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SEX - Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English

Page 27

code of the cynical young pleasure-seeking male is summed up in the

cant phrase anent women: "Find, ... and forget!" It is these girls,

who are victimized by their lack of self-restraint or moral principle,

their ignorance or weakness, who make possible the application of such

a maxim.


Both mental and physical purity are rightfully required of the young

girl about to marry. How shall she acquire and maintain this desirable

state of purity? The process is a simple one. _She must let a

knowledge of the true hygienic and moral laws of her sex guide her in

her relations with men._ She must cultivate clean thought on a basis

of physical cleanliness. She need not be ignorant to be pure. Men she

should study carefully. She should not allow them to sit with their

arm about her waist, to hold her hand, to kiss her. No approach nor

touch beyond what the best social observance sanctions should be

permitted. Even the tendernesses and familiarities of courtship should

be restrained. An engagement does not necessarily culminate in a

marriage, and once the foot has slipped on virtue's path the error

cannot be recalled. These considerations, together with those adduced

in the preceding section, "Why Young Girls Fall," are well worth

taking to heart by every young woman who wishes to approach matrimony

in the right and proper way.

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