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Solid Soul (Forged of Steele #1)

Page 61

“And she’s sure it was our parents?”

“Yes, she’s sure. She’s met the both of them before but at different times.”

“Umm, I find that interesting. If they were friendly enough to go grocery shopping together then what happened?”

Tiffany sighed. “I don’t know. And there’s also something else.” She leaned in closer to make sure the students sitting at the other table didn’t hear her. “My mom had a hickey on her neck and I think your dad put it there.”

Disbelief flickered in Marcus’s eyes. “You’re kidding.”

“No. She’s been wearing a scarf to hide it, but I saw it anyway when she took the scarf off thinking I wasn’t around.”

Marcus nodded. “That means they had to have kissed.”


“Then what happened to make them start acting funny?”

Tiffany shook her head. “Who knows? Adults can be weird that way. Did your dad say that he would be available to go to the movies with us on Saturday?” Tiffany asked.

“I haven’t asked him yet. He hasn’t been in the best of moods since I got back.”

“Neither has my mom. If after this weekend at the movies they’re still not getting along, then we have to do something. I know they really like each other, but now I’m worried because your dad hasn’t been calling at night like he used to do. I’ve been checking the caller ID every morning but your phone number isn’t showing up.”

“So what do you think we should do?”

Tiffany scrunched her forehead and then moments later a smile touched her features. “I have an idea but we may have to get an adult to help us pull it off.”

Marcus glanced around again for Mrs. Kennard, and then turned back to Tiffany. “An adult like who?”

Tiffany thought about her godmother and decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to solicit her help. “How about one of your uncles? The one you said who likes to have fun.”

Marcus sighed. “That’s Uncle Donovan, and this sounds serious.”

“It is. We’ll see how things go with them this weekend, but if they still aren’t on the best of terms, we go to Plan B.”

“What’s Plan B?” Marcus asked.

Tiffany leaned in closer. “Here it is, so listen up.”

Kylie chewed the corner of her lip as she watched Chance and Marcus get out of the SUV and begin walking toward her front door. That deep fluttering in her heart and the sensations that rolled around in her stomach whenever she saw Chance made her release the breath she’d been holding. She could only stand at the window and stare out at him, providing irrefutable proof of just how much she had missed seeing him these past few days, missed talking with him…making love with him.

A part of her questioned the sanity in not giving in to the love she felt for him. Even Lena had raked her over the coals during their lunch meeting that week when she’d told her best friend that Chance had admitted his love and she had admitted hers. Lena staunchly refused to agree with Kylie that this was one of those no-win situations where love wasn’t enough.

“Mom, are Marcus and Mr. Steele here?”

Kylie turned away from the window upon hearing the excitement in her daughter’s voice. “Yes, they just arrived.”

“Good. I’ll go open the door for them.” And then Tiffany raced off.

A few moments later Kylie could hear the deep sexiness of Chance’s voice all the way from the foyer, and the sound sent sizzling heat all through her body. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her coat off the back of the sofa and left the living room to join everyone in the foyer.

The moment she rounded the corner she felt Chance’s gaze on her. And the moment her eyes locked with his dark brown ones, she almost forgot to breathe. For some reason she couldn’t look away.

“Hi, Kylie.”


“You look nice.”

“Thanks.” Kylie inwardly sighed. Holding a conversation with him used to be so easy and now she was finding it too hard.

“Hi, Ms. Hagan.”

Her gaze moved from Chance to Marcus and for a second she thought she saw a worried glint in his eyes. She smiled affectionately. “Hello, Marcus. How was your trip to Busch Gardens?”

“It was fun. I was telling Tiffany about it. Maybe the four of us could go there this summer.”

Kylie nodded, although she doubted it.

“Is everyone ready to go?” Chance asked. “We don’t want to be late for the movie.”

Marcus and Tiffany rushed out the door leaving their parents alone in the foyer. Chance turned to her. “I meant what I said earlier, Kylie. You look nice in that pantsuit. That color looks good on you. But I think any color looks good on you.”

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