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Souls Unfractured

Page 79

The night was still, and the owls hooted from the trees. My hands were still wrapped around Flame’s waist as he breathed in deep controlled breaths. I counted eleven, then on twelve his hand lifted and lay over mine on his waist.

For an inexplicable reason, my eyes filled with tears. I lay my head against his wide shoulder and inhaled. A wisp of gentle wind wrapped around us. Inhaling its earthy scent, I lifted my head from his back and released my hands from around his waist. Sliding off the saddle, I walked round the bike and entered the open cabin door.

I could feel Flame right behind me, and when he closed the door and turned the lock, the room temperature seemed to soar. Flame stood at my back, and I closed my eyes and breathed.

My hands shook with nerves, but I vowed to myself that I would do this. I would do this; not only for myself, but for Flame also. Though still trapped by the heavy weight of our demons, we needed to be freed. We needed to do this, to finally be free.

Forcing my legs forward, I walked into the bedroom. As I entered the doorway the small bed, pushed to the back of the small room, seemed to dominate the entire setting. The ironed white sheets that I had laundered and pressed, were still perfectly spread over the mattress. I swallowed in trepidation.

Heavy footsteps entered the room behind me and I could feel Flame’s presence at my back, like I was standing in the heat of the midday sun.

Taking a deep breath, I turned silently, only to see Flame’s huge frame blocking the doorway, hands fisted tightly at his side.

Stepping forward, and without looking up, I lay my hand flat to the bare skin of his heavily muscled stomach, gently moving my palm to run over the ridges and valleys of his abdominal muscles. Flame’s entire body tensed and a long hiss escaped from his mouth.

Lifting my other hand to join its partner on Flame’s hot skin, I drifted them up to his chest and pushed off the leather cut he always wore. The heavy material dropped to the ground, leaving only his fully inked and pierced naked torso. My hands stroked his hard body, edging over the scars and snakebite marks from his youth. As the pads of my fingers traced over those scars, Flame released a hard breath, skin twitching. But he did not stop me. Then as my hands continued north, I steeled myself to look up. And when I did, it was to find his dark eyes watching me with an expression so trusting, it almost brought me to my knees.

Flame’s lips parted and he whispered, “Maddie…”

Stepping closer until my body was flush against his, I tilted up my head, searching for a kiss.

Flame watched my mouth, then lifting his cold hands onto my face, guided his head down to mine. As our mouths connected, his lips were feather-light and they brushed so softly against mine.

I had never felt so treasured, so safe, as I did at this very second.

Flame’s mouth withdrew, and his forehead pressed against mine. Sucking in a breath, he rasped, “Are you afraid?”

My heart skipped a beat. “Yes,” I whispered truthfully.

“Me too,” he replied, so softly his voice was barely audible.

Laying my hands on his waist, I drank in his heat, then stepped backwards. Flame’s eyes stayed with mine the whole time.

Lifting my shaking hands to my messed-up hair, I began unthreading the pins that still remained, the ones that held up what was left of my bun. Six pins later, long black hair fell over my shoulder and I dropped the pins to the ground. Flame shifted from side to side as he watched me, nostrils flaring and lips tightening.

It was strange. I had always resented my beauty. Had always hated the fact that men found me attractive. But right now, standing before Flame so uncensored and unbarred, I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to be breathless at my face. I wanted him to want to touch my body, to cherish me like I dreamed it could be. Without the pain, and without the cruelty.

“Maddie,” Flame murmured. Spurred on by his plea, I lifted my hand to the back of my dress. Finding the zipper, I pulled it down. Flame’s eyes flared, when the top of my dress sagged, baring my shoulders.

My eyes closed as a sudden flurry of nerves accosted my senses, but then I heard him moving forward, feeling his body heat pushing toward me.

I felt a finger running along my neck, and it traveled down onto my newly-bared shoulder. It traveled across my collarbone, then stopped at the falling neckline of my dress.

On a deep inhale, I opened my eyes to see Flame’s head tilt to the side as he watched me. Although his face wore a blank expression, his soulful dark eyes told me everything I needed to know, everything I needed to feel. 

He wanted this.

He wanted me.

Not once breaking Flame’s focus, I dropped my arms. With them came my dress and it fell to a messy heap on the ground. I sucked in a nervous gasp as the cold air in the cabin washed across my bare breasts. The only thing now protecting my modesty were my small white undergarments.

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