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Solid Soul (Forged of Steele #1)

Page 35

Her breath caught the moment their gazes met and she felt that immediate quiver of anticipation in her middle. He was going to kiss her. Somehow she knew, and heaven help her but she wanted that kiss more than anything.

She watched his long, elegant stride eating the distance separating them. And with each step he made, a delicious heat inched its way through her veins, making her blood hot and leaving her wondering, not for the first time, how this particular man could affect her so. He was the type of man that fantasies were built on, and who made realities even more poignant. And with every step he took toward her, he was making anticipation that much sweeter.

When he was within five feet of her, she saw the undisguised longing on his face. She could actually feel his desperation. There was a lot she didn’t understand but at that moment the one thing she did accept was that in less than a minute, now more like a few seconds, she was going to be kissed senseless.

All the while he’d been walking toward Kylie, the one thought that kept churning in Chance’s mind was that she was the woman he wanted and needed in his life.

She was the woman he loved.

Other than his mother, he had never kissed a woman at an airport, but that thought was pushed to the back of his mind when he pulled Kylie into his arms and captured her lips with his. And as their lips engaged in one hell of a lockdown, he wished she could feel all the emotions flowing through him at that very moment.

Knowing he had to get a grip before the kiss really turned raw and primitive, he reluctantly pulled back, but kept his arms around her waist, refusing to let her go anywhere. “Now that was worth coming back to,” he whispered softly.

Kylie struggled for breath and then noted they had become the center of attention. “We’ve caused a scene.”

He smiled. “Yes, but some scenes are worth causing.”

She looked up at him. “Is this what you had in mind when you asked me to pick you up last night?”

He reached out and caressed her cheek. “Not entirely, but it’s definitely a start. Come on, let’s get my luggage so we can get the hell out of here.”

Chapter 8

Kylie couldn’t remember the last time she had a problem with keeping her eyes on the road while driving. But Chance’s presence in her car was interfering with her concentration and wreaking havoc on her senses.

After claiming his luggage, he had taken her hand as they walked out of the terminal to her parked car. Once he had placed his bags in her trunk, his arms had clamped around her waist, pulled her to him and he’d sunk his mouth down on hers in another kiss. The moment their lips connected, heat had exploded through her and the heavy bulge of his erection pressed to her middle had caused her entire body to ache.

“We’ve got to stop doing this,” she’d said the moment he had released her mouth.

“Why?” he had whispered hotly against her moist lips.

“Because it won’t lead anywhere. It’s a dead end.”

His gaze had pinned her with a measured look. “And what if I told you that I see things differently?”

“Then my response is that you need a new pair of eyes.”

“I have very good vision, Kylie.” He’d then strolled to the passenger side of her car and got inside.

Bringing her thoughts back to the present, she took another quick glance over at him. He was sprawled in the seat next to her. His muscular body fit nicely into her Altima, although his broad shoulders took up a lot of space. His legs were long and his seat was pushed as far back as it could go to accommodate his height. His head lay back against the headrest and his eyes were closed.

Evidently the trip had tired him out, but not enough to stop him from engaging in a little mouth exercise with her a couple of times. She had begun thinking of their kisses as TST—taste, stroke and tangle—because each time they kissed he tried a new technique on her mouth that centered around those three basic elements.

“You’re tired,” she decided to say when she came to a traffic light. “Are you sure you want me to take you to the dealership to pick up your truck instead of taking you home? It might be a good idea for you to go to bed.”

He opened his eyes, titled his head and let his gaze fasten on hers. “If you were to take me home and I got into bed, would you get in there with me and keep me company?” he asked, his voice low and sexy.

She inhaled deeply. Although he had phrased the question in a roundabout way, technically he had just hinted at the possibility of her sleeping with him. “No. I’d take you home and put you to bed, but I wouldn’t get in that bed with you.”

He smiled. “Spoilsport.”

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