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Second Harvest

Page 37

"Heard you were a chicken out there Stanley, at the hanging. Boo hoo poor baby. You had to vomit. It was so sickening," Robert taunted. Franklin stood nearby and started laughing.

Anger flared in Stanley. He started after Robert, but Roy stepped in between them.

"Oh, look at the big man defending the little girl," chided Robert.

Before anyone saw it coming, Roy doubled his fist and drove it straight into Robert's nose. The blow knocked Robert backward to the floor, blood gushing everywhere. Robert scrambled to his feet and ran out the back door, cupping hands over his bleeding face. Roy shook his fist at Franklin.

"You want some of this too?" Roy asked.

Franklin also turned and dashed out the back door.

"I could handle myself, Roy," whined Stanley.

"I know that, but this was payback for the train incident a few years back."

A firm hand slapped the shoulders of both boys. "Well now, I think that spanking was long overdue Roy. Thank you for putting Robert in his place," said Sheriff Dawson.

Roy shrugged and went back to sipping his root beer.

"Barkeep, the next round for these boys, is on my tab," said Sheriff Dawson. "I hope you two enjoyed that little spectacle outside a few minutes ago?"

"It was shocking and repulsive," said Stanley.

"It's meant to be. People need to witness someone dying like that, so they think about the hanging when they pull a gun on another human being. Killing someone is wrong."

"And what about you Sheriff Dawson, have you ever shot a man?" said Stanley with just a hint of indignation in his voice.

The sheriff's expression softened. "I have Stanley. It's not something I like to do, but it's also part of my job. I've only shot another man in self-defense. I'd rather arrest them and let the judge and jury condemn a man."

"Fair enough Sheriff, but I've never seen anything so gruesome. He just kept jerking and twisting." Stanley made an awful face and again turned green. Roy was confident Stanley would repeat his earlier performance.

With a serious expression, Sheriff Dawson firmly tapped his finger on Stanley's forehead. "Just make sure you never forget this day, boys." Sheriff Dawson then exited through the back door of the saloon.

"Way to go, cow-punching cowboy," slobbered the town drunk as he slapped Roy's shoulder.

Stunned, Roy glared at the man as he wobbled back to his chair. Several patrons started clapping.

"Oh, that's just great, now everyone thinks you're a hero," complained Stanley.

"Sorry about that Stanley, but I've been trying to settle the score with Robert since the day you were hurt. Today just seemed like the right time." Roy stuck out his hand. "Are we still friends?"

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