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Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)

Page 26

"All right. Thank you!" She listened to his footsteps fade away, then she peeked through the closed slats on the blinds that covered the window portion of her door. "Okay, the coast is clear."

"I guess you're not too angry," Gregori said softly. "You didn't turn me in."

She spun around to face him. "You know good and well I can't explain how you got here. And I'm not finished being angry with you."

"I know you're upset. It nearly killed me to see you crying. And it hurts to think about how much you've been suffering over the - "

"Please!" She held up her hands. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm mortified that I . . ." She pressed her hands against her hot cheeks. "I said terrible things."

"You spoke the truth."

She shook her head. "It was a pity party. My parents have always been good to me. I've never lacked for anything - "

"Except freedom."

She winced. "Well, we have to learn to live with the hand we're dealt."

His mouth thinned. "True."

So she lived without freedom and he lived without mortality. "You hurt me. I'm still in shock that you would betray me."

"I did not."

"Yes, you did! My mother doesn't want me to go to China. My dad is this close" - she lifted a hand with her forefinger and thumb pressed together - "to forbidding me to go. He's only allowing it because he trusts you to keep me safe. And what do you do? Tell him I'm safer at home!"

"You are safer at home."

She scoffed. "Why don't you want me to go? You don't want me to have any adventure in my life? Afraid I'll have some fun?"

He arched a brow. "I'd love to have some fun with you."

"Not funny. I'm still angry with you."

"I hear makeup sex is really hot."

"Good Lord, is that all you think about?" She waved a hand. "Don't even bother to answer that. But do me a favor and try to get past your overabundance of testosterone to understand that I'm trying to save my mother's life."

His eyes narrowed. "Try to get past your PMS to understand why I said what I did."

"How dare you bring up PMS!"

"My testosterone made me do it. Now why would a caveman like me suggest you remain safely at home?"

"Good question."

"And I've got a good answer." He stepped toward her. "I don't want you in a dangerous situation because I care about you."

She blinked. Then swallowed hard.

"I can't bear the thought of anything bad happening to you." He yanked the knot of his tie loose. "I think about you all the time. And not just about sex." He grimaced. "It's downright . . . strange."

Her heart squeezed in her chest. Was the poor womanizer in over his head? "You . . . care about me?"

"I care a hell of a lot." He gave her an exasperated look. "Couldn't you tell while I was kissing you?"

Heat rushed to her cheeks. "Well, it was certainly . . . passionate. But there is an obvious reason for that. You have a lot of experience, so it was simply indicative of a high level of expertise - " She stopped when he placed a finger on her lips.


"Yes?" she whispered against the pad of his finger.

"Think about it." He leaned close. "The kiss was passionate because I'm falling in love with you."

Her heart lurched, and she stepped back. "That - that's highly unlikely. We've known each other only a few nights."

"I started falling the minute I saw you on that balcony."

She gulped. She'd started falling the minute she saw him emerge from that limo. "Well, I have to admit that instant attraction is rather . . . instant."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and his dimple showed. "You ran into my arms last night. You kissed me back. Rather passionately, I might add."

Her cheeks blazed with heat. "That was last night. Tonight I'm angry."

"You're beautiful when you're angry."

"Don't think I can be swayed with flattery. The only reason I'm not screaming at you is because the guards would hear. I'm sorely tempted to slap that smile right off your face, but luckily for you, I'm exercising a great deal of self-control."

"I see." He nodded, his cheeks dimpling. "Then you'll be able to refrain from screaming when I bring you to climax?"

Her mouth dropped open. "What?"

He winced. "That was a little loud. I'm not sure you can keep from screaming - "

"I don't scream!" She scoffed. "I never scream."

"Then you've been with the wrong men."

Goose bumps skittered down her arms. "And you believe you are the right one?"

"I know it." He stepped toward her. "Your screamless nights are over."

Her heart thumped. "My, aren't we sure of ourselves."

"Must be an overabundance of testosterone."

She snorted. "Well, I'm not a pushover, you know. It's not easy to get me into the sack."

"We could always try the ceiling."

She laughed. When he grinned, she realized what he'd been up to. "You're just teasing me, aren't you? So I won't be mad at you anymore."

"Maybe. Maybe not." He slipped a hand around her waist. "Are you still mad at me?"

"I'm . . . recovering."

"I've always wanted to do this." He grasped the top button on her coat and gave it a twirl. "Laszlo gets such a kick out of doing this."

"Really?" She tilted her head. "Well?"

He shrugged. "Not much fun. Got anything else I can play with?"

She snorted. "You never give up, do you?"

"Not until I make you scream." He dragged his hand up to her neck, and she shivered. "Your skin is turning pink, your lips a dark, rich red."

She glanced at his eyes, and they were starting to glow. It was a heady feeling, knowing that she affected him so strongly. It made her heart race wildly. And her thighs squeeze together.

Desire swept over her, pulling her under like a drug. She'd never wanted someone this badly before. It wasn't like her to be so . . . mindless with passion.

Mindless? She shivered when he kissed her right below the ear. "Gregori?"

"Hmm?" He nuzzled her neck.

"You would never mess with my mind, right?"

He pulled back with a wary look. "What?"

"It's just that . . . I've never fallen for someone so fast before. It's not . . . normal for me."

"You think I'm making you like me?" He released her and stepped back. "I would have to force it on you? I'm not . . . likable on my own?"

She winced. "I didn't mean that. You're very likable. And charming. And more handsome than any man should be allowed to be."

His mouth twitched. "Okay. I'm buying that part. But you still think I'm making you fall for me?"

She frowned. If he was controlling her mind, then most probably she wouldn't have the ability to question it. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

He gave her a wry look. "If I was controlling you, we would be naked."

She laughed. "That's true. Forget I said it. I'm sure you would never mess with my mind."

A pained look flitted over his face.

She sighed. She'd really destroyed the mood now.

Her cell phone rang.

"Don't answer it," he grumbled.

"But it might be news about the trip."

"I want to be the one to tell you." He took her hand. "You're going. It scares the hell out of me. Scares your dad, too. But you're going."

Joy and relief burst inside her. "Oh, thank you!" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He held her tight, and she ignored the ringing cell phone. It felt so right in Gregori's arms. She nestled her head against his chest and listened to the pounding of his heart. If it wasn't for the fangs and the red, glowing eyes, she'd never know he was a vampire. And she was actually starting to like the red, glowing eyes. It made her feel powerful and womanly that she could cause his eyes to change.

Powerful and womanly - those were new feelings for her. She liked it. His super powers were exciting, too. Sex on the ceiling?

"All you need to bring is a backpack with a few clothes and personal items," he said. "We'll take care of the rest."

She smiled to herself. For once, she'd been thinking about sex and he hadn't. "Oh! You need the information on the plants." She hurried over to the safe. "I pinpointed the two most likely areas for finding them."

"That's good." He joined her by the safe. "Then we only need two base camps."

Just as she handed him the information, the phone on her desk rang.

He frowned. "They won't leave you alone."

"If I don't answer it, the guards will come to check on me." She picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Abby?" Her father's voice sounded agitated. "What are you doing at work so late? Why aren't you answering your cell phone?"

"Well, I - "

"I've sent Charles to pick you up. Your . . . your mother has taken a turn for the worse. The doctor is with her now. We may have to take her to the hospital."

Abigail swayed, and Gregori caught her. "I-I'll be there soon."

Her father hung up, and an icy cold wave shuddered through her.

Gregori took the receiver from her hand and hung up. "I could teleport you home in a second."

She shook her head. "They would know you were here." She touched his chest. "Send the men into China tonight. We need to leave as soon as possible."

Chapter Twenty

When Gregori returned to Romatech, he learned from Sean Whelan that the CIA director and president had approved of their A-Team. The two Vamps, J.L. and Russell, had already teleported the two shifters to San Francisco. Angus called to tell them to proceed with the plan.

The guys would teleport to Hawaii, then on to Tokyo. From there, they would call Rajiv's grandfather in the Yunnan province and use his voice as a beacon so they could safely teleport into the province. The grandfather's tribe of were-tigers lived along the Mekong River, and they had agreed to help the team find bases that would be safe for the Vamps during the day.

Once the two bases were established, they would teleport supplies in from Tokyo, and Gregori would start the process of teleporting Abigail west. Angus and Robby intended to go with them as far as Tokyo. Along with Japanese operative Kyo, they would remain on standby in case something went wrong with the A-Team.

In the security office at Romatech, Gregori, Emma, and Angus looked over Abigail's notes to determine the areas she wanted to check. The first was the eastern plateau region known for its many lakes and karsts, odd stone formations that resembled a forest of stalagmites. The second area was in the northwest, closer to Tibet. It was rugged and mountainous with rivers rushing through deep canyons.

Abigail was hoping to find an ancient plant along the Yangtze River. It would be a rough area for hiking, but they were more likely to find a cave there for their base.

Angus e-mailed the information to Kyo in Japan. "That's all we can do for now."

Gregori nodded. "If we're lucky, we can spend one night at each base, and only be in China two nights."

"We'll expect you to check in with us in Tokyo every two hours," Angus said. "If we don't hear from you, we'll come looking for you."

"Good." Gregori stood and stretched. "I'll go to my office then. Get some work done." And hope that Abigail would call. She'd promised to let him know how her mother was doing.

Emma smiled at him. "Your mother told me that Miss Tucker was the one."

He groaned. "My mother talks too much."

Emma exchanged an amused glance with her husband.

"Are ye saying she isna the one?" Angus asked.

"I'm saying it's not easy." Gregori headed toward the door to make an escape. "The president isn't going to accept a vampire son-in-law."

"Ah." Emma's eyes lit up. "So you're considering marriage?"

Gregori gulped. "I didn't say that. I - I was speaking theoretically."

Angus grunted. "Well, lad, if she's good enough to bed, then she should be good enough to wed. Theoretically speaking, of course."

Gregori reached into his coat pocket and squeezed a stress ball. "Abigail and I are modern people. We're not tied to old-fashioned ideas of - "

"Och, I see. Ye're a generous soul, so ye plan to share her with other men."

"What?" The ball exploded in his pocket. "Shit." Now his coat pocket was full of baking soda.

Emma and Angus chuckled.

"Yeah, very funny." He stalked to his office. Tossed the exploded stress ball into the trash can. There was no message on his phone. He had Abigail's number now, since she'd phoned him earlier, so he called. No answer, so he left a short voice message. Call me.

He worked for an hour. Still no phone call. He teleported to his condo, showered, then threw on some jeans and a T-shirt. No call, no message. He sprawled on the sofa to watch DVN and guzzled a warm bottle of blood.

His Droid buzzed. Finally a text message from Abigail: My mom is stable now, still at home. It's late, so going to bed.Good night.

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