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Page 57

Donovan moved fast.  He shifted to take me in his arms, and I let him hold me.

I needed that.

I needed him.

He didn’t say anything, and I needed that, too; the silence where our actions spoke louder than anything either of us could say.

We simply clung to each other.

Eventually, he moved us so I lay in his arms.  And then he whispered, “There’s a lot of bad shit in this world, sweetheart, but you’ve got me now.  I won’t let anyone or any-fucking-thing get to you again.”

I spread my arm across his chest and let my hand curl all the way around and under his side.  Holding him tight, I whispered back, “Thank fuck you like crappy little bars in the backstreets . . . thank fuck you found me.”


We fell asleep, and I woke up a while later to his hand on my pussy, his mouth on mine.  Before I was even fully awake, my instincts took over, and I opened my mouth and my legs to let him take whatever he wanted.

He can have anything he wants.

His leg shifted over mine and pushed it further apart from my other one at the same time that his hand slid from my pussy to cup my ass.  He lifted my ass slightly off the bed and demanded to know, “Your pussy ready for my mouth?”

Oh, god, I was more than ready.

“Yes,” I managed to get out.

He let me go, moving down my body until his head was situated between my legs.  It was still dark, and I couldn’t see his face clearly, but I could see his hunger.

My man needs me.

I shut my eyes and held onto the sheets as he flicked his tongue against my clit.


He used his tongue to get me wet, and then he pushed it inside me while he brought his finger to my clit.  Rubbing me with his finger and exploring me with his tongue, he brought me close to orgasm, and then he backed off, pulling his face away from me.


I reached down to grab his hair, showing him how desperate I was for his mouth.

He placed his hand on my stomach, splaying his fingers out before roughly dragging his hand down to hold my pussy.  “Jesus,” he murmured.  “I can’t fucking get enough of you, baby.”

I moved my hand to cover his hand on my pussy, and our eyes met as I said, “I can’t get enough of you, either.”

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness now, and I watched as he stared at me with heat.  “Fuck,” he said, before shifting our hands off me, and lowering his mouth back to me.

He gave me his tongue and his teeth, and, this time, brought me to orgasm.  As the sensations shot through me, my heart constricted, and I knew this was the moment.  The moment my feelings for Donovan took the leap off the cliff: a leap of complete faith that this man would hold my heart in his hands and cherish it forever.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Layla, we need to go,” Donovan said in his impatient voice.

My head snapped up from what I was doing, and I glared at him.  “Don’t use that voice on me.”

His brows quirked.  “Which voice?”

“Your hurry-the-fuck-up voice,” I muttered, and looked back down at the table where I was in the middle of fighting with plastic wrap to cover the salads I’d made.  Plastic wrap and I were not friends, and I was just about to throw it out of the fucking window.

Donovan moved towards me and stilled my hand by placing his over it.  His warm breath whispered across my cheek when he murmured, “Let me do it.”

I turned my head slightly to look into his eyes.  “How do you manage to piss me off and then make it all better in the space of two minutes?”

His lips brushed mine.  “Just talented, I guess.”

I shook my head at his cockiness.  “Okay, Mr Talented, hurry up, because we’re already running late and I don’t want to annoy your sister.”

He finished wrapping the salads.  “Something tells me Madison is gonna love you regardless,” he said as he picked up both the salads.

“How do you figure that?”

As he began ushering me down the stairs to go to the car, he said, “My sister has been giving me grief for a while to start dating again.  So you should probably expect an interrogation.”

I followed him to his car and waited while he opened the door for me.  “Oh, God.”

His hand rested on my arm, stopping me.  “Are you worried about this?”

There was no point lying to him, even though I would have preferred not to be this open so soon in our relationship.  “Not worried so much as feeling a little anxious.”  I held back the rest, hoping he’d let me off.


My eyes struggled to meet his, but he cupped my cheek and tilted my face up so I had no option but to look him in the eye.  “I want your family to like me, and I’ve never had that feeling before.  I’ve never given a shit if people liked me, so I’m a little rattled by it.”

His eyes glazed with the desire for me that was never far away.  When he spoke, his voice had that growly tone to it I liked, but at the same time, there was softness there.  “It means something to you that my family likes you?”

Butterflies fluttered in my tummy.  “Yes,” I whispered.

“Fuck, you’re something else,” he murmured.  “They’re gonna like you, and if they don’t, I couldn’t give a fuck.”

“Thank you.”

He kissed me and then asked, “We good now?”

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