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Page 53

I raised my brows at him.  “Where else would I go, baby?” I asked, sweetly, in the way I knew drove him wild.

Desire flashed in his eyes, and he gave me a quick shake of his head before leading Annie out of the office.

I waited for him on the couch in his office.  He’d worn me out the last few nights with his marathon sex sessions, and my body craved sleep.  I curled up on the couch and rested my head on the arm.  Donovan woke me with a gentle kiss.  My eyes flew open to find him crouched down in front of me, a smile on his face.

“Tired?” he asked, as he ran his hand over my waist.

“Yeah, someone keeps me up all hours.”

He lifted his brows in that sexy way of his.  “I bet he’s worth it, though.  Bet he knows what he’s doing.”

“I’m still not sure.  I think he needs some more time to prove himself.”

His hand gripped me hard around the waist, and he stole a rough kiss.  “He’d be happy to work on that now.”


I pulled his face back to mine and kissed him again.  When I ended it, I asked, “Did you really have something to tell me?”

“Yeah.  I’ve found someone to replace Damian if you’re still looking.”

“Absolutely.  Who is it?”

“My father’s wife.”

Confused, I asked, “What?”  Surely, I couldn’t have heard that right.

“Marcus’s wife, Sharon, is looking for a job, and I think she’d fit right in at your place; besides, she’s had plenty of experience working a bar and dealing with assholes.  She came to see me a little while ago, and we’ve been in touch since.  I think she’s finally thinking about leaving him, and I’m encouraging her in that.”

My man amazed me.  “Do you have any idea how fucking wonderful you are, Donovan?”

He scowled.  “No, I’m not.  I’m just trying to help a woman who has no fucking idea how to help herself.”

I smiled and kissed him.  “And that’s what makes you wonderful.  Now, shut up and fuck me.”

He didn’t have to be told twice.


The next day, Sharon Cole walked into my bar, and I knew Donovan had been right.  She was going to be a valuable addition to my team.  I spent a couple of hours talking her through how we ran the place, and when I had to step out the back to take a call, I wasn’t the slightest bit concerned she could handle the bar by herself.

Jess arrived at work later that afternoon, and we headed outside so I could catch her up on things while she had a smoke.  “How’s Sharon doing?” she asked.

“I think she’s going to work out.”

“Thank fuck, I was worried when Damian said he was leaving.  Just when we had a good thing going with the three of us.”

“I hear ya, babe.”

“And how did Annie do on her first day yesterday?”

“She didn’t say a lot, but she went back today without any complaints so I’m hoping that’s a good sign.  Donovan said she didn’t have any problems that he knows of.”

Her eyes lit up at the sound of his name.  Jess had a tiny crush on my man.  “Bitch, how the hell did you get so lucky finding a guy like him?”

“I’ve been through my share of shit, don’t you worry.”

She narrowed her eyes on me.  “Mmm, one day you’ll have to tell me about that.”  She stubbed out her cigarette and we headed back inside.

Sharon was deep in conversation with a woman at the bar while another woman stood listening.  They all appeared to know each other, and when I took a closer look, I wondered if she was Sharon’s daughter because I could see the similarities in them.  Which meant she was possibly Donovan’s half sister.

I made my way to the bar, and Sharon smiled at me.  “Layla, this is my daughter, Madison,” she said.  Then she indicated to the other woman and introduced us.  “And this is Velvet.”

Madison gave me a huge smile.  “Hi Layla, I’ve been dying to meet you.”

“Really?”  She was nothing like I’d imagined.  I’d figured the daughter of a biker president would possibly be a nasty bitch, so her friendliness surprised the hell out of me.

“Of course.  The woman who tamed my brother . . . but he’s been so damn secretive.”

I laughed.  “Tame Donovan?  I don’t think any woman could do that.”

“You call him Donovan . . . I love that,” she murmured.

Velvet joined in the conversation.  “I don’t think I even knew what his real name was.”

Before I could say anything, Madison said, “I’m having a BBQ next weekend.  I’d love for you and Blade to come.”

“I’d love to, but I have to work.”

“I’ll work for you, Layla, if you want to go,” Sharon offered.

I frowned.  “Won’t you be at the BBQ?”

“I don’t mind not going so you and Blade can go.”

Madison didn’t hide her excitement.  “Fantastic!  Not this Sunday, but the next at five o’clock.  I’ll see you then.”

They said their goodbyes and left.  I looked at Sharon.  “Is Madison always that excited?”

She grinned.  “When it comes to Blade, yes.  Those two have a special bond I can’t even begin to understand.  I think it’s perhaps because she gave him her love without any conditions when they finally met, and that wasn’t something he’d ever had before.”

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