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Second Harvest

Page 99

"It's easy Abe. When you hold it flat, like this, the needle points toward the north and the town is due east from here." Roy showed Abe how to position the red bar of the compass so that it aligned with the magnetic needle pointing toward north. Roy had Abe hold the compass and watch the needle swing around and point toward the north. Roy then took his arms and pointed out the compass directions "See where the 'E' is on the compass?"

Abe nodded.

"Go in the direction of East and you will find town"

Abe smiled "I think I understand."

"Take good care of these two things, they belonged to my grandfather's and I want them back. The rope I tied to your foot will let me know you're making progress. When you reach the top, untie the rope, but lash it to a rock or stick, then give it a good pull twice. That way we'll know you've reached the top. I'll tie a filled canteen to the rope and you can pull it to the top, so you'll have water."

Abe nodded again.

"Do you think there is enough rope, Roy?"

"I hope so, Sara."

"Roy, what if the bad men are still out there?"

Roy stared at Billy and frowned. "Your brother is right Abe. When you get up there, stay close to the ground and make no noise. Sit carefully and look around to see if those men are still here. If it's safe, you stand on top of the mountain, behind the cabin, you can see in all directions. Make sure it's safe before you go down."

"Abe, please don't take any chances and be safe."

"I will, Maw."

"Now, if it's safe to move about, stay close to the ridgeline behind the cabin and move east, but constantly keep a lookout for those men. About three miles from here, you'll find a footpath that will lead down to the bottom of the canyon which will be the road to town. Go directly to Tom, the blacksmith and have him get some men to open the tunnel."

"I understand Roy. I can do this."

Roy swelled with pride as he studied Abe. "You're one of the bravest men I know Abe and we're counting on you."

Sara kissed Abe. "I love you Abraham."

Roy grabbed Abe by the waist and placed the boy on his shoulders. "You'll have to start from up there."

Holding the boy's feet steady, Roy assisted Abe to reach the opening in the ceiling. Loose rocks and dirt trickled down into Roy's face. The opening was just big enough for Abe to wiggle into it with his arms straight up. The boy started grabbing anything to pull on while Roy pushed from below. Slowly, Abe disappeared up into the ceiling with more dirt and small rocks falling on the floor. Abe could not bend his knees so he had to use only his feet and hands, moving a few inches at a time. It was hard work. Several times he became snagged on rock outcrops or roots, forcing him to push through or back down and start again. Several times rocks and dirt would tumble from the darkened opening and cascade down on Roy and Sara. After an hour, the rope Roy was holding stopped moving.

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