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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

Page 21

Dylan continued before Alex could contribute. “We’ve got all the installers we need, and I want to hire someone to manage them, but I need some folks driving sales. What do you think?”

“I think this is the reason I wanted you to go in business with me, man. You’ve got great ideas and the direction you’re going is one I wish I had time for before now. Do you have any candidates for the sales positions?”

“I’ve got one. Guy named Jake. I went to school with his aunt. If you know of anyone, send them my way. I’d like to get them hired by the end of next week if possible.” Dylan’s voice had gained a significant amount of confidence.

“I’ve got a couple, actually.” Alex added.

This was the Dylan Thomas he had known before his wife had succumbed to cancer eight long years ago. The man who stopped at nothing to accomplish his goals. The man who was like the Energizer bunny… kept on going because each idea was bigger and better than the one before.

“Alex, I want to thank you.” Dylan interrupted Alex’s thoughts, surprising him.

“For what?” Alex asked. “I should be apologizing –”

“Don’t.” Dylan stated adamantly, his tone containing none of the laid back country boy that Alex was used to. “I needed this. I need to get on with my life. Moving was the first step, which I can thank my sister for. Speaking of…”

Oh shit. Alex hadn’t expected the sudden topic change, and he wasn’t quite ready to talk to Dylan about his little sister.

“I’ve heard you and Ashleigh are seeing each other.” The laid back, country drawl was present once again. Alex wasn’t deceived by his friend any more than he was by Xavier when he pulled the same stunt.

“We’re seeing each other.” Confirming Dylan’s statement, Alex wasn’t willing to go further. “Trust me, man. You don’t have to warn me off of her. I’ve been doing it for years. I can only promise you that I won’t intentionally hurt her. As for anything else, I don’t know, but I’m going to see where it goes.”

Dylan laughed, making Alex’s back straighten.

“Man, I was just gonna ask whether you were taking her to Luke’s reception.”

Fuck. Way to speak out of turn, McDermott.

“But now that you mention it,” Dylan began, “I trust you have her best interest in mind. She’s my little sister, and I’m protective of her, but you already knew that. I don’t want her hurt, but she’s also a big girl who can take care of herself. You won’t see me trying to interfere.” Another laugh. “But I can’t say the same for Pops. You know he’s going to be all over this as soon as he gets word.”

Oh, Alex was more than aware of what Xavier would have to say as soon as the news got out. Even if Xavier did have a hand in pulling the two of them together, he’d still have something to say.

Alex didn’t look forward to that day.

Chapter Nine

Ashleigh no longer had to worry whether her cell phone was working or not. The call from her agent proved that it was. Even though her original excitement over who might be on the other end had been doused when Madeleine’s sweet voice echoed through the speaker, it had been renewed after five minutes on the phone.

Her agent was clearly satisfied with her last submission, the book about the horse and the barn owl that Ashleigh had pondered over for far too long. At least now it was out of the way, and she could move on to her current project.

This one was keeping her up at night, but not with worry. Her bout of writer’s block had long since moved on, and she was writing furiously, the pages all but writing themselves.

She had one man to thank for her renewed burst of creativity. At least where the sex was concerned. As it appeared, her hormones were roaring like wildfire, and she was able to conjure up some juicy, erotic scenes, which worked out well for her hero and heroine.

At least someone was getting laid these days because it certainly wasn’t her. But then again, she and Alex had come full circle in the dating game.

She had committed herself to making just as much of an effort as Alex, although, at times, she wondered if maybe she should resume life as she knew it before moving back to Dallas.

For the last few weeks, she’d been busy. Her social life had taken off like a jet airplane, which meant the time she wasn’t spending with her grandfather and niece and nephew, she was spending with Sam and Sierra. As for Alex, well, she hadn’t seen nearly enough of him in the last two weeks for her wellbeing, but more than enough for her sanity.

Apparently he had gotten a look at her list of things she wanted to do, and he was bound and determined to check off each and every one. There were a few items she hadn’t written on her list, and sometimes she wondered whether they just might get around to them as well.

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