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Second Harvest

Page 119

Dix sneered and pulled his gun out pointing the barrel at Buddy's head. Dix bellowed again. "Okay, farmer. You want to save your stupid sheriff here. Come get him." Dix pulled the hammer back and placed his finger on the trigger.

Buddy squeezed his eyes closed and wet himself. Pretty-Boy started laughing. He slapped Buddy upside the back of his head. "You spineless fool. Can't you even die like a man?"

"That'll be enough Dix. Let him go!" Roy yelled.

While this scene unfolded, Roy had quietly slipped out the front door and was standing on the boardwalk, pointing the Winchester at the two men. Pretty-Boy quickly reached for his weapon and Roy pulled the trigger. The man's head split open splattering Dix in the face with brain matter and blood. Buddy screamed again and fell to the ground alongside the dead Pretty-Boy. Dix was startled by the shot and being sprayed in the face, but he recovered quickly. Roy ratcheted the Winchester with the next round ready in the fraction of a second.

Roy kept his rifle aimed at Dix. Pointing his gun at Buddy's head, Dix pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing happened. He kept pulling the trigger, but no shots would fire. He pulled out his other gun and repeated the same process. Buddy cried out each time the trigger clicked. Dix quickly opened the six-shooter, dumped the empty casings, and started ramming fresh bullets into the chambers. He never took his eyes from Roy.

Slowly walking to the edge of the boardwalk, Roy stepped into the street, with the Winchester still pointing at Dix's head. When he was about halfway across the street, Dix finished loading, pulled the hammer back and pointed the gun at Roy.

"Stupid farmer. You should have killed me when you had the chance."

Roy's movements were frozen. He watched the sneering face of Dix suddenly shift to a nasty smirk. Somewhere behind Roy he heard a click of a pistol hammer.

Sal and Billy had been making their rounds through the town when they heard the rifle shot. Sal looked at Billy.

"Keep searching. I'm gonna go back to Dix and check things out."

Sal ran back towards the bank. When Sal entered the town, he saw Roy slowly walking toward Dix and his rifle pointed Dix's head. Dix was scrambling to load his gun. Sal quietly snuck up behind Roy and pointed his gun. When he was about ten feet away from Roy, Sal pulled the hammer back ready to shoot Roy in the back.

Roy sighed.

"Drop it, farmer."

Roy slowly took his finger off the trigger and held the Winchester in the air with one hand. He was about to bend over and set the rifle on the ground when Roy heard a gunshot. He jerked, thinking he was the one who had been shot, and dropped the Winchester. When Roy looked down, there was no blood on his shirt. He twisted at the waist and saw Sal dead on the ground. Just as Roy turned back around, Dix pulled his trigger and fired two shots which grazed Roy's shoulder and the side of his head. He fell to the ground, pulled out his Pop's six-shooters and began blasting shots at Dix.

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