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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

Page 19

“Me too.” She admitted when he didn’t continue. “But that doesn’t mean it’ll work out.” There were no guarantees, she knew, and just because they had spent years dodging one another, the thrill of the chase leaving them both wanting more, didn’t mean anything.

“I think we should start over.”

Staring out at the water shimmering in the moonlight, Ashleigh contemplated how they could do that. Starting over usually meant that everything in the past was to be forgotten. Her problem? She couldn’t forget the past. Even if he couldn’t remember it.

But sitting here beside him, Ashleigh was content for the first time in as long as she could remember.

“What if it’s not that easy?” Ashleigh asked him, the question weighing heavily on her mind.

“Why couldn’t we? We deserve to give this a chance.”

Give what a chance? The chemistry? Where would that leave her when it was all over? Ashleigh didn’t like the idea of giving in to this man for however long he was willing to have her only to be left wanting something she knew he would never give her.

Then there was the experience issue. Alex was so far out of her league when it came to experience with the type of sexual chemistry that pulsated around them when they touched. At twenty eight years old, it was difficult to admit it, but she was a virgin. The closest she had ever come to having intercourse had been with the very man sitting beside her, and they had never even gotten out of their clothes.

How would he handle knowing that? It wasn’t like she was going to tell him. Or maybe she should, just to gauge his reaction.

She couldn’t answer his question because she was confused. Confused and scared of her answer. Instead, she glanced over at him, “I really should be going.”

Alex nodded his head, acknowledging that, for now, the subject was closed. Before she could stand, Alex made his way to his feet, gently pulling her up by her hand until she stood nearly at his height on the steps.

“Just so we’re clear, I can be relentless in my pursuit of what I want.” Alex said calmly, quietly. “And I want you, Ashleigh. I’ve always wanted you.”

Ashleigh swallowed down her rebuttal, wanting desperately to remind him that he had been the one to push her away all those years ago. He had been the one to turn and run when she would have so easily given in to him.

“You don’t know anything about me, Alex.” She warned him, knowing that if he knew who she was, this would be all the more difficult.

“I know more than you think I do.”

But not the pertinent parts, she thought to herself.

“Let me walk you out.” Alex offered, taking her hand.

Surprising her yet again, Alex didn’t plant another soul scorching kiss on her before she left. Instead, he told her to expect the unexpected.

The good thing was… that was her motto.


Alex did as he promised, he gave Ashleigh space. How he managed, he still wondered.

For the last two weeks, he’d only seen her twice. Once they had gone to Club Destiny for drinks, which he’d practically had to beg her to do, and the other time, he had convinced her to go horseback riding.

If he never got on the back of a horse again, it would be too soon. Although there weren’t any mishaps, thank goodness, Alex much preferred to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground. Not have his ass perched on top of an animal that could crush him if his mood changed.

She had laughed at his obvious distaste, which as it turns out, only made him want her more. And hadn’t that been a swift kick in the ass. The staying away from her part was what got him the most.

Thankfully he’d been a little preoccupied with other things. First of all, work. CISS was eating up all of his time which had led him to finally reach out to Cole Ackerley. Admittedly, he needed help and Ackerley was one of the best in the PR department. Having him come onboard would reduce some of the stress on Alex.

Since Dylan wasn’t quite pulling his own weight, Alex was trying to cover that as well, which was beginning to pull him under. It wasn’t that Dylan didn’t have the necessary skills to succeed, but the man seemed to be lacking the motivation. And that was the reason Alex was taking the time to meet with Dylan for lunch.

“Table for two, please.” Alex told the hostess when he entered the restaurant.

Due to their conflicting schedules, Alex had opted to meet for a late lunch so they could be on neutral ground for the conversation that was inevitable. Since the restaurant was more or less empty, Alex didn’t need to request a table that would offer a little privacy.

The hostess seated him promptly, and he advised that he was expecting someone. When the waiter stopped by, he ordered two beers and then began checking his email on his phone while he waited.

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