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Scandalous 2

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Chapter 34


He gives Gus a look that says tone it down, but Gus can't read his mind. The guy blurts out everything.

"The group that was here yesterday was driven in early in the morning on a charter bus. They were supposed to be here for a week, according to the news, but last night when they were on the way back to their hotel, a deer ran in front of the bus. It swerved and went off the road. Those things are top heavy, so it rolled."

Abby is pressing her fingers to her mouth hard. Jack hasn't felt her breathe since Gus started talking. Jack cuts him off. "Anyone killed?"

Gus finally gets it. He glances at Jack and then back at Abby. "A few. The rest are beat up pretty bad. They won't be back."

Abby stares at him, unblinking. Jack still doesn't feel her chest expand. He knows something is going through her head, but she doesn't speak. Abby seems to internalize what she feels and makes up her mind before letting a word fall from her mouth. Sometimes that's admirable. Other times, it just scares the hell out of him.

Jack tightens his hold around Abby and she finally inhales. She looks over her shoulder at him with grief strewn across her face. "This is horrible."

"They were horrible people, Abby." Kate says as she picks at her fingernail. "I thought you'd be happy." Abby and Jack stare at Kate. It's too quiet. When Kate glances at them, she waves her hands. Correcting herself, she adds, "That's not what I meant. I thought you'd be glad they weren't coming back. It's a black cloud with a silver lining."

Jack doesn't let Abby answer. She'll tell Kate there is no silver lining. He feels it. Jack segues, "Did you hear what happened last night?"

Gus and Kate shake their heads. Jack tells them about Jackson, still holding on to his wife. Abby stares blankly, all traces of laughter and life, gone. When he finishes, he adds, "Abby knew him. He was there for her when I wasn't. This has been hard on all of us, but it's crushing her."

"Jack," Abby says softly, trying to get him to stop, but he doesn't.

"We stayed here last night, but I think this entire thing is bigger than we thought. I want to take her out of town for a few days. Maybe the cops will have a lead by then. Either way, it'll make sure no one knows where we are. It'll give us some peace of mind." Jack speaks carefully, but he wants them to know what's going on.

They both nod. After a moment Kate says, "Does anyone else have the feeling that this isn't about the tour anymore?" She looks around, her shrewd eyes falling on each face.

They all nod, one by one. It's just a gut feeling. Jack's felt that way since the stabbing. That seems so far off from the normally peaceful protests, but that's what Brimstone does. They take normal people and sweep them into a frenzied mob mentality. They only problem with that is last night. Whoever did that to the car stuck around after the picketers left. Jackson didn't have to drive through them when he arrived. The bus had already pulled out. Something doesn't sit right. This feels personal, but Jack can't fathom what he did to bring it on. The thing is, now that Kate voiced that it seems like something else is going on, it feels more real. Maybe two things are happening at once? Jack doesn't know, but he can tell that every person standing in the room has the same sinking feeling.

Gus crosses his arms over his chest and asks, "Then, what's this about?"

Jack shakes his head. "I don't know. Everything is so intertwined - Brimstone, the protesters, the stabbing in Biloxi - and then again, maybe not. Maybe they all appeared that way by chance." His eyes rake the room, trying to think but nothing makes sense. The busload of people getting hurt was an accident. The stabbing and the car fire could be connected. The brick and the eggs they assumed came from the protesters, but those things aren't the same as physically hurting someone. But still... they could have stemmed from the same source. Without seeing who did it, there's no way to know.

Something doesn't feel right. The hairs on the back of Jack's neck prickle, like something bad is going to happen. Rage rushes through him, barely contained. This has to stop.

At that moment, Cara walks up behind everyone. "Should I open the gallery? I didn't know what you wanted to do today, in light of everything that's going on. There were some tours scheduled for later today." Jack turns and looks at her. Cara is meek and mousy. Her sleek brown hair is tucked behind her ears. She's wearing a coral suit with a slim skirt.

"It's up to you, Gus," Jack replies, looking at his friend. "We're not going to be around for the next few days. Do you think you and Cara can manage it?"

Gus runs his fingers through his sandy hair. "I don't know. My gut reaction is to say 'fuck them' and leave the gallery open, but I don't want to risk all that work right now. What if someone got in here? They could slash all your pieces and get into the studio."

"Can you hire a guard?" Abby asks. Everyone looks at her. "What? It's not weird. Considering how expensive everything is, I'm surprised you don't have one already."

Jack smirks and squeezes Abby tight. "I wanted one. Someone thought it'd be tacky." He glances at Gus, recalling a heated conversation about security a few years back.

Gus holds up his hands, "Fine. You've officially handed me my ass. This warrants a guard. I'll get someone out here. A guy owes me a favor. I'll have an armed guard here while the studio is open, but the guy is wearing a suit, not a uniform."

"Is there anyone who doesn't owe you a favor," Kate says, rolling her eyes. Gus opens his mouth. There's a smirk on his face. He loves fighting with Kate. The two of them lock horns like they're going to kill each other.

"Just do it," Jack says, cutting off any retort from Gus. Jack turns Abby around in his arms and looks at her face. Her eyes are still glassy, like they're full of tears. Taking his hand, Jack pushes the tears away with his thumb, skimming the bottom of her lashes. "I want you to stay with Kate for a little bit. I'm going to go and get us packed and make arrangements. I don't want anyone to know where we are. Stay on the property. You know why." Abby nods. He doesn't want to leave her, but they can get away faster if he does. A few phone calls while he packs their bags, and in an hour they'll be gone. Jack lifts his gaze and says to Kate, "Leave her alone and I'll rip your balls off."

Kate laughs one short, shocked laugh, her eyes wide. "I'm not that bad." She looks at both of them. When we don't correct her, Kate leans in close to Abby and asks, "Am I?"

Abby smiles sweetly at her and shrugs her shoulders. Kate looks shocked, like she has no idea what people think of her. Abby puts her arm around Kate's shoulder. "We'll chat while you go pack."

Chapter 35


While Jack runs off to make plans for us, I walk with Kate into the gallery. We pass Cara's desk, but it's empty. She must be getting things ready for the shows later. She's at the desk all the time and takes care of the phones and appointments. One of the sales girls will come in later to actually do the presentation. It'll be like the one Jack gave me all those months ago, minus the sexy parts. I smile, remembering.

"Stop thinking about Jack and help me! I thought I was a little bit bitchy, but I had no idea that I'd turned into a full-blown ballbuster? When the hell did that happen?" Kate is standing in front of a painting. Her arms are folded across her chest. She's all sharp corners and accusations. She'll hear anything but the truth.

Stepping toward the next painting, I say, "I heard once that we choose friends that complement our nature, that it helps round us out and make us better people. Being tough isn't bad. I'm severely lacking in that department. You - "

"If you say, you complete me, I'm going to bite your head off. I just will. I feel like a shaken can of PMS. I'm going to go batshit-crazy on someone. I feel it." Her hands are at her sides, but her fingers stretch as far as they can go. Kate's ready to explode. "I didn't realize I crossed the line."

"That's what I'm saying, ass cake, you didn't."

Kate turns to me and stares. Then she starts laughing like that was the funniest thing she's ever heard. Gripping her stomach she says, "Where the fuck did you learn to talk like that? You make cursing sound adorable." She laughs some more, which is what I wanted, and she finally starts to hear me.

"I took a correspondence course. Obviously, I failed." Kate snorts. "My point is that you are who you are, and Gus likes you anyway."

Kate doesn't round on me. Instead she nods. Looking at her hands, she says, "I like him. He doesn't want me to tone it down, like at all. He seems to like me best when I'm a category nine Kate." Glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, she smiles.

"You two work well together. He likes a challenge, you know. I bet he thinks he can tame you."

"Well, he's in for a hell of a surprise. This is me, tame. And apparently, I'm still in scary-as-hell territory." She sighs and looks at me. "Why are you my friend? I mean, I'm like the worst influence on you possible, and yet, here you are."

"Shut up, ass cake," I say, grinning at her. We step toward the next painting and I add, "I'm not hugging you, so stop looking at me like that."

Kate punches my shoulder and the subject shifts. "I'm sorry about your friend. I really am, Abby. I wish it hadn't happened."

"Did you see anything when you left?" I ask, wondering.

"No, everyone was gone by the time me and Gus took off." She's quiet for a moment, thinking. "There wasn't anyone."

I nod, wondering who's doing this to us. I wonder if it's the church I left behind, but this seems extreme, even for them. Besides, Dick likes his power where he can reach it. It can't be him. I wonder who Wrath is, and if he can see us here, now. It makes my skin crawl. I rub my hands up and down my arms, trying to chase away the feeling.

At that moment, Cara enters the gallery. "Abby, there's a package for you." She disappears. Kate and I walk to the front of the studio, to the lobby. Jack is in the cottage and Gus is in the conference room with the door shut, trying to get a guard out here.

"I'll sign for it. Jack ordered some supplies a few weeks ago. They probably want a signature."

"Why can't the new girl sign for it?" Kate says, following me.

"I don't know. Sometimes they want me or Jack. Are you seriously following me? I'm just going to the front door." I look back at her as I walk to the front.

"Jack was rather explicit, and I'd rather not piss him off. He's kind of scary when he's protective." I grin. "You like that, don't you?"

"Who wouldn't?" I smile at her over my shoulder. Cara is standing at the door, holding it open. A man in a brown uniform is standing by a huge box on the front steps. My mind takes it in, but nothing seems wrong. The larger packages always get delivered around back. The fact that he's waiting out front is the only indication that something's off.

As I step out the front door, Kate says, "Abby, I don't think Jack wants you to - " I hear a gasp and turn in time to see Kate crumple to the ground. Another man is standing next to her with a shiny black club. He pulls her aside, quickly dragging her off.

Just as I open my mouth to scream, two more men grab me and pull me off to the side. Pine trees block us from being seen by the people inside the studio, and we're too far from the road for the cops to see. I kick and struggle, trying to pull away, but they don't let go. My heart races wildly in my chest, but I don't think about anything but getting away. When we're far enough away from the house and still hidden by the tree line, they throw me to the ground. I fall hard, skinning my palms. Frantically, I look around for Kate, but she's gone. There's no sign of Cara either. I try to stand and run, but one of the men aims a gun at me.

"I wouldn't do it, if I were you."

I look at his face, but don't recognize him at all. "Who are you? What do you want?"

One of the men produces a branding iron. The tip is glowing red. He steps toward me and then stops suddenly, like someone sees him.

I turn and see Cara walking up swiftly behind us. I tell her to run, but she doesn't listen. She keeps walking toward us with an agitated look on her face. "What part of this didn't you understand? The brunette wasn't supposed to be touched. You guys mess up everything. Give me that." She snatches the branding iron from his hand and the man steps away, head down.

I stare at her. Time seems to slow. The look she gives me is so triumphant, so smug. She holds the hot iron in her hand and lifts the end toward me. "It's an 'A' for 'adulterer.' Maybe it's cliche to make someone wear an A on her chest for the rest of her life, but it seems fitting." The corners of her lips curl.

"It was you? You were the one who torched Jackson's car last night. You were the one who orchestrated the stabbing." My eyes flick to the side, but I don't run. Not with that gun so close.

"Maybe. Maybe not. People do all sorts of things when you ask them to." She smiles at me and looks at the iron in her hands. "I don't usually come out to this sort of thing, but when Jack's name came up in the paper, I had to come. And branding his bride will bring me nothing but pleasure." She steps forward, holding the iron like she's really going to brand me.

I step back. Panic laces through my throat. When I suck in air, I pause. The stench of smoke fills my head. I glance around, knowing it's nearby, but I don't see the plume. "What did you do?" I ask Cara.

She smiles broadly. "Making sure Jack gets what deserves. He didn't escape his fate this time, Abby. Jack was always going to burn." She steps closer. I try to back away again, but the man with the gun steps behind me. I can't move. Cara holds the branding iron over my heart and says, "Oh, and by the way, in case you were too stupid to realize it, I am Wrath, and today is Judgment Day." She thrusts the hot iron forward. It burns through my shirt and touches my skin. I flinch backward. It only made partial contact, but tears fill my eyes as a scream rips from my throat. "Hold her," she hisses.

Everything is happening so fast. I can see the smoke now. It's over the cottage. I have to get to Jack. I don't care if she burns me. I don't care about anything but him. I grab the hot end of the iron. It sears the A into the palm of my hand as I rip it from Cara's grip. There's a look of shock on her face. For a moment she does nothing. Tears streak from my eyes and I release the iron. The pain shooting up my arm is so intense, but all I can see is that smoke. Jack is in there. I take off, but one of the men grabs me. He throws me down and the other pins me to the ground. Cara returns with her iron. There's malice in her eyes. "It doesn't count if you do it yourself." Cara glances back at the large billows of smoke and smiles. "Looks like things are about to get good. You're little sweetie was in there, wasn't he? As soon as the flames hit the propane tank, I'm afraid you'll be all alone. Too bad you couldn't save him, isn't it?"

As she finishes the sentence, there's a loud explosion. The cottage. Jack. I can't move. I can't breathe. The man that has me pinned is looking at the big black cloud hanging over the studio. I turn my face and realize I'm close enough to bite him. I sink my teeth into his wrist. He releases me with a howl of pain. I twist to the side, but I don't get very far. I see flashing lights and know they're there. The police saw it, but in my heart, I know it's too late. She did something to Jack and left him inside. That's why she wasn't at her desk when Kate and I were in the gallery.

With the explosion ringing in my ears, something snaps. Instead of tears, I feel rage. I don't stop kicking, scratching, and screaming. When I'm twisted on the ground, Cara tries to brand me again. I grab the iron and smack the man holding my legs, hard. He collapses, muttering a slew of swears as he falls. The man with the gun looks at Cara and then back at me. He yells for the other man to get up. Everything happens so fast after that. I skitter away, keeping the iron clutched in my hand. The tip is cooling off, but it still glows dimly.

Cara stomps her foot and hisses, "Fix this, now, or I swear to God, you'll never work for me again."

Just as I get to my feet, I see hands reaching for me, but they don't connect. The man stops suddenly and his eyes roll back into his head. He falls forward. I jump out of the way and see Kate standing behind him with a brick in her hand. "Okay, where's the bitch that tied me up? This brick is for her." Kate's gaze locks on Cara. Her arm winds back and she hurls the brick at Cara's head. Cara turns to run, but the brick still connects. It smashes into her arm and we hear a loud crack.

The man with the gun turns and points it at me. Kate and I put up our hands and start saying, "Don't shoot." The man is large with big hands. His pale bald head is covered with sweat. Cara is gripping her arm, trying not to scream. She snaps at him.

The man slowly steps toward us, but says to Cara, "This isn't part of the plan. Last night you killed that kid, and he had nothing to do with this. Now you're doing it again. The mark was Jack Gray. We got him. Let's just get out of here." As he talks, he moves toward us. Kate and I stare at the barrel of the gun. My throat is so tight that I can't breathe. She grips my hand and I squeeze, thinking that he's still going to pull the trigger.

Then everything changes. There's an angry cry that comes from beside us. The man with the gun turns to look, but it's too late. A dirty figure races straight toward him. Kate and I drop. I finally realize what I'm seeing. The man attacking the gunman is smeared with soot. It's Jack. The gun goes flying through the air. Kate rushes forward on her hands and knees and grabs it. Jack's fists slam into the man below him over and over. His body is pumped with rage; his muscles are corded tight, ready to pop.

I run to him and pull him away. Jack takes me in his arms and holds me tight. He has a nasty gash where blood is dripping into his eye.

"Where the fuck is everyone?" Kate yells, turning on her heel. There are flashing lights, but they haven't found us yet. The property is big, but not that big.

Jack is coughing, leaning into me. "They're at the cottage. The explosion lured them all there."

Kate gets to her feet at the same time as Cara. The man Jack punched is breathing hard on the ground, and the one Kate hit with the brick still can't stand. There's a lot of blood dripping down his neck. Cara starts to back away, but Kate points the gun at her. "Where is Gus?" she asks, her voice shaky. "Did you kill him, too?"

Cara lifts her hands and holds them, palms out, toward Kate. She shakes her head. "I didn't have a problem with you or Gus. You both got in the way."

Kate steps toward her with murder in her eyes. "Tell me you killed him. Say it and I'll pull the trigger so fast - "

"Drop the gun," a male voice booms behind her. We all look, our hands going up slowly. It's a cop. Finally. Kate takes a deep breath and drops the gun to the ground. "Step away, Miss." The policeman has his weapon drawn. It's still fixed on Kate. She does as he says and he puts her in handcuffs and calls for assistance.

As soon as help arrives, the world goes blurry. I hear things, but they sound far away. When the police ask what happened, I feel so heavy that I can't stand up. I fall forward, slipping between Jack's burned hands and hit the ground. The grass feels cold on my cheek. I blink once and the world goes black.

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