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Straddling the Line

Page 32

“Morning,” she said, taking a seat on one of the chairs as far away from him as she possibly could.

“Mornin’. Sleep good?”

“Yes. Just . . . fine.” She sipped her coffee and looked out the windows.

She looked pretty this morning in her capri pants and button-down long-sleeved shirt.

“So what’s on the interview agenda today?”

“Mmm, I don’t know for sure yet. I made some notes, but I need a full cup of coffee in me before I can think coherently.”

“Gotcha.” He decided to stay quiet until she decided to talk to him. He got up and told Hammond to go ahead and start breakfast, visiting with his friend about a couple of the baseball games that had been played the day before. By the time he came back into the sunroom, Haven was pouring another cup of coffee. He came up beside her, touching the small of her back as he eased around her for the sugar.

“Hammond’s making breakfast.”

She shifted out of the way in a hurry. “Great. Thanks.” Trevor felt Haven’s body stiffen as he laid his hand on her. He didn’t know what to make of that. Did he make her uncomfortable? Or was it something else?

He’d thought about her last night when he’d been sitting in the chaise drinking his beer. He hadn’t meant to, but visions of her had popped into his head, and suddenly his dick had gotten hard. Since he’d been alone out there, and it had been a while since he’d gotten off, he’d started rubbing his dick through his pants, thinking about Haven’s soft body, the sweet way she smelled, and the way she looked at him, especially last night.

A man knew deliberate sexual intent in a look, and Haven had it when she looked at him. He’d wanted to explore it with her, but she’d put a quick halt to any conversation when they’d gotten back home last night.

All he’d wanted to do was go knock on her door and pull her against him, put his mouth on hers and taste her. It hadn’t taken much for him to take out his c**k and jack off thinking about getting her naked, putting his mouth on her ni**les and sucking them until she was writhing and begging him to f**k her.

His c**k twitched and he had to refocus his attention on the here and now. It wouldn’t do to get a hard-on in front of her. She was skittish enough around him as it was. He didn’t want to scare her away.

“So today we’re going to start with the basics,” she said, pulling him out of his fantasies about her. “We’ll start with high school sports and work our way up.”

“Sure. We can do about an hour after breakfast, then I’d like to take a break to work out, if that’s okay.”

“That works fine for me.”

“You can make use of the workout facility yourself, if you’d like. I can show you all my equipment.”

Her gaze shot up from where she’d been examining her coffee cup. “Uh . . . maybe.”

“Come on. You can’t just sit around here all the time. Your muscles will scream for a workout. Besides, I hate working out alone.”

She shot him a look. “And yet there’s a gym in your house instead of you going to the gym.”

“Sometimes that’s by necessity rather than choice. Work out with me today.”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with you. You’re a lot more in shape than I am.”

“I don’t care if you just walk the treadmill. It’ll be nice to have your company.”

She looked like she was making the painful decision to have root canal surgery, but finally she nodded. “I do need to get some exercise. I’ll work out with you.”

Geez, was it that awful to be in the same room with him? He didn’t know what was up with Haven today. They had breakfast, then Haven grabbed her laptop and they settled in the office.

“Let’s talk about high school. Did you play multiple sports then as well?” she asked.

“Yeah. By then I’d settled into football and baseball. The coaches wanted me to choose one or the other, so I’d be looked at more seriously by the college scouts.”

“And you, of course, declined.”

“Yes. I was playing well for both teams. Why would I want to quit either?”

She shook her head. “You were always stubborn.”

“I prefer to think of it as determined. I had goals.”

“Really. Tell me.”

“I knew from early on that I wanted to play professional sports. Back in high school, I hadn’t yet decided which one, because I loved playing both football and baseball.”

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