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His green eyes popped open but Wes didn’t move his hand. He touched him again, then his hair. Braden smiled, and it was like a shot to the chest. Not painful, but powerful. The man was so fucking sexy.

“What time is it?” Braden whispered.

“A little after ten.”

Braden looked down, then ran a hand over Jessie’s curls. “Sorry. She was worried about you.”

“No.” He shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. Let me put her to bed. I’ll be right back.”

Braden nodded and Wes walked to the other side of the couch and lifted Jessie into his arms. He heard the license on Jock’s collar clank and realized the dog followed him.

As soon as he laid Jessie in her bed, her eyes fluttered open.

“I’m home, kiddo. You good?” he asked.

She gave a sleepy nod before closing her eyes again. Jock jumped onto the bed with her and Wes let him stay. He hit the light, kissed her forehead, and then closed the door as he left her room.

Braden had the blanket wrapped around himself, his eyes closed again, when Wes made it to him. Christ, he really fucking wanted to kiss him. Kiss him, fuck him, whatever he could. But instead, he just sat on the table. As soon as he did, Braden opened his eyes. “Didn’t mean to pass out again. Let me grab my shit and I’ll get going.”

Wes closed his eyes, then opened them and shook his head. Braden sat up, right in front of him, their knees pressing against each other’s. “You’re thinking too hard over there. What’s up?” he put a hand on Wes’s leg.

Wes didn’t pause, just opened his mouth and said one word. “Stay.”

Chapter Eighteen

“You don’t let people stay.” Braden wished like hell he didn’t have to say the words. That he could just say “yes” because every fucking nerve ending in his body was screaming for that. It was such a simple thing—to stay the night. He’d done so with many men and women before. He’d done it more than once with the same person because he liked sex and liked fun, so why keep himself from having fun with someone if they both wanted it?

But this was different. His body flamed with heat. His chest felt tight, but not in a way that he wasn’t okay with. To Wes this was a big deal, and that made it a big deal for Braden, too. Regardless if the only reason was the shitty weather, the man wouldn’t have asked him to stay before. Or if he had, he wouldn’t have wanted it. Maybe it made him a cocky bastard, because he knew that even if it scared the fuck out of Wes, he wanted it.

He also wanted to be sure, though, too, which was the reason for his confirmation.

Wes finally nodded. “I know. I’m still asking you to stay. I don’t know what it means, though.”

Me, either... Though, that wasn’t completely true. Something about the man got to him. He’d crawled under Braden’s skin, and Braden found he wanted to keep him there.

“You can’t sleep with me. I don’t want to confuse Jess, but...You can have Chelle’s room...”

Braden slid his hand down Wes’s leg and then circled his wrist. Wes didn’t even sleep in that room, though he should. “Shut the fuck up and come here.” He pulled and Wes came easily. If he hadn’t wanted to, Braden knew he wouldn’t, but he collapsed next to him on the couch. “I’m not sleeping in your sister’s room, and I might be a little dense with some things, but I definitely know it wouldn’t be cool to have Jessie wake up to us in bed together.” He wrapped an arm around Wes, pretty sure he was about to stick his foot in his mouth again but not willing to stop. “Though if I’m being honest, I think she knows more than the two of us. Or at least she’s questioning something we won’t admit. She asked me if I’m your boyfriend, ya know.”

He felt Wes stiffen a little but he didn’t pull away. Maybe he was blowing shit out of proportion here. Maybe he shouldn’t really want to consider them together. It wasn’t like he’d never had fuck buddies before, and he’d only ever had one real boyfriend, but if he had to choose, he’d say this felt more like the second option.


“Shit. You’re using your shut the fuck up, Braden voice. And here I thought I was doing better about opening my big mouth.”

Wes chuckled, put his hand over Braden’s jean-covered thigh, and squeezed. “Who the fuck are you?” He dropped his head against the back of the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

“I’m the guy who likes spending every Wednesday with your niece. The guy who likes fucking you but likes making you laugh just as much. I mean, you have to admit I’m good at it. The fucking and the laughing, I mean. I’m also the guy who screws up a lot, has a big mouth, is conceited as hell, pisses people off, and forgets to pay at least one bill a month. Jesus, how hard should it be to remember? It’s not like they change every month, but I always forget. Guess you can say I’m the guy who’s a little irresponsible, too.”

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