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Page 28

Watch the headlights of the next vehicle that passes and try to guess where they’re going.

Wes looked out to the street, saw the two white globes slow down in front of his house, and he knew. He fucking knew it was Braden.

He didn’t let himself think about the why of him being here, or that he’d gladly let him in. Wes just replied,


And then waited for Braden to turn down his driveway.

Chapter Ten

Braden opened the screen door on Wes’s porch. Once they’d started texting, he couldn’t get the man out of his mind. He’d taken a shower to try and relax, and the second he got out, he knew he’d come—because he wanted Wes, wanted to help him forget like he had the night Wes had gone with him from the bar. He had this need to do something important for Wes. Not that he was selfless or anything, because just as much as those other things, he just plain wanted Wes.

There was more to it even than that, though. He didn’t want Wes to be alone. The man would never ask for help, wouldn’t ask for someone to be there, but Braden wanted to make sure Wes knew he would be. He hated to think about anyone feeling completely alone in the world, but...fuck, it gutted him to think of Wes feeling that way.

They faced off, nothing but hard stares, cold air and tension between them.

“Why are you here?” There was a roughness to Wes’s voice, tiredness wrapped around confusion. He held the same look in his eyes, but that wasn’t the only thing there. Desired flared in his almond-shaped eyes that Braden had no doubt Wes saw reflected in his own.

Still he said, “I’m here for whatever you need.” Because that was true, too. Even if he knew there wouldn’t ever be a chance to fuck Wes again, he’d be here.

As always, words seemed out of Wes’s reach. Instead of trying to find them, he grabbed Braden by the collar of his jacket and pulled, the same way Braden had done with his tie. Finally he muttered, “I want to fuck you. I want to forget about everything else in my life and just focus on what I can control. Getting you hard.” He cupped Braden’s already hardening cock through his jeans. “Driving you wild... Tasting you everywhere.”

His hand slid around behind Braden to palm his ass. “You said you love sucking dick but this is what I want right here. I want to lose myself in nothing but pleasure because right now I really fucking need something that just feels good.”

Braden’s breath pushed out in a rush, like it participated in a race. Need, want and lust combusted together to light the deadliest of fires, and he wanted nothing more than to let it burn him alive.

“What’s taking you so long? Show me what you can do.”

The night they’d been together had been rushed and sloppy, but this...tonight he knew would be different, and he couldn’t fucking wait.

Like that night months ago, Wes’s mouth came down on Braden’s first. It was just as rushed as their kiss on their first night, but not nearly as sloppy. Wes’s tongue stroked his. He pulled back, his teeth digging slightly into Braden’s bottom lip and giving it a pull.

“You bit me that first night.”

Wes grinned, one of the most relaxed smiles Braden had seen from him, and said, “I’ll bite you again tonight.”

“Yet, we’re still standing on this porch right now. I’m beginning to think you’re all talk.”

“You’re the one who likes to talk. Not me.”

Braden laughed, following Wes into the house. If he remembered correctly, Wes was a vocal lover. He might not use many words at other times, but he did when he fucked.

Door closed, lights out, they stumbled into Wes’s small room together. There was hardly enough space for them to walk around the bed in the middle.

The bed was all they needed.

They each kicked out of their shoes, pulled off their clothes with hurried hands. His body thrummed with desire, eager and so damned ready to come.

Wes’s hand, slightly sweaty and rough, touched his chest before sliding down over each rib; each plane of his stomach muscles, palmed his balls and then moved back up to wrap around Braden’s shaft.

Braden thrust into Wes’s palm before taking his mouth. He pushed his tongue past Wes’s lips, moving along with each jerk of Wes’s hand. Wes’s movements sped up. His thumb brushed over Braden’s head, rubbing the precome there.

The more he jerked Braden off, the deeper Braden kissed. His muscles started to tense but he fought it off. Wes chuckled against his lips, obviously knowing how close he already had Braden to the edge. At the last minute, his hand stilled.

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