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Second Harvest

Page 52

"Thank you, sir."

As soon as the lieutenant departed, Roy entered the commander's tent, snapped to attention, and saluted.

"Corporal Folsom reporting, sir, I have an urgent life and death matter to discuss."

Once the general returned the salute, he instructed Roy to sit and relax. "Now tell me, soldier, what's this all about and why couldn't you address this with your immediate supervisor." The general was upset by the intrusion, but Roy explained the details of the day's events, sparing no details or his violent actions. The general sat dumbfounded staring at Roy after hearing his story. The general paused to collect his thoughts. Turning his head, he called out over his shoulder.

"Colonel Smith?"

A gentleman poked his head into the tent. "Yes, sir."

"Take this man into custody. Do not put him in irons, or in prison, simply keep an eye on him until I return."

Scrutinizing Roy, the colonel replied. "Yes sir, I'll take care of it."

The general patted Roy's shoulder as he walked past him and outside the tent.

Several hours elapsed when a commotion broke out near the tent. Roy could hear multiple voices arguing in French. Then there were chains clanging, a loud thump, and painful groan. A person's head popped inside the tent.

"Colonel Smith, you might want to step out here, sir."

Roy followed the colonel out the tent door. An angry crowd of French villagers was milling about, carrying scythes, pitchforks, and an assortment of farm tools. In the center of their group of approximately fifty people, lay Sergeant Fassbender sprawled on the ground. He was chained by the neck to an ox's yoke and still naked from the waist down. Pinned to the flesh of his private parts was a large piece of note paper. In what appeared to be blood, someone had scrawled across the note, the word Violeur; which meant rapist.

A soldier spoke to the villagers in French and translated what they were saying in English to the colonel. Roy was suddenly frightened.

"Is he alive?" Roy asked.

Surprised to see Roy standing outside the tent, the colonel replied. "I'm not sure. Go wait inside, please." The colonel pointed to the tent.

A hearing in the village took place a month later. A French individual provided verbal translations for Roy and the other Americans. People from all walks of life and ages packed the town hall. Initially, Sergeant Fassbender had survived the blow to his head. Shortly after the doctor's treatments, his brain began to swell, and he suffered violent seizures. Despite the efforts of the doctors, Sergeant Fassbender eventually died in a coma after suffering multiple strokes.

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