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Shadow of Time (A Sample)

Page 34

"Sounds good. Where and when do we meet up on Saturday?"

Hannah looked around. "Why don't we talk some more and grab lunch somewhere? I brought my own lunch, but those peanut butter sandwiches can wait."

They got up and sauntered past the stores and cafés on the main street and found a place to eat. While Hannah was leafing through the library book about Navajo religion, Nick was scrolling through the playlist on Hannah's iPod. She was happy she'd met him. She felt completely comfortable around him.

"Would you like another drink?" she asked Nick. He was absent-mindedly staring past her to the other side of the street.

"You know what? There's a Navajo guy standing across the street keeping an eye on us."

Hannah felt her heart skip a beat. Oh help. She knew what was coming next.

"Hey, Hannah!" Ben's voice called out. She turned around and sure enough, her brother and Josh were coming toward them. "I phoned you and texted you," Ben continued when he got to their table. "Don't you have your cell with you?" He flopped down on the seat next to Hannah. Josh sat down next to Nick, a smile on his face but a guarded look in his eyes.

"I do. I just switched it off, I was in the library."

"We saw your car up the road," Josh said. "Have you been in Page for long?"

This was crazy. So he still pretended he hadn't seen her at the music store. "Since this morning. And you?"

"Yeah, us too."

"Let me introduce myself." Nick shook Josh's hand. "Nick Hartnett. I met Hannah in the library. I am working on my final thesis about the Navajo culture." He launched into a full-fledged saga about his dissertation, telling Josh everything about the research he'd done so far, while bombarding him with questions. Josh immediately got caught up in Nick's stories and didn't as much as glance at her anymore.

Okay, that was it. She'd had enough. First he completely blanked her at the record store and now he gave her the cold shoulder again. Distant much?

Ben had flagged down the waiter to order some food as well. He poked Hannah. "We should invite Nick for our barbecue tomorrow. So Josh and he can talk some more."

Hannah shrugged. "Yeah, whatever." For the moment, she didn't feel like being a part of any activity involving Josh anymore. He could go on running hot and cold without her getting in the way of his mood swings, for all she cared.

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