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SEX - Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English

Page 30

Girls marry, in the final analysis, because love for the male is an

innate natural principle of the female nature. At its best this love

is pure and chaste. The good woman realizes that its first purpose is

not mere carnal pleasure. It is a special avowal of the wife's

relations to her husband, and its natural as well as moral end is the

establishment of the family on the basis of a healthy progeny.


The wife-to-be, like her prospective husband, will be well advised to

ask for a medical health certificate. No man, no matter how good his

reputation may be, should marry (on his own account as well as that of

the girl) without thorough examination by a physician. The

consequences of venereal infection administered to unborn children by

their parents are too horrible to allow of any risk being taken.

Another bit of advice, which cannot be too highly commended, is that

the prospective husband and wife, before they marry, have a plain talk

with each other regarding individual sexual peculiarities and needs. A

heart-to-heart talk of this kind would be apt to prevent great

disappointments and incompatibilities which otherwise may become



The natural instinct of a man is to seek his mate. On her he depends

for an orderly and lawful indulgence of his sex demands. The greatest

longevity and best health are to be found among happily married

fathers and mothers. No young woman should marry without a full

knowledge of her sex duties to her husband. And she should never

consummate the marriage vow grudgingly.


Childbirth is the natural consequence of marriage. Its processes have

already been explained in Chapter II of this book. There are, however,

some hygienic facts in connection with it which should be noted. Once

pregnancy is established, as soon as the fact is suspected, the

mother-to-be should look on the little embryo as already a member of

the family. Every act of each parent should now be performed (at least

to some degree) with reference to the forthcoming infant. The mother's

thoughts should be directed to it as much as possible. Mentally she

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