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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

Page 38

Sierra was in a permanent relationship with two men, and they all three shared one another while Sam was married to Logan and they had recently invited Tag Murphy as a third in their relationship. The ménage thing must have something going for it because her friends seemed incredibly happy. All the time.

“When you say dominating, I’m assuming you’re talking about in the bedroom.”

“Does it have to be in the bedroom?” Ashleigh said with a sigh of disgust.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that Alex –“ Realizing what she was about to reveal, Ashleigh closed her mouth tight.

“Holy shit.” Sam squealed. “You did it, didn’t you?”

Ashleigh knew her face was as red as the checkered squares in the ugly tablecloth on every table in the restaurant, but she couldn’t stop herself.

“Tell me.” Sam insisted, taking a sip of her water.

“Yes.” Ok, so there it was. She’d admitted to her friend that she’d done the deed. Now she just needed to get some perspective on how to fix it.


“And what?” Ashleigh asked, confused.

“How was it?”

“Off the charts amazing.” That was the honest to God truth. Every time was better than the last, their bodies were so in tune with one another, Ashleigh was convinced they’d each been created with the other in mind.

It wasn’t that the sex was lacking, it was the spontaneity. Ashleigh would never get enough of Alex, but she wondered if they’d eventually get bored with one another.

“So why do I get the impression there’s a but in there somewhere?”

“It’s just that...” Ashleigh didn’t know how to say it.

“What? Is it boring? Is Alex bad in bed?”

It was her turn to laugh. “Hell no. He’s amazing. It’s the bed part that I’ve got a problem with.”

“Is there something wrong with his bed?”

“No. Not necessarily.” There wasn’t anything wrong with the bed per se; it was the fact that it was the only place he seemed to want to be when they had sex.

“Ok, spit it out.” Sam said, sitting back in her chair and looking far too serious for the conversation they were having.

“I think he’s worried he’s going to break me when we have sex. At first, before the first time, he was the same Alex I’ve always dreamed about. Commanding, dominating, sexy as hell. And then bam! We have sex for the first time, and he’s treating me like I’m blown glass and one wrong move and I’ll break into a million pieces.”

“So that’s why you wanted to know what it’s like with Logan.” Sam put two and two together. “From the impressions I’ve always gotten from Alex, he’s pretty dominating himself. Is that not the case?”

“That’s what I thought too. That was part of my original attraction to him. I’m beginning to think I have some misconceptions on what it means to be controlled.”

“I’ve read your books; you’re certainly right on the money.” Sam smiled but then looked serious again. “Did you tell him you were a virgin before you slept with him?”

“Um, no. But I don’t think he had any problems figuring that out.”

“Ash, I think it’s safe to say he’s just scared. He’s the only man you’ve ever been with. And my guess, since he’s a member of the club, he’s got some pretty kinky fantasies. He’s just worried that you won’t be able to handle it.”

Ashleigh was immediately taken back to ten years earlier when Alex had all but told her that exact same thing. “How do I make him realize I won’t break? I mean shit, he’s read my books. He knows what I think about.”

Sam grinned that sly grin of hers. “I think it’s time you showed him.”

It did not take long for Ashleigh to come up with a plan. That was one of her specialties, remember? Well, in order to execute the plan, she had to get Alex to show up at her house. Since she was trying to make it a surprise, she left him a voicemail, as cryptic as possible but getting to the point.

He needed to be at her house. As soon as possible.

She’d been sitting on the back deck enjoying the fairly warm February evening, again working on her most recent novel when she heard his truck pull down the driveway. When the butterflies erupted in her belly, she forced herself to remain sitting where she was though that was nearly impossible, and the trembling in her legs proved it.

The front door was unlocked, so hopefully he would either come through the house, or walk around the way he did before. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he didn’t think she was home and decided to leave.

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