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Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)

Page 13

Her eyes widened. "Really? I guess that means you're" - she lowered her voice dramatically - "one of them."

He winked. "You bet your sweet blood type I am."

She giggled and leaned close to Abigail. "Isn't he cute? He's just like Denzel, but younger."

"He can hear you," Abigail muttered.

Josh and Charles quickly introduced themselves, then Charles hurried off to retrieve the limo from its special parking place. While they waited, Josh called their father and gave him a brief update.

"This is my sister, Abigail," Madison introduced her to Phineas. "She's a doctor, too. What is your area of expertise, Dr. Phang?"

"I'm the Love Doctor. Everyone turns to me with their romantic queries, and now our world is full of happily married couples."

Madison gasped, then whispered, "You mean your . . . kind like to get married to each other?"

"Actually, most of the guys have hooked up with luscious-looking mortal babes." He smiled. "Like you."

Madison gasped again, then gave Abigail a wide-eyed, excited look. "Did you hear that?"

"Don't even think about it," Abigail whispered, casting a nervous look at Josh. "Dad would kill us."

"No, he would kill us," Gregori said softly.

Abigail met his eyes for an electric second before he looked away. Good Lord, was that why he was acting so distant? But if he was concerned about getting involved with her, then it had to mean . . . He's attracted to me.

A part of her was shocked to admit it. But another part, deep inside her, had sensed it from the beginning. The way he had looked at her, smiled at her, watched her so intently.

It's impossible, she reminded herself. And thankfully, he knew it was.

Still, it might make traveling with him a bit awkward. She slanted a look at his expensive suit. Could he rough it in the wilderness? His super strength and other abilities would certainly come in handy, but what about his liabilities? What happened to him during the day? What happened if he ran out of bottled blood?

"Charles is pulling up now," Josh announced. "Let's go."

They stepped out onto the sidewalk on Park Avenue. The night air was chilly, so they hurried to the waiting car.

A flash of light blinded Abigail, and she lifted a hand to shade her eyes.

"Madison! Give us a smile!" A paparazzo eased closer, lifting his camera for a second photo.

"Quickly." Josh opened the door to the Suburban limousine and ushered Madison inside.

The paparazzo halted suddenly, and his face went blank. He raised his camera overhead and hurtled it to the sidewalk. It smashed into pieces, but his face remained expressionless.

Good Lord! Why would he destroy his own camera? A crazy thought screamed through Abigail's mind. He was forced to.

She spun toward Gregori, but stumbled in her high heels. He caught her, grasping her arms.

She planted her hands on his chest to keep from falling against him. "Did you do that?"

"Do what?" He leaned closer and whispered, "Are you all right?"

The feel of his breath against her cheek made her heart pound wildly. Dammit, he could probably hear it. Her gaze lowered to her right hand. Was that a heartbeat?

She splayed her hand more firmly against him. Yes! She could feel it. She pressed an ear against his chest. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. He had a heartbeat! It was a bit fast. Like hers.

He cleared his throat. "We're being watched."

She jumped back and discovered him looking at her with glittering green eyes. Phineas was grinning at her. Josh was frowning. "It's okay. I was checking his heart. In the interest of scientific research."

"You want to check mine, too?" Phineas asked. "You gotta do a thorough job on your research, you know."

"That's enough. Let's go." Josh motioned for Phineas to get in the limo. After the young Vamp climbed in, Josh leaned into the vehicle to tell him where to sit.

Abigail glanced back at the paparazzo. He was still standing there, his face blank. A chill crept down her spine, and she turned back to Gregori. "You have psychic powers, don't you? And you're not really dead."

He looked around the busy sidewalk. "Let's not discuss it here, okay?"

He wasn't denying it. She had to be right.

She took a wobbly step toward the limo, then realized her hands were empty. "My purse!" She spotted it on the sidewalk, then leaned over to get it.

"I've got it." Gregori picked it up, then froze, his head turned toward her.

She gasped. Her shawl had slipped off her shoulders, and her breasts were practically falling out! She jerked to a standing position and pressed a hand to her chest. Oh God, she'd given him an eyeful.

And why was he straightening so slowly? Was he checking out her legs? He continued to straighten, his gaze inching up her dress to her neckline. Her face grew hot. Good Lord, she knew she shouldn't have worn this dress.

She cleared her throat. "My purse?"

His gaze shifted to her face, then to his hand as if surprised to find the purse there. "Here."

She took it. "Thank you." With hot cheeks, she hurried to the car and sat on the long side seat next to Madison.

Josh and Gregori climbed in. As they drove away, she heard the paparazzo bellow in outrage.

He must have been released from Gregori's mind control. She glanced warily at him. How often did he play with people's heads? Her gaze wandered to the shiny chrome-plated ceiling of the limo. She could see her own pale face reflected, but not his.

With a shiver, she wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders.

"Hey, Snake." Gregori greeted the huge bouncer outside the plain black door at the end of a dark alley.

The bouncer grunted and narrowed his beady eyes. Gregori assumed he was called Snake since he had a snake tattoo that curled up his neck onto his bald head, but he'd never asked. Snake was not a talkative guy.

The bouncer sniffed and curled a lip. "Mortals."

Gregori nodded. "They're my guests for the evening."

Snake grunted. "You know the rules." He opened the door and let them in.

"What rules?" Josh asked as he entered with Gregori.

"It's nothing," Gregori lied. It wasn't unusual for a Vamp to bring a mortal boyfriend or girlfriend to the club, but when their relationship ended, the Vamp was supposed to erase the mortal's memory.

"What rules?" Josh asked again as he scanned the room.

Gregori sighed. He'd have to make something up. "We're not supposed to let mortals drink blood. It tends to make them sick."

Josh nodded, apparently accepting the story. As the girls filed in, he remained close to them. Charles moved toward the center of the empty dance floor, then he pivoted, scanning the room.

It was a rectangular room, simply designed with a wooden dance floor in the middle, flanked on each side by small round tables and wooden chairs. On the right wall, the DJ stood behind his counter. A long bar ran the length of the left wall, and only one bartender was on duty this early in the evening. About two dozen Vamps were at the round tables, quietly chatting and sipping blood from wineglasses. On the far end of the room a few couples were cuddled up in half-moon-shaped booths upholstered in tufted red velvet.

Slow music was playing, but no one was dancing. The crowd was smaller than usual, and more subdued. Vamps probably didn't feel like partying, not with the Vampire Apocalypse hanging over their heads.

"This is it?" Madison frowned as she looked around. "It looks so normal. Even the people look normal."

What was she expecting? A naked Roman orgy? "It's only nine-thirty," Gregori explained. "Things don't really heat up till about three when most Vamps get off work and the West Coast crowd starts teleporting in." He didn't want to admit how worried Vamps were.

Madison sighed. "The music's turned down a little low."

Gregori nodded. "We have sensitive hearing. If the music's too loud, it could be painful for us."

"I like it this way." Abigail glanced at her sister. "We'll be able to hear each other talk."

She was avoiding looking at him. Great. He was supposed to keep the girls happy but Madison was disappointed and Abigail was freaked. He could hardly blame her. First he'd scared her by using vampire mind control on the paparazzo. Then he'd embarrassed her by ogling her sweet body. And finally he'd frightened her on the ride over. He didn't reflect in the limo's chrome-plated ceiling, but he could see in it, and he'd watched her shudder and recoil in horror.

"I'll talk to the DJ," Gregori offered. "Phineas, why don't you escort the ladies to a booth?"

"Sure. Ladies?" Phineas led them across the dance floor to a red velvet booth, with the Secret Service men following close behind.

"Hi, Gregori!" Two Vamp women waved at him from a table close to the DJ.

He waved back. They looked familiar. He'd probably danced with them before. The blond one was Prudence? Prunella? He'd called her Pru. "Hi, ladies. You're looking lovely tonight," he said on his way to the DJ.

They giggled.

"Hey, Gregori!" The DJ shook his hand.

"How about some real music?" Gregori asked, slipping a fifty-dollar bill on the counter. "And some lights. The whole show."

"You got it, dude." The DJ punched some buttons.

The house lights grew dim, the sparkly disco ball started spinning, and red and blue laser lights darted across the room. Fast-paced, thumping techno music filled the room.

The two Vamp girls jumped to their feet, clapping their hands. They lunged toward Gregori and latched onto his arms.

"I say, Gregori!" Pru said in a British accent. "Be a good sport and dance with us."

"Si," the other said with a Spanish accent. "You are so hhhhot!" She said her h sound as if she was coughing up phlegm.

"I'm sorry, but I'm with that party over there." He motioned with his head to the booth Phineas had chosen, and noticed that Abigail was watching him. Sheesh. Ten minutes ago she didn't want to look at him, but now she was eyeing him like a hawk.

"But that's hardly fair," Pru objected. "Those two girls have three men with them, and we don't have any."

"And we want you 'cause you are so hhhhot!"

"Sorry." He untangled himself from their grip. "Another time, all right?"

Pru stuck out her bottom lip. "That's what you said the last time."

He had? He strode across the dance floor to the bar.

"Hi, Gregori!" Two Vamp women seated at the bar grinned at him.

"Hi, ladies." He smiled back, then turned to the bartender. While he ordered drinks, the two women sidled up close to him.

"Want to drink with us again?" one of them asked. "We had so much fun last time."

When was that? He couldn't remember. Eighteen years had flown by since he'd become a vampire. What if his mother was right? What if he was taking eternity for granted and wasting his time? He'd been playing around for years. With so many women. He couldn't even remember these girls' names.

He'd always told himself he was doing the Vamp women a favor, keeping them entertained. But didn't they deserve a real friend who could remember their names?

This sort of thing had never worried him before, so why this sudden change of heart? He glanced at the booth and found Abigail still watching him. Shit. That was the problem. She was studying him like a newfound species. And he wasn't sure he liked what she was discovering about him.

"Sorry, another time." He grabbed the two martinis and headed toward the booth.

He set the drinks in front of the ladies. "They have just a few mortal drinks here. These are apple martinis."

"Wonderful!" Madison took a sip and smiled. "It's delicious! And I love the lights and music. Thank you."

"Would you like to dance?" Phineas asked.

"Oh yes!" Madison jumped up and strode onto the dance floor with Phineas.

Pru and her friend joined them, and then a dozen more Vamps moved onto the floor. Madison laughed and twirled around, clearly delighted to find herself surrounded by flashing lights and dancing vampires.

Gregori sighed with relief. At least one of the girls was happy now.

He turned back to Abigail, who was fiddling with the stem of her martini glass. "Would you care to dance?"

She shook her head. "No thank you."

"Is your drink all right? I can get you something nonalcoholic, if you prefer."

She glanced at him with a shy smile. "A Diet Coke would be nice. Thank you."

"Coming right up." He strode back to the bar, but more Vamps had arrived and he had to wait in line.

He glanced back at Abigail, sitting alone in the booth. She should be all right. If a male Vamp tried to make a pass at her, one of the Secret Service guys, standing nearby, would stop him.

She'd wrapped her shawl around her shoulders again to hide her breasts. Her perfect, luscious breasts.

He clenched his fists. Don't think about her breasts. Or her legs. Or her pretty eyes. He couldn't afford to have his eyes turn red. It might scare the hell out of her.

"Gregori!" One of the girls at the bar latched on to his arm. "You came back for us!"

"I'm just getting drinks." He pulled his arm free, then glanced over at Abigail. What the hell? Pru and her friend were sliding into the booth next to Abigail.

Phineas was busy dancing with Madison so he hadn't noticed. Secret Service man Josh was talking on his cell phone, probably reporting to the president. Charles was watching carefully, but he didn't advance.

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