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Staying For Good

Page 61

A few people behind the cameras laughed.

So did Luke.

Instead of giving Felix satisfaction, he stepped over cords and boxes and moved into Zoe’s production space.

She was stunning. A little more makeup than he cared for, but he knew the need for it on film. He saw the tired under her eyes, which was probably what she didn’t care for.

“Something isn’t quite right,” he said.

Felix grunted and September stepped aside to give him room.

“I told you,” Zoe said over Luke’s shoulder.

“Let me see . . .” He dipped his finger in the frosting she was working with, placed a dab on her lips.

“Luke,” she gasped.

Then, before she could say anything, he kissed some of the frosting off.

She giggled under his touch. When she tried to back away, he placed a hand on her neck and held her from going too far. Then he licked the rest of the frosting off her lips.

He felt some of her tension leave her shoulders.

Luke sat back, looked at her. “Much better.”

She licked the remaining frosting off her own lips and smiled. “You’re terrible.”

“You’re beautiful.” He dipped another finger into the frosting before filling his mouth. “This is amazing.”

“Okay, let’s get this over with,” she said.

Felix slumped in his chair. “Finally.”

Luke backed out of her space and watched from the edges of the makeshift set.

For the next hour, he stood in place and watched Zoe’s world revolve around her. He couldn’t feel more pride for the woman.

When they called the filming done for the day, two people Luke recognized but whose names he couldn’t recall stepped in and started to put together more of the dishes that Zoe had made for the purpose of filming.

Luke was surprised to hear her say, “I just need to change, I’ll be back to help.”

“Take your time.”

He followed her out of the kitchen. “You have to be tired.”

“Exhausted. But we need to prep for tomorrow so everything is ready for Saturday.”

He stopped her before she reached the first step of the front staircase. “You’re pushing yourself.”

“Mel deserves the best.”

“And she’ll get it. You’ve thought of everything. Even cut her cost for all of this.”

“She’d do the same for me. I’ll only be in the kitchen for another hour or so. Then I’ll hit the porch for some lemonade.”

“I’ll hold you to it.”

Zoe turned to walk upstairs when the sound of a loud exhaust pulled their attention outside.

They both walked out to find Mel, Miss Gina, and Felix already partaking in vodka infused lemonade. They’d all turned their attention to the drive.

Zane slammed the door of his car, anger on his face.

“Zane?” Zoe took a step forward, but Luke caught her arm, keeping her from going very far.

“Nice going. You couldn’t just leave things alone, could you?” Zane yelled.

“What are you talking about?”

“Mom . . . she’s been crying all day.”

“I haven’t seen her.”

“She said you ignored her yesterday, and today you sent that letter.”

Luke made a point of standing in front of Zoe when Zane inched closer to the steps.

“What letter?”

“Telling her to uninvite herself to the wedding.” Zane’s eyes skirted to Mel. “Shitty thing to do.”

“I didn’t—”

“Everything was fine. You just had to come back and stick a fork in him.”

Zoe stepped around Luke. “Can you stop yelling for a minute and listen?”

“You think you’re better than us.”

Miss Gina stood. “That’s enough!”

“I didn’t send a letter, Zane.”

“Dad said you’d deny it.”

Luke saw the moment Zoe realized what was happening. He couldn’t help but wonder if Ziggy himself sent the letter to turn Zoe’s family even more against her.

“Ziggy . . . you’re believing Ziggy over me?”

“Now he’s pissed and yelling all day. Everything was fine.”

Zoe pulled away from Luke and reached Zane in a few steps. “Zane . . . listen, please.”

She placed a hand on her brother’s arm and everything moved in slow motion.

Zane instantly shoved her away, causing her to stumble in her high heels. She met the ground, breaking her fall with her hands.

Luke flew down the steps and crashed both hands into Zane’s chest, pushing him against the car. Adrenaline like nothing he’d ever felt drew his fist back and connected it with Zane’s jaw.

Someone caught his arm before he could swing again.

He heard Zoe calling his name, stopping him.

Mel and Miss Gina were helping Zoe to her feet, Felix held Luke’s arm . . . and the entire production company was standing in the doorway.

His breath came in short pants.

Luke turned his attention to Zane, who was looking at Zoe with what appeared to be remorse in his eyes.

Miss Gina’s voice rose above everyone’s heavy breathing. “You’re not welcome here, Zane Brown. I don’t know who told your mother not to come on Saturday, but if this is what we can expect, she can just stay away. No one is going to ruin Melanie and Wyatt’s day.”

Zane’s gaze moved from the women to the crowd, then to Luke.

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