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Second Harvest

Page 24

It took them over an hour to locate both shoes and another three hours to hobble home. Roy walked straight to Stanley's house carrying his injured friend the entire tip. Mrs. Riddle was collecting freshly dried laundry when she eyed Roy stumbling with Stanley on his back.

"Oh dear heavens, what has happened to my poor Stanley. Lordy, Lordy, Lordy what on earth has happened? Richard, come here quick! RICHARD, I NEED YOU NOW!" she screamed.

When Mr. Riddle arrived, he was breathless. Upon glimpsing his bloodied son, Roy watched Mr. Riddle's face quickly turn white. Scooping Stanley off the ground, Mr. Riddle then ran for the house, with Mrs. Riddle immediately behind. Exhausted, Roy watched them vanish into their house and then he turned to head home.

"Roy Folsom, don't you move a single muscle," Mr. Riddle yelled from the porch. He again disappeared inside the house as the front screen door slammed shut.

Exhausted, Roy collapsed into a heap on the ground.

As the sun marched its daily cadence by cresting the eastern hills, a band of yellow light raced to chase the darkness toward the west. Roy's cold body was curled into a ball on the porch swing, tightly wrapped in a blanket. When the warm rays of the sun landed on Roy's face, he realized he had been asleep. He never remembered dozing off, and his last memory was he and Sara snuggling in the swing. Roy pushed into an upright position and looked around. Standing, he stretched stiff joints, closed his eyes and faced the warm sun.

"Ah, you're awake. Care for some coffee?"

Roy turned to face Sara and smiled. Even with her hair a mess from sleeping, Roy could not believe how beautiful she looked. She was still wearing the same while loose dress. He watched her return to the house. Minutes later Sara had a cup of hot coffee for each of them. Standing on the porch, they watched the day break. Sara slipped her arm inside Roy's and leaned against his side. It felt wonderful.

"Look how beautiful the desert colors are," Roy said. "The trees look very green. The sky is so blue." He glanced at Molly grazing on a small patch of bright green grass. Even the mule looks fantastic with her chocolate coat. Wait a minute, what's going on with me? Roy thought. What's happening to me? Why am I acting like this? Roy shook his head like a dog shedding water. Sara looked up at Roy.

"Is everything okay?"

"Sure, just trying to shake the morning cobwebs free."

"Do you need more coffee?"

"I'm okay for now. Thanks"

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