad guy. That he and Annabelle had jointly agreed to have sex and the fact that he didn’t want to marry her when it was over didn’t make him a jerk. All he’d done was…was…

He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and swore. He’d told her he’d used the experience to get her out of his system. As if she were some kind of virus he had to get over. They’d had amazing sex and then he’d walked out. With her throwing things at his head.

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